Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "A question about linear optimizaton"
2010 Mar 12
Asterisk x64 with Skype and DTMF on skype-out.
I'm running Asterisk with chan_skype on a x64 linux platform.
When a user calls from skype (not skype-in) to asterisk, dtmf (basically menus for a conference system) works just fine.
But when a user from the inside (soft or hardware sip phone) calls out via skype-out dtmf doesn't work.
I have tried setting the codec to alaw, and dtmfmode to all possible options (auto, inband and
2006 Apr 13
DTMF Not working for only one number
Anyone have any ideas why DTMF would not work on only one number? Looking
through the logs, anytime a button is pressed, this is what shows up:
2006-04-13 11:39:18 DEBUG[22441] chan_zap.c: Exception on 9, channel 1
2006-04-13 11:39:18 DEBUG[22441] chan_zap.c: Got event Dial Complete(9) on
channel 1 (index 0)
2006-04-13 11:39:18 DEBUG[22441] chan_zap.c: Echo cancellation already on
2007 Aug 18
Best way to detect unknown and/or private incoming caller-id?
I am aware of how to match a particular caller-id or a caller-id
pattern and do something with the call like this:
exten => 15554441212/_888NXXXXXX,n,Playback(GoAway)
What I am curious about, is the best way to block unknown, private and
000-000-0000 calls.
I know I can do this for 000-000-0000 calls:
exten => 15554441212/0000000000,n,Playback(GoAway)
Is there a better way to catch
2009 Jul 20
No subject
need transcoding to a|ulaw.
I am using it with no problems (have g729 licenses as well though).
A bit off topic, I have found some extra configuration that is not really in
the docs (or I could not find them):
fullname=Your full name
email=your at email.com
2005 May 25
Is SKYPE a threat orshould wedo something(together)
I just see a skype channel as something good for asterisk.
Skype has broad coverage.
I can't imagine that skype wouldn't be interested in selling corporate accounts "skype trunk lines".
Imagine having unlimited or X amount of continious calls coming in on SkypeIN and out on SkypeOUT from Asterisk.
Internal Phones would all talk IAX or SIP to asterisk and use all PBX
2003 Apr 02
lm with an arbitrary number of terms
Hello folks,
Any ideas how to do this?
data.frame is a data frame with column names "x1",...,"xn"
y is a response variable of length dim(data.frame)[1]
I want to write a function
function(y, data.frame){
This would be easy if n was always the same.
If n is arbitrary how could I feed the x1+...+xn terms into lm(response~terms)?
2006 Dec 06
Configuring a QoS Box + Cliente Bandwidth Control
Hello all,
I am trying to configure a linux box to make some QoS into my
netowork and, at the same box, control my clients bandwidth. I have this
classes created:
UP="eth0" # wan infocontabil
DL01="eth2" # lan clientes
$TC qdisc del dev $DL01 root 2> /dev/null >
2017 Jun 17
Prediction with two fixed-effects - large number of IDs
Dear all,
I am running a panel regression with time and location fixed effects:
reg1 <- lm(lny ~ factor(id) + factor(year) + x1+ I(x1)^2 + x2+ I(x2)^2 ,
data=mydata, na.action="na.omit")
My goal is to use the estimation for prediction. However, I have 8,500 IDs,
which is resulting in very slow computation. Ideally, I would like to do
the following:
reg2 <-
2012 Feb 28
update.formula has 512 char buffer?
I am trying to "paste" together a formula to use in the mob function of
party. This means the formula will be of the form y ~ x1+ ...+xM | z1+..zN.
I am doing some preliminary fits of y ~ x1+ ...+xM, then want to add the
conditional part of the equation using update().
Here's the test code:
var1 <- 1:78
x1 <- paste("x", var1, sep="")
f1 <-
2017 Jun 17
Prediction with two fixed-effects - large number of IDs
I have no direct experience with such horrific models, but your formula is a mess and Google suggests the biglm package with ffdf.
Specifically, you should convert your discrete variables to factors before you build the model, particularly since you want to use predict after the fact, for which you will need a new data set with the exact same levels in the factors.
