similar to: TsayData

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "TsayData"

2007 Sep 25
fSeries Garch and Arfima Ox interface
Hello all, This is a request for help from somebody who has the Ox interfaces working in R. I am trying to get the Ox interfaces working for Arfima and Garch modelling. However, I am having several problems: 1. The link to download G at rch_v40 does not work. Does anybody have a copy to email to me please? 2. Various guides offer different instructions for installing Ox in the correct place
2006 Jun 16
Yahoo data download problem
Hi all R-Experts, I'm facing one problem in yahoo data downloading. I'm suing Windows XP, R 2.2.0, and i'm using yahoo.get.hist.quote function to download data. I need 500 companies of S&P index daily 'closing price' data for last ten years. My questions are: 1) I have all the ticker names of S&P 500 companies in a .csv format. I'm reading those names in R and
2006 May 11
Break Matrix
Hi All, I have a (331*12) matrix. I wan t to braek it into 28 parts each window having 12 rows, so that each matrix become (12*12) matrix. How can i do this. Thanks, Sumanta. --------------------------------- Send instant messages to your online friends - NOW [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 May 12
Basic function help
Hi All, Can you please tell me if i write a function, and want to return certain object, can "R" work on it? I know this works in S-Plus. function(x) { ....... a<-...... reaturn(a) } Does this work in "R"? Thanks, Sumanta. --------------------------------- What makes Sachin India's highest paid sports celebrity?, Share your knowledge on Yahoo! India Answers
2005 Oct 18
Hi All, Currently I'm working in FIGARCH process [Fractionally Integrated Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity]. I've already got the codes to do the process in S-Plus. Can anyone help me to do it in R? Thanks, SUMANTA BASAK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail may
2006 May 15
Object call
Hi All, I have a function like this: windowlength<-function(x) { mat <- matrix(rnorm(331*12),331,12) z <- rep(seq(0,331,by=11)+1, each=2) zz <- z[-c(1,length(z))] ind <-, nr=2)) lapply(ind, function(x) mat[x[1]:x[2],]) cat("For",x/4,"month i.e",x,"week, number of windows is = ",length(ind),"\n")
2006 Apr 20
Extract AIC, BIC
Hi All, How can extract AIC,BIC from a fitted Garch model? -- SUMANTA BASAK. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Mar 07
Boxplot Help Needed
Hi R-Experts, How can I show all the relevant measures like mean, median, min. value, max. value, outlier in a single boxplot diagram? Suppose I have a data set c(2,4,5,7,12,14,15,13,8,5,23,98,11) Sumanta Basak. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 May 08
Hi All, I,m trying to do a GARCH simulation in R 2.3.0 release in Windows XP. I've seen garchsim function but that is for garch (1,1) and ?garch gives an example for ARCH simulation. Can anyone help me how can i extend the help shown in ?garch to GARCH simulation? Please help me in this regard. Thanks, Sumanta Basak.
2006 Feb 08
Bloomberg Data Import to R
Hi R-Experts, Can anyone tell me how Bloomberg data can be directly downloaded to R? Is there any package? Sumanta Basak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged infor...{{dropped}}
2011 Oct 19
ar() - AIC and BIC
Hi, I'm slowly working through Tsay's "Analysis of Financial Time Series" 3rd ed. ?I'm trying to replicate Table 2.1 on p.47, which gives PACF, AIC, and BIC for the monthly simple returns of the CRSP value-weighted index. The data: > da <-
2006 Apr 28
Break into Parts
Hi R-Experts, I have a vector of length 72. I want to break it into 12 parts and want to take standerd deviation of each group. Please help me in this regard. Thanks, Sumanta. --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jun 12
R Book Advice Needed
I am new to using R and would appreciate some advice on which books to start with to get up to speed on using R. My Background: 1-C# programmer. 2-Programmed directly using IMSL (Now Visual Numerics). 3- Used in past SPSS and Statistica. I put together a list but would like to pick the "best of" and avoid redundancy. Any suggestions on these books would be helpful (i.e. too much
2006 Jul 04
Column Selection
Hi All, I have 500 variables time series data for 10 years data. I have sorted 10 out of them according to them. Now my group is giving character string. But i want to fetch those varaible data from theoriginal data. How can i do this? Suppose, total is the data of 500*1500 data. Now i sort 10 variables. >grp >"A41" "A48","A489" Now how can i fetch only
2006 Jul 11
Plot Date
Hi R-Users, First of all i apologize if this is too simple for you. I want to plot an index of which i have daily data for 10 years. I want to plot specific dates in X axis, like 20/05/91 20/12/92 20/07/94 etc..... and the index value in Y axis. Please suggest me. Thanks, Sumanta. --------------------------------- Find out what India is talking about on Yahoo! Answers India.
2009 Aug 23
study resources for time series?
Hi all, I am looking for study resources for (financial) time series? Hopefully I could find video lectures then it will reduce the learning curve. Thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 May 12
Help In Function
Hi All, I need a basic help from you. I've built a function like this, windowlength<-function(x) { z <- rep(seq(0,331,by=x-1)+1, each=2) zz <- z[-c(1,length(z))] ind <-, nr=2)) j<-lapply(ind, function(x) mat[x[1]:x[2],]) cat("For",x/4,"month
2006 Nov 17
Large data Problem
Hi R-Experts, I'm having a problem with reading a large data file which is in .csv format and size is 120 MB (app.). I was trying to use RODBC package but I found RODBCconnectExcel function only. And can I convert this file to .dbf format? How can I read this file? And also let me know if this was a file in .sas7bdat format, what should I do? Thanks in advance.
2006 Apr 06
Sort Problem
Hi All, I have certain combinations for which I have some value, e.g. 0 1 20 0 2 15 1 1 40 1 2 52 Now I need to sort this list for which I'll get the combination against the lowest value. In this case, 15, and the combination will be 0 2. -- SUMANTA BASAK. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jan 03
Hi All, Currently I'm using DSE package for Kalman Filtering. I have a dataset of one dependent variable and seven other independent variables. I'm confused at one point. How to declare the input-output series using TSdata command. Because the given example at page 37 showing some error. rain <- matrix(rnorm(86*17), 86,17) radar <- matrix(rnorm(86*5), 86,5) mydata <-