Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How to use lm.predict to obtain fitted values?"
2002 Jan 09
na.action in predict.lm
I would like to predict a matrix containing missing values according to a
fitted linear model.
The predicted values must have the same length as the number of
observations in newdata, where missing predicted values (due to missing
explanatory values) are replaced by NA. How can I achieve this? I tried
the following example:
> x <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=10)
> beta <- rep(1, 10)
2005 Apr 13
A suggestion for predict function(s)
Maybe a useful addition to the predict functions would be to return the
values of the predictor variables. It just (unless there are problems)
requires an extra line. I have inserted an example below.
"predict.glm" <-
function (object, newdata = NULL, type = c("link", "response",
"terms"), se.fit = FALSE,
2006 Nov 09
predict.lm "variables found" question
I'm trying to predict some values based on a linear regression model.
I've created the model using one dataframe, and have the prediction
values in a second data frame (call it newdata). There are 56 rows in
the dataframe used to create the model and 15 in newdata.
I ran predict(model1, newdata) and get the warning: 'newdata' had 15
rows but variable(s) found have 56 rows
2012 Aug 28
predict.lm(...,type="terms") question
Hello all,
How do I actually use the output of predict.lm(..., type="terms") to
predict new term values from new response values?
I'm a chromatographer trying to use R (2.15.1) for one of the most
common calculations in that business:
- Given several chromatographic peak areas measured for control
samples containing a molecule at known (increasing) concentrations,
2010 Aug 17
predict.lm, matrix in formula and newdata
Dear all,
I am stumped at what should be a painfully easy task: predicting from an lm object. A toy example would be this:
XX <- matrix(runif(8),ncol=2)
yy <- runif(4)
model <- lm(yy~XX)
XX.pred <- data.frame(matrix(runif(6),ncol=2))
colnames(XX.pred) <- c("XX1","XX2")
I would have expected the last line to give me the
2006 May 27
Recommended package nlme: bug in predict.lme when an independent variable is a polynomial (PR#8905)
Full_Name: Renaud Lancelot
Version: Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24)
OS: MS Windows XP Pro SP2
Submission from: (NULL) (
I think there is a bug in predict.lme, when a polynomial generated by poly() is
used as an explanatory variable, and a new data.frame is used for predictions. I
guess this is related to * not * using, for predictions, the coefs used in
constructing the orthogonal
2002 Feb 14
two comments regarding predict.lm
Here is the first one.
It concerns the handling of multiple offsets.
The following lines creates a list with 3 explanatory variables and
one response.
> x<-seq(0,1,length=10);y<-sin(x);z<-cos(x);
> data<-list(x=x,y=y,z=z,w=w)
A lm is fitted with one explanatory variable and two offsets. So
far, so good.
2005 Jul 20
predict.lm - standard error of predicted means?
Simple question.
For a simple linear regression, I obtained the "standard error of
predicted means", for both a confidence and prediction interval:
y<-x + rnorm(n=15)
1 2
0.2708064 0.7254615
2008 Sep 09
How does predict.lm work?
Please could someone explain how this element of predict.lm works?
From the help file
An optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to
predict. If omitted, the fitted values are used.
Does this dataframe (newdata) need to have the same variable names as
was used in the original data frame used to fit the model? Or will R
just look across consecutive
2010 Dec 16
predict.lm with new regressor names
Hi all,
To predict from a new data source, one can use:
# works as expected
predict(lm.yx, newdata=dum)
Suppose lm.yx has been run and we have the lm object. And we have a
dataframe that has columns that don't correspond by name to the
original regressors. I very! naively assumed that doing
2008 Jan 04
predict.lm removes rownames for a single row. Why?
predict.lm keeps row names when working from several rows in
newdata, but always removes rowname from a single row.
The rownames are removed by the line in predict.lm
predictor <- drop(X[, piv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[piv])
What is the reason for that decision? I usually want to
retain the row names.
tmp <- data.frame(x=1:4, y=c(1,3,2,5))
tmp.lm <- lm(y ~ x, data=tmp)
tmp.new <-
2012 Sep 08
Using predict() After Adding a Factor to a glm.nb() Model
# Hello,
# I have a data set that looks something like the following:
year<-c(1980, 1981, 1982, 1993, 1995, 1980, 1983, 1981, 1993, 1995,
1999, c(1980:1990))
data<-data.frame(site, year, count)
# > site year count
# 1
2010 Aug 14
Simple problem with lm/predict
Hi all,
I've got an xts time series with monthly OHLC Dow Jones industrial index
data from 1980 to present, the data is in stored in x.
I've done an OLS fit on the data in 1982::1994 and stored it in extrapolate1
(x[,4] contains the closing value for the index).
> t3 <- seq(1980,1994,length = length(x["1980::1994",4]))
> t4<-t3^2
> extrapolate1 <-
2012 Jul 06
Graph showing fitted values obtained by binomial GLM
I have completed a binomial GLM in R (details attached (finalModel.docx)) and
I am trying to create a graph of observed and fitted values using the
following commands:
> MyData<-data.frame(time=seq(from=0,to=1323,by=1))
> Pred<-predict(M2,newdata=MyData,type="response")
> plot(x=turtle$time,y=turtle$success)
> lines(MyData$time,Pred)
However, I get the following
2012 Oct 03
predict.lm if regression vector is longer than predicton vector
Hi everybody,
recently a member of the community pointed me to the useful predict.lm()
comment. While I was toying with it, I stumbled across the following
I do the regression with data from five years. But I want to do a prediction
with predict.lm for only one year. Thus my dataframe for predict.lm(mod,
newdata=dataframe) is shorter than the orginial vector that I did the
2006 May 20
(PR#8877) predict.lm does not have a weights argument for newdata
Dear R developers,
I am a little disappointed that my bug report only made it to the
wishlist, with the argument:
Well, it does not say it has.
Only relevant to prediction intervals.
predict.lm does calculate prediction intervals for linear models from
weighted regression, so they should be correct, right?
As far as I can see they are bound to be wrong in almost all cases, if
no weights
2006 Feb 05
how to extract predicted values from a quantreg fit?
I have used package quantreg to estimate a non-linear fit to the
lowest part of my data points. It works great, by the way.
But I'd like to extract the predicted values. The help for
predict.qss1 indicates this:
predict.qss1(object, newdata, ...)
and states that newdata is a data frame describing the observations
at which prediction is to be made.
I used the same technique I used
2011 Mar 23
predict.lm How to introduce new data?
Dear all,
I've fitted a lm using 61 data (training data), and I'left 10 as test data.
Training data and test data are stored in an excell.
training <- read.xls("C:/...../training.xls") , the same for test. That is:
When I type str(training) and str(test), both sets have the same names
The resulting model is lms <- lm(vd ~ log(v1) + fv2+ fv5+ fv7 )
2006 May 30
(PR#8905) Recommended package nlme: bug in predict.lme when an independent variable is a polynomial
Many thanks for your very useful comments and suggestions.
2006/5/30, Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk>:
> On Tue, 30 May 2006, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> > This is not really a bug. See
> >
> > http://developer.r-project.org/model-fitting-functions.txt
> >
> > for how this is handled in other packages. All model-fitting in R used =
2002 Dec 19
Ongoing unhappiness with NA and factor behavior of distributed lm/predict.lm
Hi all,
I''m still not quite happy with the NA and factor handling of lm and predict.lm in R1.6.1 (forcing me to use my
not very skillfully crafted patches).
Here is the problem 1: