similar to: How to do a "proc summary" in R?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to do a "proc summary" in R?"

2006 May 24
changing font size in plot(effect())
I can't seem to be able to change the font size in an effect display. I've tried the following: > par(cex.lab=4) > plot(effect ("alti",reg8), ylab="detection probability") and > plot(effect ("alti",reg8), ylab="detection probability", cex=4) but nothing changes. Can anyone help me? thanks. Emilie Berthiaume graduate student
2005 Nov 01
function effect and standard error
Hi list! I did the following regression: reg1 <- glm(alti~sp + ovent + vivent + nuage, family=gaussian, data=meteo1) I was interested in knowing the effect of the species (sp) in reg1 and so I used the function «effect»: effect.sp <- effect ("sp", reg1, se=TRUE) with this output: sp AK BW NH OS RT SS 2.730101 2.885363 2.753774 2.750311
2004 Sep 30
function by
Hi, I'm just getting started with R and I'm having problems with some simple operations: I want to get the the sum of the column "SStot" for each year using the function by. The data set is named "SS". I've tried this: by (SS, year, sum(SStot)) and it's not working. Is it because there's a different number of rows for each year? How else can I do
2006 Mar 14
Ordered logistic regression in R vs in SAS
I tried the following ordered logistic regression in R: mod1 <- polr(altitude~sp + wind_dir + wind_speed + hr, data=altioot) But when I asked The summary of my regression I got the folloing error message: > summary (mod1) Re-fitting to get Hessian Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...) : the initial value of 'vmin' is not
2013 Feb 28
Ploting different values with different colors
Hello I am trying to plot a 20 x 20 grid of points with the colors of each point refering to percent cover of that specific point So basically the point are all the same size and their position on the graph is base on their coordinates (x,y). I want the color (a grey scale from white=0 to black =100) to represent the values of each of these point (cover) Here is what my data looks like
1999 Nov 17
Plot problem !
Hello, Is there a simple way to make a plot with xy coordinates and a z value which determines the size and the color of point on the plot? Thanks for your help ! Emilie -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe"
1999 Nov 08
I'm just beginning with R, and i've got a little problem, I would like to have my own xrange and yrange on the graph when I plot a matrix, and not the one R creates automatically. Thank you for your help Emilie Levivier (from Jussieu Paris) -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2006 Apr 07
Patch for water plugin to make time between rain-drops adjustable
Hello, I love the work that is being done with compiz! I have made a patch for water.c that makes the time between rain-drops adjustable using gconf. This way you can leave the plug-in running and just have pleasant drops every now and then instead of the rainstorm that is hard-coded in now (which is still fun now and then!). The gconf value is in ms (1/1000 of a second). Suggestions for
2001 Jul 25
WINE Fonts
I was wondering if someone had some X11 fonts that look like windows font? or the configuration libes to add into .wine/config to get them. I tryed to add "New Times Roman" = "-adobe-times-" but wine just crashed.
2011 Aug 17
questions about "metafor" package
Hello,   I would like to do a meta-analysis with the package « metafor ». Ideally I would like to use a mixed model because I’m interested to see the effect of some moderators. But the data set I managed to collect from literature presents two limits.   -         Firstly, for each observation, I have means for a treatment and for a control, but I don’t always have corresponding standard
2013 May 17
Radio player for FirefoxOS
Hi, I have pushed my radio player for FxOS to GitHub: Currently it uses a precompiled data from I will have to switch to asynchronous station list loading and filtering in the near future and then will nag you again about the JSON API
2010 Aug 12
Difference in Monte Carlo calculation between chisq.test and fisher.test
Hello all, I would like to know what the difference is between chisq.test and fisher.test when using the Monte Carlo method with simulate.p.value=TRUE? Thank you -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2002 Jul 28
timestamp on symlink
rsync does not sync the timestamp on symlink (Solaris 8). It is probablly due to the limitation of Unix implementation of symlink, but I would like to know why rsync/Unix does not do this, and what we can do about it. Is the conclusion that "rsync syncs everything except the timestamp on symlink"? Why do I need timestamp on symlink? Supposed something stopped working because something
2013 May 22
Radio player for FirefoxOS
Hi, Emilis, I have two working Icecast players which implement client-side parsing of yp.xml and searching then through it: - Python, can either transform the yp.xml into SQLite database and then search inside, or can store the yp.xml locally and transfer in into DOM, then search it. - Java (Android), same algorithm as Python but only the SQLite
2019 Apr 22
Icecast not connecting
Hello, I’m reaching out because our online radio station ( has stopped streaming in the last week - the website itself works fine but when anyone attempts to listen to the live music stream they receive a message that says “cannot connect to the server “” Do we need to update the server, or is this a problem that someone else can take care of? Let me know if I
2000 Feb 10
smbmount/smbumount getting rid of dead connections
I've got a win98 laptop and a linux box. On my linux box, I smbmount a directory from the laptop. Alas, win98 boxes crash a lot, and I move the laptop a lot... to and from work. If the laptop crashes or if I move it with a shared directory mounted on my linux box, that mount gets "Stuck".... it's present in /etc/mtab but when I cd to it and do an ls it says: 243 emily ~>ls
2013 Jun 25
Radio player for FirefoxOS
Hi, again, is there any URL where I could POST to suggest streams for My users are demanding the ability to add their own stations to the app: I would like to use their input (with their explicit consent) to push data about new streams to On 06/10/2013 07:31 PM, "Thomas B. R?cker" wrote: >
2004 Nov 11
expressions and paste
I have written a function to plot data which will be used for various different chemistries. A simplified version is: plot_data <- function(risk,levels,chem,sd2,measure){ plot(risk, levels,main=paste ("per", sd2, measure, "\n in usual", chem)) } The problem is with the title. This works fine if the variable "chem" is just text, but if it is an expression then
2010 Aug 15
legend outside plot area
Hi, please can you help me. When I add a legend to a boxplot it appears inside the plot area, how do you get it into the margins? I have already changed the parameters so there is space for it on the margin on the right hand side of the graph. Thanks, Emily [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Mar 15
Equation as a character string
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to use a character string as an equation, e.g: eqn1string <- "x^2 + x + 5" Then I want to tell R: 1) that eqn1string is actually an equation (even though it was stored as a character string), and 2) to apply the equation to a specified value of x (e.g. given x <- 6, what is the result of the equation). Thanks in advance for any