similar to: elements that appear only once

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "elements that appear only once"

2008 Feb 08
Can I index a dataframe with a reference from/to a second dataframe?
Hello, I am unable to figure out how to code a new column in a data frame based on an existing column that matches a column in a reference data frame, in a relational-db fashion. I would like this to maintain a minimum set of reference tables that may be reused over several similar datasets. Specifically, I have two data frames as listed below, 'Bos' and 'tree.' For each case in
2005 Jan 07
Visualizing complex analytic functions using domain coloring
Hi has anyone coded up domain colouring for visualizing complex analytic functions (such as elliptic functions)? [ the idea is to depict a complex function f(z) using a filled.contour() variant in which the hue is given by Arg(f(z)), and the saturation by Mod(f(z)). ] -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst Southampton Oceanography Centre European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK tel
2006 Sep 13
functions and strings
Hi If string <- "xyz" f <- function(x){1 + sin(cos(x)) + exp(x^2)} How do I manipulate "string" and f() to give the string "1 + sin(cos(xyz)) + exp(xyz^2)" ? -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst National Oceanography Centre, Southampton European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK tel 023-8059-7743
2007 Mar 19
character to numeric conversion
Hi. Is there a straightforward way to convert a character string containing comma-delimited numbers to a numeric vector? In my application, I use system(executable.string, intern=TRUE) which returns a string like "[0.E-38, 2.096751179214927596171268230, 3.678944959657480671183123052, 4.976528845643001020345216157, 6.072390165503099343887569007, 7.007958550337542210168866070,
2008 Mar 26
S4 slot with NA default
Hi How do I specify an S4 class with a slot that is potentially numeric, but NA by default? I want the slot to be NA until I calculate its value (an expensive operation, not needed for all applications). When its value is known, I will create a new object with the correct value inserted in the slot. I want "NA" to signify "not known". My attempt fails because
2006 Jul 27
inserting rows into a matrix
Hi I have a little vector function that takes a vector A of strictly positive integers and outputs a matrix M each of whose columns is the vector, modified in a complicated combinatorical way. Now I want to generalize the function so that A can include zeroes. Given A, I want to strip out the zeroes, pass it to my function, and pad M with rows at positions corresponding to the zeroes
2007 Jan 16
"[[" gotcha
The following gotcha caught me off-guard just now. I have two matrices, a and b: a <- matrix(1,3,3) b <- matrix(1,1,1) (note that both "a" and "b" are matrices). I want them in a list: > B <- NULL > B[[1]] <- a > B[[2]] <- b > B [[1]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 1 1 [2,] 1 1 1 [3,] 1 1 1 [[2]] [,1] [1,] 1
2005 Nov 17
changing figure size in Sweave
Hi In Sweave, how does one change the size of the plots? I tried using a hook: <<echo=FALSE, print=FALSE, fig=TRUE>>= options(SweaveHooks=list(fig=function() ps.options(width=1))) library(graphics) pairs(iris) @ but this didn't change the size of the figure. How to make the figures a different size? -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst National Oceanography Centre,
2006 Oct 13
Hi How do I generate all ways of ordering sets of indistinguishable items? suppose I have two A's, two B's and a C. Then I want AABBC AABCB AACBC ABABC . . .snip... BBAAC . . .snip... CBBAA [there are 5!/(2!*2!) = 30 arrangements. Note AABBC != BBAAC] How do I do this? -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst National Oceanography Centre, Southampton European Way, Southampton SO14
2006 Feb 28
lines() and recycled colours
Hi ?lines says For 'type = "h"', 'col' can be a vector and will be recycled as needed. Why doesn't lines() recycle colours for other types? If I type > plot(0:1,0:1,type="n") > lines(runif(11),runif(11),col=c("red","green")) > then all ten lines are red, with no warning given. Is there a reason why
2005 Jan 05
output from table() in matrix form
Hi How do I get the output from table() in matrix form? If I have R> table(c(1,1,1,1,2,20)) 1 2 20 4 1 1 I want [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 2 20 [2,] 4 1 1 The problem is that names(table) is a vector of characters and I need the numeric values. I am using R> rbind(as.integer(names(x)),x) I thought tabulate() might be better as it takes an
2005 Jun 13
extracting components of a list
Hi how do I extract those components of a list that satisfy a certain requirement? If jj <- list(list(a=1,b=4:7),list(a=5,b=3:6),list(a=10,b=4:5)) I want just the components of jj that have b[1] ==4 which in this case would be the first and third of jj, viz list (jj[[1]],jj[[3]]). How to do this efficiently? My only idea was to loop through jj, and set unwanted components to NULL,
2006 Jul 25
pari/gp interface
Hi I'm developing an R package that needs to execute some code written in pari/gp. I've used this before from an R package (elliptic) but the interface is very basic: the R function creates a string such as the following: string <- echo ' ellwp ([ 2+0*I , 0+2*I ], 1+0*I )' | gp -q And then system(string) returns the output from gp which then needs to be text processed
2006 Nov 17
2"+", ...)