Also, your use of I() is
2006 Sep 21
layer7 http
I try to use layer7 filter to classify packets. I have a proble with http match. This protocol seems to work well with l7-filter (http://l7-filter.sourceforge.net/protocols) but for me nothing is filtering in http class. Someone can help me ?
Here is my script :
2008 Jul 07
US T1 Hangup Detection
We are in the process of preparing to move our Asterisk server to a
Digital T1 interface card instead of a analog card (via an Adtran
which is now connected to the T1). I did a preliminary test the other
day and hooked the T1 line up to the T1 card, bypassing the Adtran.
This worked rather well I must say. The two issues I ran into are:
1) Caller ID is not working even though I enabled
2009 Feb 19
partial residuals & the output of residuals.lm(..., type="partial")
Dear list,
I would like to know how the function residuals.lm calculates the
partial residuals from an lm object with more than one predictor
variable. In other words what is residuals.lm(...,type="partial") doing
behind the scenes? According to the help file for residuals.lm
(?residuals.lm), "The partial residuals are a matrix with each column
formed by omitting a term from
2005 Jun 09
Prediction in Cox Proportional-Hazard Regression
I used the "coxph" function, with four covariates.
Let's say something like that
> model.1 <- coxph(Surv(Time,Event)~X1+X2+X3+X4,data=DATA)
So I obtain the 4 coefficients B1,B2,B3,B4 such that
h(t) = h0(t) exp(B1*X1+ B2*X2 + B3*X3 + B4*X4).
When I use the function on the same data
> predict.coxph(model.1,type="lp")
how it works in making the prediction?
2007 Jul 20
cv.glm error function
I have a couple quick questions about the use of cv.glm for
1. If we have a Poisson GLM with counts Y~Poisson(mu) and
ln(mu)=beta0+beta1*x1+..., is the prediction error (delta) that is output
from cv.glm provided in terms of the counts (y) or the (mu)?
2. Can cv.glm be used for negative binomial models fit using glm.nb? It
appears to work, but since NB models aren't
2007 Aug 14
Slack variable in OR
Hi dear R users,
Is it basically correct that a problem is ( linearly on nonlinearly ) modeled so that the slack variable is bounded by an upper bound ?
If so, how it can be handled and coded practically ?
for example:
x1+ x2 =< b so ----> x1 + x2 + s=b
s=b- x1 - x2
b- x1 - x2 =< upper value
But algorithms can not calculate b- x1 - x2 , because
2009 Aug 31
R2 for SAR and validation
Hi everyone,
How can i obtain R2 for SAR model? and how can i validate the results, can i use the coefficients directly in a simple formula like y=b0+b1*x1+... or do i have to use the complicated formula for SAR (the one with the weight matrix and rho and...)?
Thanks for any help!
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2011 Apr 21
Converting from density to cumulative distribution
I'm trying to do the following vector operation:
given vector x = c(x1,x2,x3,x4...xn), produce vector y =
E.g., from x = c(1,3,2,2,5), produce y = c(1,4,6,8,13).
The underlying problem is finding the cumulative distribution function
given the empirical density distribution function.
I have done some research on this but the only relevant
From THE R BOOK -> Warning: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
2010 Mar 30
From THE R BOOK -> Warning: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
Dear friends,
I am testing glm as at page 514/515 of THE R BOOK by M.Crawley, that is
on proportion data.
I use glm(y~x1+,family=binomial)
y is a proportion in (0,1), and x is a real number.
I get the error:
In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
But that is exactly what was suggested in the book, where there is no
mention of a similar warning. Where am I
2023 Jun 08
Cryptic error from stargazer
Dear All,
Here is my reproducible example:
> library(stargazer)
Please cite as:
Hlavac, Marek (2018). stargazer: Well-Formatted Regression and
Summary Statistics Tables.
R package version 5.2.2. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=stargazer
> x1=1:1000 ; y = 2 * x1+ rnorm(1000)
> stargazer(lm(y~x1))
Error in (.format.s.statistics.list != "p25") &&