similar to: how I can perform Multivariate Garch analysis in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "how I can perform Multivariate Garch analysis in R"

2006 May 11
Please help me to combine two datasets.
Dear r-users, Suppose I have two data sets data set-1 Date height ------------------------ 1/11/2005 10 2/11/2005 23 3/11/2005 54 4/11/2005 21 5/11/2005 22 data set-2 weight -------- 32 45 11 Now I want to combine this two data sets. i.e. i want to see: Date height weight ------------------------------------------- 3/11/2005 54
2008 Feb 27
Loading user defined functions autometically each time I start R
Hi all, I wrote some user defined function for my own. Now I want to get a mechanism so that every time I start R, those function will automatically be loaded in R without manually copying pasting. Can gurus here pls tell me how to do that? Or I have to build my own packages bundled with those functions. However I am not familiar in writing R package yet. Regards, [[alternative HTML version
2005 Sep 21
MGARCH estimation
Hi R-users Can the users let me know how to do MGARCH estimate (Bivariate GARCH) and volatility forecast for 2 variables in R. thanks and regards snvk
2011 Jun 07
About DCC-garch model...
Hi, everyone, I currently run into a problem about DCC-Garch model. I use the package cc-garch and the function dcc.estimation. One of the output of this function is DCC matrix, which shows conditional correlation matrix at every time period you gives. However, I cannot figue out how the function calculate the conditional correlation matrix at the first time period, since there is no data to be
2006 Jun 20
Dear all R-users, I have a GARCH related query. Suppose I fit a GARCH(1,1) model on a dataframe dat >garch1 = garch(dat) >summary(garch1) Call: garch(x = dat) Model: GARCH(1,1) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -4.7278 -0.3240 0.0000 0.3107 12.3981 Coefficient(s): Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) a0 1.212e-04 2.053e-06 59.05 <2e-16 *** a1
2006 Jun 20
Dear all R-users, I have a GARCH related query. Suppose I fit a GARCH(1,1) model on a dataframe dat >garch1 = garch(dat) >summary(garch1) Call: garch(x = dat) Model: GARCH(1,1) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -4.7278 -0.3240 0.0000 0.3107 12.3981 Coefficient(s): Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) a0 1.212e-04 2.053e-06 59.05 <2e-16 *** a1
2006 Jun 13
Garch Warning
Dear all R-users, I wanted to fit a Garch(1,1) model to a dataset by: >garch1 = garch(na.omit(dat)) But I got a warning message while executing, which is: >Warning message: >NaNs produced in: sqrt(pred$e) The garch parameters that I got are: > garch1 Call: garch(x = na.omit(dat)) Coefficient(s): a0 a1 b1 1.212e-04 1.001e+00 1.111e-14 Can any one
2007 Apr 02
Multivariate GARCH model in R
Hi R users, Heard that I can't use multivariate GARCH model in R because R has only univariate GARCH models.... So, how can I run a multivariate GARCH model in R? Also, SPLUS has this utility...any ideas how can I use it in R? Thanks Shubha [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Oct 23
multivariate Stochastic Volatility and GARCH
Dear everyone, i`m a german economics student, writing my master´s thesis about "Multivariate Volatility Models". After having read about theoretical aspects of Multivariate GARCH ans Stochastic Volatility Models, I would like to compare DCC-GARCH and DC-SV with help of an empirical application. I figuered out that one has to use MCMC-simulation-methods for that. Some days ago I
2009 Mar 04
Multivariate GARCH Package
Good day everyone,   I tried to find a multivariate GARCH package and failed to find one. Although when I searched R I found the following link which describes the package:   can any one help me with this issue.   Thank you in advance [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Feb 21
About multivariate GARCH: DVEC and BEKK
Dear All, I attempted to fit a DVEC and a BEKK multivariate GARCH model, but am wondering which package to use. 1. I tried to use "rmgarch" package in R, but I couldn't find the subroutines for DVEC and BEKK. 2. I tried to find "rmgarch" package of R, which is not located on the official R site. This is the latest version I can find, where the programs were
2013 Feb 19
Are there multivariate GARCH packages in R?
Hi , Are there any multivariate GARCH package (e.g., BEKK) in R? I do see a few "projects" constructing multivariate GARCH package, but wonder if there is anyone that is ready for use. Thanks, Miao [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Oct 20
Multivariate GARCH
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2012 May 07
Value of Hurst exponent (R/S) method > 1
Hello, I'm using fArma package to estimate the value of Hurst exponent using R/S method. However, for a certain set of data I get H ~ 1.8. How do I interpret this? Following are the output that I get for this set: > mean(data[,2]) [1] 400.5433 > sd(data[,2]) [1] 1139.786 > > rsFit(data[,2], levels = 64) Title: Hurst Exponent from R/S Method Call: rsFit(x = data[, 2], levels
2006 May 08
Hi All, I,m trying to do a GARCH simulation in R 2.3.0 release in Windows XP. I've seen garchsim function but that is for garch (1,1) and ?garch gives an example for ARCH simulation. Can anyone help me how can i extend the help shown in ?garch to GARCH simulation? Please help me in this regard. Thanks, Sumanta Basak.
2005 Feb 22
Does R has the function for garch-t, gjr-garch, qgarch and egarch
Dear all, I would like to know that R has the function for garch-t,gjr- garch,qgarch and egarch. Best Regards, Luck
2011 May 12
DCC-GARCH model and AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) regression model
Hello, I have a rather complex problem... I will have to explain everything in detail because I cannot solve it by myself...i just ran out of ideas. So here is what I want to do: I take quotes of two indices - S&P500 and DJ. And my first aim is to estimate coefficients of the DCC-GARCH model for them. This is how I do it: library(tseries) p1 = get.hist.quote(instrument =
2008 May 23
I need to change the code of Garch to the FCGARCH (a non-linear multi-regime GARCH). I don't know nothing about R. I'd like to know how can I get the code of the garch in order to change it and make the fit for the FC-GARCH. Any non-linear code will be helpfull because if doesn't help in the programming it helps in getting familiar with R. Thank you Renato -- PhD Student Renato
2005 Nov 21
garch function in R
I'm using R 2.1.1 and just successfully installed packages tseries, fseries. I try to run example But it shows > x.arch <- garch(x, order = c(0,2)) # Fit ARCH(2) Error: couldn't find function "garch" Then I run command >"garch") it shows the R information.
2009 Jun 15
GARCH:: False Convergence
Dear R users, I am trying to use tseries' garch function in order to determine the volatility of a return series generated by quantmod. Here is the code that I am using: > library(quantmod) > getSymbols("AAPL") convert daily closing prices into continuous log returns > dret<-dailyReturn(AAPL,type='log') check to see that the autocorrelations decay >