Hi How do I make take "+" as a function for a list of more than two elements? Toy problem follows: f <- function(i){matrix((1:6)^i,2,3)} # Thus f() returns a matrix of size 2x3; I want to add a whole bunch of such matrices, # as in f(1) + f(2) + f(3) + f(4) # But: >"+",sapply(1:4,f,simplify=FALSE)) Error in"+",
2005 Jun 20
sweep() and recycling
Hi I had a hard-to-find bug in some of my code the other day, which I eventually traced to my misusing of sweep(). I would expect sweep() to give me a warning if the elements don't recycle nicely, but X <- matrix(1:36,6,6) sweep(X,1,1:5,"+") [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,] 2 9 16 23 30 32 [2,] 4 11 18 25 27 34 [3,] 6 13 20 22
2006 Dec 14
two connected graphs
Hi I have two datasets, A and B, consisting of two columns of numbers representing x and y coordinates. They have 10 and 6 rows respectively. I want to plot two scattergraphs, one above the other. The lower graph to contain A (10 points) and the upper graph to contain B (six points). The x-axes of the two graphs must line up. I then want to draw straight lines that connect points of B to a
2005 Jul 12
elegant matrix creation
Hi I want to write a little function that takes a vector of arbitrary length "n" and returns a matrix of size n+1 by n+1. I can't easily describe it, but the following function that works for n=3 should convey what I'm trying to do: f <- function(x){ matrix(c( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0, x[1] , 1 , 0 , 0, x[1]*x[2] , x[2] , 1 , 0,
2005 Mar 30
Recall() and sapply()
Hi. I'm having difficulty following the advice given in help(Recall). Consider the two following toy functions: f1 <- function(n){ if(length(n)>1){return(sapply(n,f1))} matrix(n,n,n) } f2 <- function(n){ if(length(n)>1){return(sapply(n,Recall))} matrix(n,n,n) } f1() works as desired (that is, f(1:3), say, gives me a three element list whose i-th element is an
2004 Jun 11
rownames of single row matrices
Hi I want to extract rows of a matrix, and preserve rownames even if only one row is selected. Toy example: R> a <- matrix(1:9,3,3) R> rownames(a) <- letters[1:3] R> colnames(a) <- LETTERS[1:3] R> a A B C a 1 4 7 b 2 5 8 c 3 6 9 Extract the first two rows: R> wanted <- 1:2 R> a[wanted,] A B C a 1 4 7 b 2 5 8 rownames come through fine. Now extract just
2006 Apr 27
summary(lm(x~y)) difference between R-2.2.1 and R-2.3.0
Hi [macOSX 10.4.6; R-2.3.0] I have encountered a difference in behaviour between R-2.2.1 and R-2.3.0 when performing a linear model. Transcript follows for R-2.3.0 (R-2.2.1 worked as expected). How to make R-2.3.0 perform as R-2.2.1 did? > dput(x) c(29.13, 29.88, 30.09, 29.99, 29.74, 29.64, 29.65, 29.7, 30.04, 29.89, 29.96, 29.65, 28.76, 28.41, 28.38, 29.55, 29.76, 29.75, 29.84,