Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "message posting"
2006 Jul 18
RSiteSearch() not in posting guide
In a recent reply I sent to the list, my initial response was to
suggest, politely that by reading the posting guide and learning to use
the supplied tools one can often help oneself. I then went on to say
that reading the posting guide would have led you to RSiteSearch("insert
query"). Luckily I went to the posting guide to check this was there
before posting and much to my
2004 Nov 04
sub- and superscript in plot labels
Dear List,
I need to add a subscript and a superscript to some of the ions in the
labels on some plots.
I have got to here but now I'm stuck:
plot(1:10, xlab = expression(paste("nm SO"[4], " ", mu, "eq cm"^{-2}, "
Which gives almost what I require. No matter what I tried, however, I
could not get bot a sub script *and* a superscript
2005 Aug 16
problem using model.frame()
Hi I'm having a problem with model.frame, encapsulated in this example:
y1 <- matrix(c(3,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1),
nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE)
y1 <- as.data.frame(y1)
rownames(y1) <- paste("site", 1:5, sep = "")
colnames(y1) <- paste("spp", 1:4, sep = "")
model.frame(~ y1)
Error in model.frame(formula, rownames,
2005 Nov 03
merging dataframes
Dear List,
I often have to merge two or more data frames containing unique row
names but with some columns (names) common to the two data frames and
some columns not common. This toy example will explain the kind of setup
I am talking about:
mat1 <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(20), nrow = 5))
mat2 <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(20), nrow = 4))
rownames(mat1) <- paste("site",
2006 Oct 31
one problem about how to hold graphic with R
Sorry to disturb you, but can you help me to solve one little problem?
I want to draw a graphic after another with R
but I cannot find the first one after that.
Do you know the command to hold the graphic with R?
I remember with Matlab you may use "hold on".
Baohua Yang
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2005 Aug 03
deparse(substitute(x)) and S3 methods
Dear List,
I have the following function:
coca <- function(x, ...)
if(is.null(class(x))) class(x) <- data.class(x)
UseMethod("coca", x)
and a default method
coca.default <- function(x, y, method = c("predictive", "symmetric"),
reg.method = c("simpls", "eigen"), weights =
2005 Aug 02
problem using evaluating a formula
y1 <- matrix(c(3,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1),
nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE)
y2 <- matrix(c
nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE)
y1 <- as.data.frame(y1)
y2 <- as.data.frame(y2)
rownames(y1) <- rownames(y2) <- paste("site", 1:5, sep = "")
colnames(y1) <-
2005 Apr 06
axis.Date problem, bug(?)
Dear List,
I have the following problem with axis.Date, here is an artificial example:
dates <- scan(what = "character")
"25/03/2000" "26/03/2000" "27/03/2000" "28/03/2000" "29/03/2000"
"30/03/2000" "31/03/2000" "01/04/2000" "02/04/2000" "03/04/2000"
2005 Aug 16
as.character and a formula
Dear list,
given this formula:
> fmla <- formula(y1 ~ spp1 + spp2 + spp3 + spp5)
> fmla[[3]]
spp1 + spp2 + spp3 + spp5
is this the intended behaviour of as.character:
> as.character(fmla[[3]])
[1] "+" "spp1 + spp2 + spp3" "spp5"
? Where does the extra "+" come from?
> as.character(fmla)
[1] "~"
2006 Mar 11
is there a formatted output in R?
something like "sprintf" in C?
so I can do:
print(sprintf("the correct result is %3.4f\n", myresult));
Also, I am desperately looking for a "clear console screen" function in
thanks a lot!
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2003 Oct 08
plotting results from leaps library
In trying to fit a linear model , I use the leaps() function to determine wich predictors I should include in my model.
I would like to plot the Mallow's Cp criteria against p with the indexes of selected model variates as points labels
Is there already such a function? (I could not find it)
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2003 Apr 03
ts function
I read "Practical Time Series" (Gareth Janacek; 2001) and they presented
e.g the
smoothing functions msmooth(x,k) or the bivariate function
but both didn't work on my machine. I only load the ts library, is
library necessary or did this function change since 2001? Is there a
more recent and detailed manual for ts?
thanks, cheers Martin
2003 Jun 04
cook distance
where is the cook-distance in R? i can't find it!please
help me!
2003 Dec 02
I am attempting to use R through WinEdt. I installed the SWinRegistry
package and it seems to install fine. But when I type:
> library(RWinEdt)
I get:
Error in library(WinEdt) : there is no package called 'RWinEdt'
I am running Windows XP and R 1.8.1
The SWinRegistry is correctly named as well that is it is named:
SWinRegistry_0.3-3.zip, which I know caused
2004 Jun 08
Computting statistics on a matrix with 2 factor column
I suppose this is a basic question but couldn't find a solution.:
I have a large matrix with let say 3 columns:
V1 V2 V3
a x 2
a x 4
a y 8
b z 16
and I want to compute some statistics based on
the levels resulting form the combination of the two first columns
V1 V2 V3
a x 6
a y 8
b z 16
Thanks for your hints .
2004 Jul 22
biplot & identify
Is there a way to get biplot and identify to work togheter.
Having the output of prcomp I would like to draw a biplot that.
Instead of plotting the sample (row-names) names plots some "pch" symbols. (thats easy with xlabs)
But now I would like to add using identify the names to only some of the points. I have noticed that both biplot.prcomp and biplot.default does a lot of
2004 Jun 11
Sweave and multiple graphs
Dear list,
I am using Sweave to build a small report. I want to produce a series of
figures, each figure containing a number of plots and then have them
included in the Sweave file.
An example would be to :
postscript(file = "ANCbwplot%03d.eps", onefile = FALSE, other options...)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2))
do lots of plots to produce a number of eps files
2005 Jun 03
Reading biplot function's source code
Hi everybody,
Excuse me for this silly question, but after searching the
help archives I'm still unable to find my way to read the
source code of the "biplot" function in R.
I have installed the mvbutils package, and tried:
> fixr(biplot)
which only gives me:
function (x, ...)
with no further details....
I'd like to read the code to see if
2005 Aug 16
Dots in models formulae
I have seen, several times, dots (like this: "y ~." ) in formula
descriptions, noticeably in R help.
I am unable to see what it does correspond to.
Any ideas ?
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