similar to: missed ylim from plot.default

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "missed ylim from plot.default"

2007 May 13
suppressing outliers in ggboxplot
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2007 May 13
adding custom details to ggplot subplots
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2006 Jun 04
strange (to me) ncolumns default value in 'write'
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2009 Mar 03
behavior of squishplot in TeachingDemos
Hi list, I wonder if anyone has had this experience with squishplot() in the TeachingDemos package. Taking the example from the ?image help page, library(TeachingDemos) x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano)) y <- 10*(1:ncol(volcano)) layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE),height=c(2,1)) ## 1st plot op <- squishplot(range(x),range(y),1) image(x, y, volcano, col = terrain.colors(100)) par(op)
2006 May 18
extracting values from data.frame given arbitrary keys
Hi all. I have a pure R programming question. Having a data.frame with a 'data' variable and some (>1) ID variables (either numeric or factors), I would extract a sequence of data values given a sequence of ID values. Here's an example. Build a dataset: n1 <- 5 n2 <- 2 v1 <- rep(factor(1:n1),2) v2 <- rep(1:n2,5) x <- rnorm(10) dat <- data.frame(x=x, v1=v1, v2=v2)
2005 Sep 25
getting variable length numerical gradient
Hi all. I have a numerical function f(x), with x being a vector of generic size (say k=4), and I wanna take the numerically computed gradient, using deriv or numericDeriv (or something else). My difficulties here are that in deriv and numericDeric the function is passed as an expression, and one have to pass the list of variables involved as a char vector... So, it's a pure R programming
2005 Sep 21
ts.intersect bug?
This code gives an error: a <- ts(1:10, start=0, freq=10) b <- ts(1:10, start=1, freq=10) ts.intersect(a,b) This one works normally (and correctly): a <- ts(1:10, start=0) b <- ts(1:10, start=1) ts.intersect(a,b) Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo. P.S. How to switch off italian error messages to post on r-help? > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os
2007 Dec 04
Wishlist: mention Vectorize in 'outer' man page (PR#10490)
Full_Name: Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo Version: 2.6.1 OS: linux Submission from: (NULL) ( In 'outer' man page, there is no mention of the Vectorize function. Moreover, I think it isn't underlined enough that the FUN argument to 'outer' must be a vectorized function (doc speaks about a function which has to 'operate elementwise'). A cross-reference from
2007 Nov 24
unexpected result from reshape
Hi all. I have unexpected reshape results on datasets with certain variable names. Here a reproducible example: d <- matrix(seq_len(7*7), 1, 7*7) vnames <- c('acc','ppeGross','CF','ROA','DeltaSales','invTA','DeltaRevDeltaRec') varying <- unlist(lapply(vnames, paste, 1:7, sep='.')) d <- data.frame(d) names(d) <- varying
2006 Mar 15
variance from correlated observations
Hi all. A statistical question. I have to estimate the variance of the sum: X(1) + X(2) + ...+ X(n) from an observed sample, where X(i) are *correlated* and not necessarly identically distributed. Someone can suggest a simple strategy (I hope by exploiting some already present R package) for obtaining such estimate from an observed vector X[1:n]? Tnx all, Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo.
2005 Dec 13
bug in geoR (?)
I've enconuntered this problem with the last cran version of geoR: > library(geoR) > day <- rep(1:2, each=5) > coords <- matrix(rep(runif(10),2), 10, 2) > data <- rnorm(10) > data[1] <- NA > as.geodata(cbind(coords, data, day), realisations=4) as.geodata: 1 points removed due to NA in the data Errore in as.geodata(cbind(coords, data, day), realisations = 4) :
2006 Mar 24
bug in plot.acf (PR#8705)
(Moved from r-devel to r-bugs) On 3/24/2006 5:03 AM, Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo wrote: > Hi all. > There's a bug in plot.acf, when plotting acf for multivariate time series. > Here a reproducible example: > > X <- rnorm(1000) > Y <- -X + rnorm(1000, sd=0.6) > Z <- cbind(X,Y) > > In > acf(Z) > cross-correlation plot y-axis is limited to 0-1. But: >
2006 Apr 27
as.factor: changed behaviour for Date class
Dear all, I have noticed a little change in the behaviour of as.factor from R-2.2.1 to R-2.3.0, and can't find it in the NEWS. In R-2.3.0: > times <- 1:5 > class(times) <- "Date" > as.factor(times) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 In R-2.2.1: > as.factor(times) [1] 1970-01-02 1970-01-03 1970-01-04 1970-01-05 1970-01-06 Levels: 1970-01-02 1970-01-03 1970-01-04
2006 Apr 27
as.factor: changed behaviour for Date class
Dear all, I have noticed a little change in the behaviour of as.factor from R-2.2.1 to R-2.3.0, and can't find it in the NEWS. In R-2.3.0: > times <- 1:5 > class(times) <- "Date" > as.factor(times) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 In R-2.2.1: > as.factor(times) [1] 1970-01-02 1970-01-03 1970-01-04 1970-01-05 1970-01-06 Levels: 1970-01-02 1970-01-03 1970-01-04
2008 Jul 20
asp and ylim
#See David Williams' book "Weighing the odds", p286 y <- c(1.21, 0.51, 0.14, 1.62, -0.8, 0.72, -1.71, 0.84, 0.02, -0.12) ybar <- mean(y) ylength <- length(y) ybarv <- rep(ybar, ylength) x <- 1:ylength plot(x,y,asp=1,xlab="position",ylab="ybar",type="n",ylim=c(-1,1)) segments(x[1], ybar, x[ylength], ybar) segments(x,ybarv,x,y)
2008 May 06
a R_PV problem
Dear all, When using gdb to debug my C code, I use R_PV to show the content of SEXP variables: SEXP sexp; // it is a data.frame SEXP colNames = getAttrib(sexp, R_NameSymbol); A strange thing is that after halting the program: (gdb) p R_PV(colNames) does not show the content of colNames. I am positive my code is right because if I insert "PrintValue(colNames);" in the c code,
2008 Mar 21
idea for GSoC: an R package for fitting Bayesian Hierarchical Models
Dear R developers, these days I'm working on some R code for fitting completely generic Bayesian Hierarchical Models in R, a la OpenBUGS and JAGS. A key feature of OpenBUGS and JAGS is that they automatically build an appropriate MCMC sampler from a generic model, specified as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The spirit of my (would-be) implementation is instead more focused on experimentation
2006 Dec 18
turning expression object to function
Dear all, I have the following problem. Given an expression object 'expr' containing a certain set of symbols (say 'a', 'b', 'c'), I would like to translate the expression object in an R function of, say, 'a', programmatically. Here an example of what I mean. Given: > expr <- expression(a+b+c) a call like: > asFunctionOf(expr, 'a',
2007 Dec 13
creating lagged variables
Hi all. I'm looking for robust ways of building lagged variables in a dataset with multiple individuals. Consider a dataset with variables like the following: ## set.seed(123) d <- data.frame(id = rep(1:2, each=3), time=rep(1:3, 2), value=rnorm(6)) ## >d id time value 1 1 1 -0.56047565 2 1 2 -0.23017749 3 1 3 1.55870831 4 2 1 0.07050839 5 2 2 0.12928774 6
2008 Dec 07
unexpected scoping behavior with functions created in a loop
Hi guys. I recently stumbled on an unexpected behavior of R when using functions created in a loop. The problem is silly enough to me that I had hard time choosing a good mail subject, not talking about searching in the archives... After some experiments, I trimmed down the following minimal reproducible example: ####### makeF <- function(i) function() i fList <- list(makeF(1), makeF(2))