Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Dyn or Dynlm and out of sample forecasts"
2008 May 02
Extract lags from a formula
Hi folks!
How do I extract lags from a formula? An example:
> mod.eq
x ~ lag(x, -1) + lag(x, -2)
> mod.eq[1]
> mod.eq[2]
> mod.eq[3]
lag(x, -1) + lag(x, -2)()
I'm trying to extract the lags into a vector that would be simply [1,2].
How do I do this? I'm using the dyn package to do dynamic
2009 Apr 19
dynlm question: How to predefine formula for call to dynlm(formula) call
I want to set up a model with a formula and then run dynlm(formula)
because I ultimately want to loop over a set of formulas (see end of post)
R> form <- gas~price
R> dynlm(form)
Time series regression with "ts" data:
Start = 1959(1), End = 1990(4)
Works OK without a Lag term
R> dynlm(gas ~ L(gas,1))
Time series regression with "ts" data:
Start =
2009 Nov 23
dynlm predict with newdata?
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2011 Feb 17
Regresión lineal para una serie temporal
Hola a todos
Estoy intentando hacer un análisis rápido de una serie temporal de datos
diarios pero me encuentro con algunos problemas. Me gustaría en primera
instancia hacer una regresión lineal pero no encuentro la forma.
Tras leer los datos diarios creo un objeto de la clase zoo y sobre éste
no puedo utilizar lm(). He leído algo sobre dynlm pero no encuentro la
Se agradece
2006 Jun 21
Hi Folks!
I'm reading in some data from a .csv file that has a date column.
How do I use colClasses to get read.csv to recognize the date column?
The documentation on this seems to be nil -
And yes, I've read help and R Data Import/Export and can't figure out
what the colClasses syntax is.
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2003 Jul 30
Comparing two regression slopes
I've written a simple (although probably overly roundabout) function to
test whether two regression slope coefficients from two linear models on
independent data sets are significantly different. I'm a bit concerned,
because when I test it on simulated data with different sample sizes and
variances, the function seems to be extremely sensitive both of these. I am
wondering if
2010 Apr 08
Overfitting/Calibration plots (Statistics question)
This isn't a question about R, but I'm hoping someone will be willing
to help. I've been looking at calibration plots in multiple regression
(plotting observed response Y on the vertical axis versus predicted
response [Y hat] on the horizontal axis).
According to Frank Harrell's "Regression Modeling Strategies" book
(pp. 61-63), when making such a plot on new data
2007 Dec 07
AIC v. extractAIC
I am using a simple linear model and I would like to get an AIC value. I
came across both AIC() and extractAIC() and I am not sure which is best to
use. I assumed that I should use AIC for a glm and extractAIC() for lm,
but if I run my model in glm the AIC value is the same if I use AIC() on an
lm object. What might be going on? Did I interpret these functions
2005 Aug 12
as.formula and lme ( Fixed effects: Error in as.vector(x, "list") : cannot coerce to vector)
This is a continuing issue with the one on the list a long time ago (I
couldn't find a solution to it from the web):
> Using a formula converted with as.formula with lme leads
> to an error message. Same works ok with lm, and with
> lme and a fixed formula.
> # demonstrates problems with lme and
2006 Mar 10
add trend line to each group of data in: xyplot(y1+y2 ~ x | grp...
Although this should be trivial, I'm having a spot of trouble.
I want to make a lattice plot of the format y1+y2 ~ x | grp but then fit a
lm to each y variable and add an abline of those models in different colors.
If the xyplot followed y~x|grp I would write a panel function as below, but
I'm unsure of how to do that with y1 and y2 without reshaping the data
before hand. Thoughts
2006 Jun 23
Problems with weekday extraction from zoo objects
Hi Folks!
I'm struggling with dates - but enough about my personal life.....
I have two daily time series files. In one (x) the date format is Y/m/d
and the other (y) is d/m/y. I used read.zoo on both and they read into
R with no problem.
Then I use: weekdays(as.Date(x$DATE)) and get what I expect - all the
days of the week in my data set.
When I use:
2007 Mar 22
dynamic linear models in R
Hi all,
I've just started working my way through Mike West and Jeff Harrison's
_Bayesian Forecasting and Dynamic Models_, and I was wondering if
there were any publically-available packages to handle dynamic linear
models, as they describe.
I found the "dynlm" package, but either I don't yet understand what's
going on or that package uses a different sense of the phrase
2008 Nov 24
Is this correct?
I have to answer the following question for a homework assignment.
A researcher was interested in whether people taking part in sports at
university made more money after graduating, taking into account the
students' GPA. They sampled 200 alumni from a large university. The
variables are: income (income 10 years after graduating), sports (1 if they
did sports, 0 if they did not), and GPA (the
2014 Jun 13
p values con LMER
Hola Manuel
lo he tratado de hacer pero me sale
Error: unexpected string constante in:
no tengo ni idea de por qué...
Me resulta alucinante no poder contar ya con pvals.fnc. ¿Será imposible hacerse con ello?
El vie, 13/6/14, Manuel Azcárate <mazcarategarcia en gmail.com> escribió:
2012 Jul 06
Anova Type II and Contrasts
the study design of the data I have to analyse is simple. There is 1 control group (CTRL) and 2 different treatment groups (TREAT_1 and TREAT_2).
The data also includes 2 covariates COV1 and COV2. I have been asked to check if there is a linear or quadratic treatment effect in the data.
I created a dummy data set to explain my situation:
df1 <- data.frame(
Observation =
2001 Feb 23
as.formula and lme ( Fixed effects: Error in as.vector(x, "list") : cannot coerce to vector)
Using a formula converted with as.formula with lme leads
to an error message. Same works ok with lm, and with
lme and a fixed formula.
# demonstrates problems with lme and as.formula
2007 Aug 06
test the significances of two regression lines
I'm trying to test the significance of two regression lines
, i.e. the significance of the slopes from two samples
originated from the same population.
Is it correct if I fit a liner model for each sample and
then test the slope signicance with 'anova'. Something like this:
lm1 <- lm(Y~ a1 + b1*X) # sample 1
lm2 <- lm(Y~ a2 + b2*X) # sample 2
anova(lm1, lm2)
2014 Jun 13
p values con LMER
Hola a todos,
quería preguntaros un medio para obtener los valores p usando lmer. He tratado con pvals.fnc, que es lo que me habían recomendado, pero por algún motivo no está ya disponible etc.
Ésta es la función que tengo, pero da las "t", sin los valores p. Aunque Baayen indica que valores por encima de 2 son significativos necesito saber las p.
resultado = lmer(rt_ln ~ (fre_ln *
2012 Jan 13
Help needed in interpreting linear models
Dear members of the R-help list,
I have sent the email below to the R-SIG-ME list to ask for help in
interpreting some R output of fitted linear models.
Unfortunately, I haven't yet received any answers. As I am not sure if my
email was sent successfully to the mailing list I
am asking for help here:
Dear members of the R-SIG-ME list,
I am new to linear models and struggling with
2011 Nov 30
forecasting linear regression from lagged variable
I'm currently working with some time series data with the xts package, and
would like to generate a forecast 12 periods into the future. There are
limited observations, so I am unable to use an ARIMA model for the forecast.
Here's the regression setup, after converting everything from zoo objects to
hire.total.lag1 <- lag(hire.total, lag=-1, na.pad=TRUE)
lm.model <-