similar to: Enquiry regarding Apply

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Enquiry regarding Apply"

2006 May 08
performing functions on variables of different length
I am hoping for some assistance with a problem that has puzzled me. Immediately below is the error messages I obtained when I tried to perform two functions. (A) tapply(outcome,na.rm=T,grp,mean) Error in tapply(outcome, na.rm = T, grp, mean) : arguments must have same length +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (B) library(nlme) > anova(lme(outcome ~ grp * time,
2006 Apr 22
Missing values detected when there are no missing values
I am hoping for some advice on the following matters. I have a csv data file with 153 variables x 92 rows. To determine what the variables looked like I ran the summary command. One variable had a large number of missing values 54/92. For some reason, all subsequent 74 variables are reported as having 92 NA values, irrespective of whether the original csv variable was complete or not.
2006 Jun 18
how to successfully remove missing values for a repeated measures analysis
Hello , I am hoping for some advice. I want to run a repeated measures ANOVA. The primary problem is that my attempt to remove missing values created a dataset of missing values. The data set consists of 92 rows (1 row per participant) x 186 variables. The steps of the analysis undertaken are outlined below (#). Any assistance is appreciated in relation to how to remove the missing values so
2006 Jan 22
regression with nestedness
Dear R-users, I set up an experiment where I put up bluebird boxes across an urbanization gradient. I monitored these boxes and at some point I pulled a feather from a chick and a friend used spectral properties (rtot, a continuous var) to index chick health. There is an effect of sex that I would like to include but how would I set up a regression and look at the effect of urbanization
2006 Jan 24
nested ANCOVA: still confused
Dear R-users, I did some more research and I'm still not sure how to set up an ANCOVA with nestedness. Specifically I'm not sure how to express chicks nested within boxes. I will be getting Pinheiro & Bates (Mixed Effects Models in S and S-Plus) but it will not arrive for another two weeks from our interlibrary loan. The goal is to determine if there are urbanization (purban)
2012 Nov 22
Efficiently creating/defining new variables transformations
I would like to add an extension to the current name of a variable to create a new variable that is its sqrt transform. Each piece of the equation below works independently, but the left side definition fails on run. I also tried creating the variable name first, but ended up with an object that toString() did not fix. Better ideas? Example 1
2006 Jun 04
logistic regression enquiry
I am hoping for some advie regarding the following scenario. I have data from 26 studies that I wanted to analyse using logistic regression. Given the data was from studies and not individuals I was unsure how I would perform this in R. When analysed in SPSS, weighting was used so that each study was included twice. Where "use" occurred, a value of 1 was assigned and was weighted
2006 Oct 05
glm with nesting
I just had a manuscript returned with the biggest problem being the analysis. Instead of using principal components in a regression I've been asked to analyze a few variables separately. So that's what I'm doing. I pulled a feather from young birds and we quantified certain aspects of the color of those feathers. Since I often have more than one sample from a nest, I thought I
2005 Apr 21
Deciles and R
Hi everyone, I'm a new R user (if this is a really basic question, please do excuse me...) and I'm having some questions regarding a deciles problem. I have a variable which I need to categorize according to its deciles (X). However, this categorization should be made into another variable (call it NewVar). Ex. for the quartiles case (just for the sake of exposition, since I need
2009 Sep 11
R - box design-scatter plot für means/regression/lme?
Dear All! It's now weeks that I'm going crazy with R, and as I'm a new user I now ask for help (also because I still have only a few days to finish..)... So shortly I describe you my Experiment in which I was looking for the decomposition of herbivore dung under different treatments: I made a box design experiment which is structured in the following way: I collected dung from 2
2012 Jun 27
If statement - copying a factor variable to a new variable
I need to look through a dataset with two factor variables, and depending on certain criteria, create a new variable containing the data from one of those other variables. The problem is, R keeps making my new variable an integer and saving the data as a 1 or 2 (I believe the levels of the factor). I've tried using as.factor in the IF output statement, but that doesn't seem to work. Any
2011 Jan 04
Go from CALLINGout to just CALLING
Hello list, how can I go from CALLINGout to just CALLING ? I've tried : exten => s,n,Set(newVAR=${CUT(CALLINGout,,3)}) or exten => s,n,Set(newVAR=$[CUT(CALLINGout,,3)]) But no result : [Jan 4 11:10:12] -- Executing [s at from-S:34] NoOp("SIP/s2-0000003b", "newVAR=") in new stack Asterisk 1.6.10 here. Kind regards, Jonas. -------------- next part
2007 Feb 01
Losing factor levels when moving variables from one context to another
Hi, there I'm currently trying to figure out how to keep my "factor" levels for a variable when moving it from one data frame or matrix to another. Example below: vec1<-(rep("10",5)) vec2<-(rep("30",5)) vec3<-(rep("80",5)) vecs<-c(vec1, vec2, vec3) resp<-rnorm(2,15) dat<, vecs))
2003 Oct 13
AGI solution to Grandstream BT102 call waiting problem
I'm trying to fix a problem with the GrandStream Budgetone 102. I've been reading the source code, mailing lists and other resources. Here's the scenario and the approach I have been pursuing. I'm having some problems with the AGI calls and I hope someone can give me some clarification. PSTN <---> T1,PRI * <---> Grandstream BT 102 (12)
2007 Sep 12
Dear R-help, I am trying to estimate a Cox model with nested effects basing on the minimization of the overall AIC; I have two frailties terms, both gamma distributed. There is a error message (theta2 argument misses) and I don?t understand why. I would like to know what I have wrong. Thank you very much for your time. fitM7 <- coxph(Surv(lifespan,censured) ~ south + frailty(id,
2011 May 28
Enquiry on Vrtest
Hi there, I am currently working on my dissertation which is about testing the martingale hypothesis in the stock market using a methodology involving a range of variance ratio tests and multiple variance ratio tests. I contacted the author of a reference paper and I was told that the tests can be conducted using R programming language. Although I have gone through the theoretical background of
2001 Nov 26
enquiry ?
I have downloaded samba-2.2.2-sparc-solaris-2.8.pkg from your site and would like to install it to my unix server sun solaris 5.8. I am battling to use the pkgadd to install this package. Can you please help me in this regard as I have failed to find samba/docs/htmldocs/UNIX_INSTALL which is suppose to be instructions on how to install it on unix sun solaris. Thanking you in advance. Regards,
1999 Feb 17
dim enquiry
This is a minor question, but is there any difference between the two objects fred <- structure(1:10, dim = c(2,5)) and fred <- structure(1:10, .Dim = c(2,5)) Should I be using one rather than the other? Thanks, Jonathan. Jonathan Rougier Science Laboratories Department of Mathematical Sciences South Road University of Durham Durham DH1 3LE
2004 Aug 18
[LLVMdev] Newbie Enquiry
Reid Spencer wrote: >Yes, that's right! > >In fact, shortly the process of doing that will get easier with the >llvmc (compiler driver) tool that I'm working on. You write your >compiler to generate either bytecode or LLVM assembly and a > > Does that mean the front end must decide between emiting bytecode for interpretting/JITing and LLVM assembly for native
2004 Aug 18
[LLVMdev] Newbie Enquiry
On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 10:35:02AM +1200, Peter Ashford wrote: > Does that mean the front end must decide between emiting bytecode for > interpretting/JITing and LLVM assembly for native compilation? You > can't emit the one kind of output for either end target (interpretted > bytecode or native compilation)? Not at all, there's only one version of LLVM IR, but it can