similar to: garchFit from fSeries

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "garchFit from fSeries"

2006 Apr 26
garch in tseries
Hello again! Is there a way to include a mean in the garch function in the library(tseries), please? I tried include.mean=T in the function statement but it didn't work thanks in advance! R Version 2.2.1 Windows Sincerely, Erin mailto: hodgess at
2006 Jul 06
Problem with garchFit function in fSeries
I used garchFit function to fit 1600 observations of EURO/USD 2-day returns in GARCH(1,1) model. As part of the summary I got warning message: NaNs produced in: sqrt(diag(fit$cvar)) And didn't get any estimates for 3 params' std.error, t value or probability: Error Analysis: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) mu -0.004827 0.020141 -0.240 0.811 ar1 0.010311
2006 Nov 22
problems with garchFit
Hi all, I post it on both r-help and r-finance since I don't know where is most appropriate for this topic. Sorry if it bothers you. I did garch fitting on S&P500 monthly returns with garchFit from fSeries. I got same coefficients from all cond.dist except normal. I thought that is probabaly usual for the data. But when I play with it, I got another question. I plot skew normal with
2004 Nov 10
Good morning everyone, I use for the first time the package fSeries and i try to run the example given by Diethelm Würtz. But when i run its example which is the following # # Example: # Model a GARCH time series process # # Description: # PART I: Estimate GARCH models of the following type ARCH(2) # and GARCH(1,1) with normal conditional distribution functions. # PART II: Simulate
2005 Dec 13
I'm trying to use garchFit from fSeries, with Student or Skewed Student conditionnal distribution. Let's say that eps (vector) is my series of daily log-returns: data(EuStockMarkets) eps = diff(log(EuStockMarkets[,"CAC"])) library(fSeries) g = garchFit(series = eps, formula.var = ~garch(2,2), cond.dist = "dstd") s = g at fit$series All the coefficients are ok
2007 Jan 06
garchFit in R
Dear all, I have problem here : I'm using garchFit from fSeries package, here is part of the script : > data <- read.table("d:/data.txt") > a <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),ts(data)) I also attached the file here. In my experience, I got my R not responding. I also tried with > a <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),ts(data*10)) and it's worked. I
2005 Dec 04
fSeries package: ?aparchFit
Dear R-helper, I wish to implement the APARCH model as described in the fSeries documentation. But I get the following: >library(fSeries) [...] > ?aparchFit No documentation for 'aparchFit' in specified packages and libraries: you could try '"aparchFit")' >"aparchFit") No help files found with alias or concept or
2007 Oct 31
problem with package fSeries
Helo, please look at the log below: after loading the fSeries library, I can not use the log function. Is this a bug or what am I doing wrong? Because of this, I'm unable to use the garch library. thanks a lot for any help, Balazs Torma > log(1) [1] 0 > require("fSeries") Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: robustbase Loading required package:
2009 Nov 06
GARCH Models in R
Dear all, I'm using garchFit from fSeries package and I am not getting the desired results (error message : could not find function "garchFit" ). Would you please advise as to how I can build an ARIMA(p, d, q) - GARCH(p,q) model using R see the attached data and R-output. Thanking you in advance Kind regards Mangalani Peter Makananisa Statistical Analyst South
2007 Jul 19
Questions regarding R and fitting GARCH models
Dear all, I've recently switched from EViews to R with RMetrics/fSeries (newest version of july 10) for my analysis because of the much bigger flexibility it offers. So far my experiences had been great -prior I had already worked extensively with S-Plus so was already kind of familiar with the language- until I got to the fSeries package. My problem with the documentation of fSeries is that
2006 Jul 14
Help for updating package
I have a problem with garchFit fuction in fSeries package. I found the following reply on one of the R list: "GARCH-Modelling is not easy, and indeed for your dataset the default "Sequential Quadratic Programming" solver doesn't converge. I observed this also for some other time series. There is already an updated version on the server,
2006 Nov 22
questions about garchFit
Hi all, I was trying garchFIt() of fSeries to fit volatility of monthly log returns of S&P500. I tried residuals of normal, student t, skew normal, skew t. But all innovations except normal got exaxtly same coefficients, even if I changed their parameters of skew and shape. Is this correct for the data or something wrong? I am attaching the code, thank you. Muster #GARCH analysis of
2007 Apr 11
Fortran coding standards
I have some comments on the Fortran code in the fseries package in file 4A-GarchModelling.f , especially the subroutine GARCHFIT and function DSNORM. I appended the code to the end of an earlier message, but it was rejected by some rule. Let me first say that I am grateful that packages for financial econometrics exist in R. Fortran 77 had PARAMETERs, and PARAMETERs equal to 99999 and 200 should
2008 May 21
Problem with R or fBasics Package (PR#11495)
I have a problem wirh R: After loding fBasics packages log funtion doesn't work like as fallow: Cenap ERDEMIR Hacettepe University Turkey > log(20) [1] 2.995732 > local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE))) + if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)}) Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: robustbase
2010 Aug 15
fGarch: how to use garchFit() in loop?
Dear expeRts, How can I specify the order p,q of a GARCH(p,q) model within a loop? Here's a minimal example showing that an "Formula and data units do not match"-error appears: library(fGarch) spec <- garchSpec(model = list(alpha = 0.1, beta = c(0.4, 0.4))) data <- garchSim(spec, n = 100) x <- list() for(q in 1:3){ print(q) x[q] <-
2007 Jul 19
fSeries GARCH(1,1)
Hello all, I am trying to use the "garchFit" function in the fSeries Package to fit a Garch(1,1) Model with t distribution. I am using the following codes. fit <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),data,cond.dist="dstd") fitted(fit) I was expecting the fitted(fit) would return the fitted volatility, but the result turns out to be a series of repeated same value. I tried to change the
2011 May 12
DCC-GARCH model and AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) regression model
Hello, I have a rather complex problem... I will have to explain everything in detail because I cannot solve it by myself...i just ran out of ideas. So here is what I want to do: I take quotes of two indices - S&P500 and DJ. And my first aim is to estimate coefficients of the DCC-GARCH model for them. This is how I do it: library(tseries) p1 = get.hist.quote(instrument =
2008 Dec 30
A mistake in garchFit()? {fGarch}
Hello, I was using garchFit {fGarch} to fit some GARCH processes. I noticed that the result contains "Log Likelihood" value (right above "Description"), but when I use .. at fit$llh to retrieve Log Likelihood value, the sign switched. I am confused about which value I should choose to report... Any help here? Thanks a lot! Ted -- View this message in context:
2008 Apr 07
tcltk issue remains
Dear R-help, I'm trying to load the fGarch package and keep running into problems with tcltk: After succesfully instaling fGarch (and dependencies) I get: >library(fGarch) Loading required package: fBasics Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: robustbase Loading required package: fCalendar Loading required package: MASS Loading
2009 Jun 19
using garchFit() to fit ARMA+GARCH model with exogeneous variables
Hello - Here's what I'm trying to do. I want to fit a time series y with ARMA(1,1) + GARCH(1,1), there are also an exogeneous variable x which I wish to include, so the whole equation looks like: y_t - \phi y_{t-1} = \sigma_t \epsilon_t + \theta \sigma_{t-1} \epsilon_{t-1} + c x_t where \epsilon_t are i.i.d. random variables \sigma_t^2 = omega + \alpha \sigma_{t-1}^2 + \beta