Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "AID / Tree Analysis in R"
2006 Feb 15
aggregate data.frame using column-specific functions
Dear Colleagues,
does anybody know how to aggregate a data.frame using different functions for different columns?
Markus Preisetanz
Client Vela GmbH
Albert-Roßhaupter-Str. 32
81369 München
fon: +49 (0) 89 742 17-113
fax: +49 (0) 89 742 17-150
2006 Feb 16
scatterplot3d: how to show scatterpoints in 2D-space with color as 3rd dimension?
Dear Colleagues:
I have 3 numeric variables (say x, y, z) in a data.frame and want to draw a 2D-scatterplot with the 3rd dimension as color, if possible without having to convert the whole thing to an appropiate matrix for image() manually.
Can e.g. scatterplot3d do something like this? There's a function xyz.convert, but I couldn't find the way to use it properly.
2006 Feb 13
Adding dimnames to image()
Dear Colleagues,
does anybody know how to add dimnames to an image. Right now I'm using
image(as.matrix(df3), col=brewer.pal(9,"Blues"))
where df3 is a data.frame.
dimnames(as.matrix(df3)) delivers
[1] "RFM_A1" "RFM_A2" "RFM_A4" "RFM_A5" "RFM_A7" "RFM_B3" "RFM_B6" "RFM_B7"
2006 Jan 26
cluster analysis: "error in vector("double", length): given vector size is too big {Fehler in vector("double", length) : angegebene Vektorgröße ist zu groß}
Dear R Specialists,
when trying to cluster a data.frame with about 80.000 rows and 25 columns I get the above error message. I tried hclust (using dist), agnes (entering the data.frame directly) and pam (entering the data.frame directly). What I actually do not want to do is generate a random sample from the data.
The machine I run R on is a Windows 2000 Server (Pentium 4) with 2 GB of
2006 Feb 08
ARULES --> Filtering Rules by RHS
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to only inspect rules that contain a certain label substring on the rhs. In this special case the item labels are built like this:
<itemtype>_<itemvalue> e.g. "Artikelgruppe_E0815" what I want to do is only show rules where "Artikelgruppe" is contained in the rhs - has anybody an idea how this could work?
2006 Aug 07
CPU Usage with R 2.1.0 in Windows (and with R 2.3.1)
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt.
Name: nicht verf?gbar
URL: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20060807/7f387274/attachment.pl
2006 Feb 01
RODBC: How to Retrieve a Column as Rownames?
Dear Collegues,
when using sqlQuery from the package RODBC I always get a data frame with automatically generated rownames, even if:
* the first column of the query is called rownames using "Select ... AS rownames, ... From ..."
* and: the values from this column are unique
* and: the values are inevitably forced to character data with e.g. " 'rn_' + CAST(xy AS
2006 Feb 08
Graphics Package --> stars()
Dear Collegues,
does anybody know how I can place a legend at a sensible position in a star diagram automatically? The legend should tell the name of the variable (from colnames) for every color used.
Sincerely, Markus
Markus Preisetanz
Client Vela GmbH
Albert-Roßhaupter-Str. 32
81369 München
fon: +49 (0) 89 742 17-113
2006 Jan 26
Clustering Question
Hi group,
My case has N physicians with each seeing M patients.
One physician could have seen a group of patients, or,
a patient could have been seen by multiple number of
physicians. In order words, there are overlaps. Now,
I have the following NxM matrix
Patient#1 Patient#2 Patient#3 .......
Physician#1 1 0 1 .......
2006 Jul 28
arules package: using image() deliveres unexpected results
Dear Collegues,
it seems like there is a problem with the image()-method in the package arules.
Using an ordninary matrix works fine:
image(matrix(rnorm(200), 10, 20), axes = FALSE, col=brewer.pal(9, "Blues") )
delivers an image with blue colors and no axes.
Using an object of the class "associations" (arules package) does not work:
image(items(ta.eclat), axes = FALSE,
2003 Jul 03
AID and CHAID: news about?
Dear R-helpers,
I just search if is there something for AID and CHAID in R: one message in
this list (last year) without success and no possibility.
News about? If "no" let's me know because some friends are looking for thesis
and this could be a usefull job.
Daniele Medri
2009 Aug 28
Hi..I am trying to run CHAID in R..I have installed the sofyware Party and
trying to use the function ctree() to carry out the analysis. but I am
getting the following message Error in terms.default(formula, data = data) :
no terms component
. I am having some Likert scale variable where I have variables like
"Overall satisfaction"(Dependent Variable),"Product quality", Brand
2008 Jul 21
Can I say that RPART is a modified algo of CART and PARTY a modified of
Chua Siang Li
Consultant - Operations Research
Acceval Pte Ltd
Tel: 6297 8740
Email: siang.li.chua at acceval-intl.com
Website: www.acceval-intl.com
This message and any attachments (the "message"...{{dropped:12}}
2013 Oct 16
Extract a predictors form constparty object (CHAID output) in R
I have a large dataset (questionnaire results) of mostly categorical
variables. I have tested for dependency between the variables using
chi-square test. There are an incomprehensible number of dependencies.
I used the chaid() function in the CHAID package to detect
interactions and separate out (what I hope to be) the underlying
structure of these dependencies for each variable. What typically
2008 Aug 27
Seeking Code for Chaid or Similar
Quick disclaimer: I'm new to the list and I'm not sure if I'm sending this
to the correct forum. If there is a better place for questions like these,
please let me know!
Dear R List,
I'm interested in modifying a regression tree algorithm to use the
difference between a control and a dosed sample as its dependent variable.
I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find
2008 Dec 29
Quer?a saber si existe alguna funci?n de R para realizar el algoritmo
CHAID de ?rbol de clasificaci?n, existen de J48 por ejemplo pero no
encuentro nada de este algor?tmo.
Muchas gracias y un cordial saludo,
Juan Antonio Gil Pascual
Prof. Titular de M?todos de Investigaci?n en Educaci?n
correo: jgil at edu.uned.es
2012 Dec 21
How to run chaid in R
Could you please let me know how to run chaid in R.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jan 23
I would like to conduct a CHAID tree analysis - Chi-square Automatic
Interaction Detector.
>From what I can make out from MASS, tree, rpart, and a quick search it
isn't available
as a package.
Is that correct or have I missed it? Has anyone an available
implementation of it?
Nana Mail <http://mail.nana.co.il> - Get Your Free Personal Outlook 2003
2007 Jun 22
(Heuristic?) salient feature selection
Dear all,
I am new to R and statistics really in general. I am hoping that someone
will be able to point me in the right direction and/or suggest a
technique/package/reference that will help me with the following.
I have:
Some input variables (integers, real)
Some output variables (integers, real)
and I want to find out which between the two correlate best - i.e. the
salient features. I
2012 Dec 20
Filling Lists or Arrays of variable dimensions
Following problem:
Say you have a bunch of parameters and want to produce results for all combinations of those:
then what i used to do was something like this:
for(h in height){
for(w in width){
l[[h]][[w]] <- doSomething()
Now those parameters aren't