Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "code for latex function in Hmisc"
2006 Apr 05
using latex() in R for Unix
I am using R for Unix and want to make some LaTeX tables. I have
already played around in R for Windows and have succeeded in making
tables that I want using the following code:
latex(Estimates, file='out.tex', rowlabel='',digits=3)
However, when I use this code in Unix, I can never find the file
"out.tex". I assumed that R would send the file to whatever directory
2006 Apr 07
saving estimates from a for loop for later use
Thanks to the help of many on this list, I am now an R user and have
been able to write some functioning code to do matching estimation.
I have two for loops (i in 1:3, and j in 0:2). Within the loops, I
had been creating matrices of relevant estimation coefficents in order
to make lots of LaTeX tables.
Well, now I want to be able to combine the results of many different
estimations from within
2006 Apr 14
another very simple loop question
I have a dataset with 4 years of students, and normally I want to
estimate things using each individual year, so I have a for loop as
for (i in 1:4){}
However, the only way I know how to calculate estimates using all four
years of data is to put the estimations outside of the loop. Is there
anyway to make a for loop that uses all four years at once, then uses
each individual year?
2006 Oct 08
latex and anova.lme problem
Dear R-helpers,
When I try
> anova(txtE2.lme, txtE2.lme1)
Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value
txtE2.lme 1 10 8590 8638 -4285
txtE2.lme1 2 7 8591 8624 -4288 1 vs 2 6.79 0.0789
> latex(anova(txtE2.lme, txtE2.lme1))
Error: object "n.group" not found
I don't even see n.group as one of the arguments of latex()
I checked to see
2006 Apr 11
problems with rounding in output
Perhaps someone will have a solution to my more general problem, but
here is the specific one:
I used the round() function to round some estimates to 3 decimal
places. I then sent put the rounded estimates in a matrix and used
latex() to make a LaTeX table from them. However, in my table, there
are estimtes which only have 2 decimal places. I assume that the third
decimal place in these numbers
2010 Dec 02
latex tables for 3+ dimensional tables/arrays
I'm looking for an R method to produce latex versions of tables for
table/array objects of 3 or more dimensions,
which, of necessity is flattened to a 2D display, for example with
ftable(), or vcd::structable, as shown below.
I'd be happy to settle for a flexible solution for the 3D case.
> UCB <- aperm(UCBAdmissions, c(2, 1, 3))
> ftable(UCB)
Dept A B
2002 May 14
R CMD check
I am unclear on whether to run R CMD check pgkname as user or as root on Linux. When running as user, after all the latex, html, and man files are created, I get the following error message:
Rdconv(): Couldn't open '': Permission denied
Has anyone dealt with that message?
When I run R CMD check a second time, all latex, html, etc. are recreated which takes quite a while. Is there
2006 Apr 16
Does anyone out there use dcolumn=TRUE in the latex() function in the
Hmisc library?
I would like to line up the data in a latex table I'm making using
latex(), but I'm having some issues with this feature. Since there is
no description of it in the help, I thought that it might be
incomplete or something like that.
On a related note, if anyone knows how to get the end result I want
2006 Apr 16
Var.calc in Match()
Does anyone else find that using the Var.calc option (for
heteroscedasticity consistent std. errors) in Match() (from the
Matching library) slows down computation of the matching estimator by
a lot?
I don't really understand why when I use this option it slows down so
much, but for me it does significantly. I want to use the
heteroscedasticity consistent std. errors in my project, but as long
2006 Apr 12
long captions -- new issue
I have found out that the way to have a break apart a long caption in
the way that one desires is to have a short caption for use in the
list of tables that is not broken with \\
I can manually adjust the LaTeX output from the Hmisc function latex()
to get the tables how I want them. However, I would like to automate
the creation of these tables.
Inside the latex() function, I tried this:
2002 Sep 13
design package (plot problems)
just making some experiments with
design library i get an error if
i want plot(fit) - show below from
onlineHelp !?
..perhaps is here another mask problem?, but
label from xtable which was my first problem
is now off !
Thanks for advance & regards,
$ n <- 1000 # define sample size
$ set.seed(17) # so can reproduce the results
$ age <- rnorm(n, 50, 10)
2003 Apr 20
Hmisc interaction behavior
Dear R-helpers,
Can someone explain to me why the function interaction() from the Hmisc library results in numeric?
test1 <- c("A","B","C")
test2 <- c("D","E","F")
[1] TRUE
I had problems with this side effect in a different function.
Remko Duursma
2006 Apr 13
number of matches when using Match()
To anyone who uses the Match() function in the Matching library...
How do you go about deciding how many matches you will use? With my
data, my standard errors generally get smaller if I use more matches.
Speaking of standard errors, when correcting for heteroscedasticity,
how many matches do you use (this is the Var.cal option). It seems to
me that it might make sense to use the same number
2006 Apr 07
simple if statement
I am ashamed to be asking this question, but I couldn't find the
solution anywhere. Searching for "if" and "R" is not very
I cannot get a simple if statement to work.
I have data on college students. I want to make a string variable
that has the names of the years. That is, when the year variable i is
equal to 1, I want to have a variable called years
2002 May 15
ploting a linear model
I have the result of a linear model "lm98" and I want to plot it to
analyse the regression but I'm getting the folowing error message
> lm98<-lm(log(U+1)~Bq+Gi+Lv+Tb+Bq:Gi+Bq:Lv+Bq:Tb+Gi:Lv+Gi:Tb+Lv:Bq)
> plot(lm98)
Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) :
need finite ylim values
In addition: Warning message:
NaNs produced in: sqrt(1 - hii)
2005 Aug 06
oldClass vs. class
Hi,When I read the source of str,i find these code
## Show further classes // Assume that they do NOT have an own Method --
## not quite perfect ! (.Class = 'remaining classes', starting with current)
cl <- oldClass(object); cl <- cl[cl != "data.frame"] #- not THIS class
so I use ?oldClass to try to learn more about oldClass.But after I have reading
2017 Nov 29
binary form of is() contradicts its unary form
The unary forms of is() and extends() report that data.frame
extends list, oldClass, and vector:
> is(data.frame())
[1] "data.frame" "list" "oldClass" "vector"
> extends("data.frame")
[1] "data.frame" "list" "oldClass" "vector"
However, the binary form of is()
2008 Jun 05
is() and S3 classes
The is() function begins with the following code:
cl <- class(object)
if (length(cl) > 1) {
if (is.na(match(cl[[1]], names(getClass("oldClass")@subclasses))))
return(class2 %in% cl)
As one can see, it uses S3 inheritance if the first element of the class
attribute is an "oldClass". In R prior to 2.7, is() would check S4
inheritance if any
2006 Dec 12
strings as factors
To be able to match cases with a benchmark I need to have a data.frame with
a character id variable. however, I am surprised why this seems to be so
hard. In fact I was unable to succeed. Here is what I tried:
>test1 <-expand.grid(ID = 1:2, sex = c("male","female"))
[1] "factor" "oldClass"
>test2 <-expand.grid(ID =
2006 Jul 09
acts_as_ferret.. what does it actually do?
Okay in this plea for help I''m going to repeat some of what i posted
before but with a larger amount of background info in the hope that i
can get a decent grip on ferret before it wriggles away..
Firstly, what does installing the acts_as_ferret plugin actually do? I
install it and add it to my model and then the index is automatically
generated and a few methods are added to it and