similar to: draw a graphic using segments to represent data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "draw a graphic using segments to represent data"

2006 Jul 28
Extracting from a matrix w/o for-loop
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2013 Apr 19
extracting the diagonal of an inverse matrix
Dear R-users, I would like to know whether there is a way to extract a diagonal of an inverse matrix without computing the inverse of the matrix itself. The size of my matrices are really huge and, also using sparse matrix, computing the inverse leads to storage problems and low speed. In other words, given a square matrix A, I aim to know diag(B), where B=solve(A), without computing solve(A).
2006 Jan 30
Subsetting a matrix without for-loop
Dear R-users, I'm struggling in R in order to "squeeze" a matrix without using a for-loop. Although my case is a bit more complex, the following example should help you to understand what I would like to do, but without the slow for-loop. Thanks in advance, Carlo Giovanni Camarda A <- matrix(1:54, ncol=6) # my original matrix <- matrix(nrow=3, ncol=6) # a new
2009 Apr 08
persp3d and rgl.viewpoint for rotating 3D plots
Dear R-users, within the rgl-package, I would have a question about the usage of persp3d in combination of rgl.viewpoint. I am not able to figure out how to let a 3D plot rotating around likewise the example in ?rgl.viewpoint. It seems that when I use persp3d(...) I see something on my screen, which is different from what I get when it's rotating. Is there any different behavior between
2009 Mar 19
two plots side-by-side with persp3d(rgl)
Dear R-users, I would like to place two 3D plots side-by-side in a rgl-setting. It would nice to have something like "par(mfrow=c(1,2))" for basic plots, or an array framework for wireframe(lattice) (see example below). I only managed to overlap two persp3d plots. My final idea would be to animate both surfaces using play3d(rgl). Thanks in advance for any help. Best, Carlo Giovanni
2004 Aug 30
Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD)
Dear R-users, I couldn't find a function or some help in R-project web about the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition. In MatLab there is a simple function for this algebric issue (gsvd). Is there anything like that in R? And, if not, could you help me to apply this method in R? Thanks in advance, Giancarlo +++++ This mail has been sent through the MPI for Demographic Rese...{{dropped}}
2005 May 15
Save parameters from optim during iteration procedure
Dear R-users, I am going to try to be as clearer as possible, showing also an example. 1) I have a function (in my real case it's much more complex) 2) I use "optim" to minimize 3) I want to use as method L-BFGS-B for several reasons 4) I know I could use "trace=6" (in "control") in order to see "live" the procedure 5) I would like to see separately the
2006 May 16
optim with specific constraints on possible values
Dear R-users, I am working with some grid-search optimization for 13 values of an object function. At glance one may compute the object function for each possible combination of set of parameters, but in my case would not be feasible: taking for example 13 possible values for each parameters like, in logarithm scale, 10^seq(-3,3,.5) will lead to 13^13 combinations of results. As a second trial
2008 Feb 26
Summing up diagonals w/o for-loop
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2005 Jun 14
Plotting rows (or columns) from a matrix in different graphs, not using "par"
Dear R-users, I would like to ask whether it's possible (for sure it would be), to plot each rows (or columns) in different graphs and in the same figure region without using the function "par" and then struggling around with "axes" and labels etc. Luckily, I would always have "rows + columns = even number" and the same "ylim". The next one could be a
2004 Jul 30
optimisation procedure with flat log-likelihood
Dear R-friends, I use optim(par=c(mystartingpoints), fn=myloglikelihoodfunction, gr=NULL, method=c("L-BFGS-B"), ## I would like to do not use any bounds control=list(trace=6, ## just to see what it's going on maxit=c(20000)), ## to be sure the it doesn't stop reaching the max iterations
2010 Sep 29
generalized additive mixed models for ordinal data
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2006 Apr 28
How to get a grid behind a boxplot
I am using R 2.2.1 on a Windows 2000 PC. When I do a grid() after the boxplot it overprints the boxplot: > boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray") > grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL) > if I try the panel.first > boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray", + panel.first=grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL)) > I can see the grid flash
2005 Oct 12
Historical England and Wales Shape Files
Dear R-user, I would like to apply spatial statistics on some historical data, in particular from 1850 to 1900 by registration district of England and Wales. I have searched in the R-archive, but unsuccessfully. Do you know whether R contains those shape files? Or where would be possible to download and use in R? Thanks in advance, Carlo Giovanni Camarda +++++ This mail has been sent through the
2012 Apr 05
xyplot with different pch and col in each panel and additional line
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2012 Oct 26
matrix algebra for constructing a special matrix?
Dear R-users, would it be a better way to construct the matrix below without using any for-loop or model.matrix? preferably with some matrix algebra? Thanks in advance, Carlo Giovanni Camarda ## dimensions m <- 3 n <- 4 mn <- m*n k <- m+n-1 ## with a for-loop X <- matrix(0, mn, k) for(i in 1:n){ wr <- 1:m+(i-1)*m wc <- rev(1:m+(i-1)) where <- cbind(wr,wc)
2005 Oct 18
Solid and dotted lines saving an xyplot
Dear R-users, I would a small problem saving a graph with postscript after using xyplot. Whereas in the R-screen the two lines are solid, once the image is saved as .eps file the second lines (blue in the following example) is dotted. Here there is a simple example. Thanks in advance for your help, Carlo Giovanni Camarda # creating data a1 <- sort(runif(10)) a2 <- sort(runif(10)) a3 <-
2009 Mar 11
matrix multiplication, tensor product, block-diagonal and fast computation
Dear R-users, I am searching to the "best" way to compute a series of n matrix multiplications between each matrix (mXm) in an array (mXmXn), and each column of a matrix (mXn). Please find below an example with four possible solutions. The first is a simple for-loop which one might avoid; the second solution employs the tensor product but then manually selects the right outcomes. The
2006 Feb 01
glm-logistic on discrete-time methods with individual and aggregated data
Dear R-Users, without going into details I tried to prepare a simple example to show you where I would need help. In particular I prepare two examples-template for a study I'm conduction on discrete-time methods for survival analysis. Each of this example has two datasets which are basically equal, with the exception that in the former one has individual data and in the latter one aggregated
2006 Feb 27
Different deviance residuals in a (similar?!?) glm example
Dear R-users, I would like to show you a simple example that gives an overview of one of my current issue. Although my working setting implies a different parametric model (which cannot be framed in the glm), I guess that what I'll get from the following example it would help for the next steps. Anyway here it is. Firstly I simulated from a series of exposures, a series of deaths (given a