similar to: post-hoc comparisons following glmm

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "post-hoc comparisons following glmm"

2006 Jul 11
Multiple tests on 2 way-ANOVA
Dear r-helpers, I have a question about multiple testing. Here an example that puzzles me: All matrixes and contrast vectors are presented in treatment contrasts. 1. example: library(multcomp) n<-60; sigma<-20 # n = sample size per group # sigma standard deviation of the residuals cov1 <- matrix(c(3/4,-1/2,-1/2,-1/2,1,0,-1/2,0,1), nrow = 3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE, dimnames =
2005 Mar 09
multiple comparisons for lme using multcomp
Dear R-help list, I would like to perform multiple comparisons for lme. Can you report to me if my way to is correct or not? Please, note that I am not nor a statistician nor a mathematician, so, some understandings are sometimes quite hard for me. According to the previous helps on the topic in R-help list May 2003 (please, see Torsten Hothorn advices) and books such as Venables &
2003 May 19
multcomp and glm
I have run the following logistic regression model: options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) m <- glm(wolf.cross ~ null.cross + feature, family = "binomial") where: wolf.cross = likelihood of wolves crossing a linear feature null.cross = proportion of random paths that crossed a linear feature feature = CATEGORY of linear feature with 5 levels:
2008 May 28
Tukey HSD (or other post hoc tests) following repeated measures ANOVA
Hi everyone, I am fairly new to R, and I am aware that others have had this problem before, but I have failed to solve the problem from previous replies I found in the archives. As this is such a standard procedure in psychological science, there must be an elegant solution to this...I think. I would much appreciate a solution that even I could understand... ;-) Now, I want to calculate a
2008 Nov 19
F-Tests in generalized linear mixed models (GLMM)
Hi! I would like to perform an F-Test over more than one variable within a generalized mixed model with Gamma-distribution and log-link function. For this purpose, I use the package mgcv. Similar tests may be done using the function "anova", as for example in the case of a normal distributed response. However, if I do so, the error message "error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
2013 Jan 08
GLMM post- hoc comparisons
Hi All, I have data about seed predation (SP) in fruits of three differents colors (yellow, motted, dark) and in two fruiting seasons (2007, 2008). I performed a GLMM (lmer function, lme4 package) and the outcome showed that the interaction term (color:season) was significant, and some combinations of this interaction have significant Pr(>|z|), but I don't think they are the right
2010 Jul 21
post hoc test for lme using glht ?
Hi, I have a fairly simple repeated measures-type data set I've been attempting to analyze using the lme function in the nlme package. Repeated searches here and other places lead me to believe I have specified my model correctly. However, I am having trouble with post-hoc tests. From what I gather, other people are successfully using the glht function from the multcomp package to
2006 Jul 25
Multiple tests on repeated measurements
Dear R-helpers: My question is how do I efficient and valid correct for multiple tests in a repeated measurement design: Suppose we measure at two distinct visits with repeated subjects a treatment difference on the same variable. The treatment differences are assessed with a mixed model and adjusted by two methods for multiple tests: # 1. Method: Adjustment with library(multcomp)
2005 Aug 18
GLMM - Am I trying the impossible?
Dear all, I have tried to calculate a GLMM fit with lmer (lme4) and glmmPQL (MASS), I also used glm for comparison. I am getting very different results from different functions, and I suspect that the problem is with our dataset rather than the functions, but I would appreciate help in deciding whether my suspicions are right. If indeed we are attempting the wrong type of analysis, some
2010 Aug 30
Help With Post-hoc Testing
I am trying to do post-hoc tests associated with a repeated measures analysis with on factor nested within respondents. The factor (SOI) has 17 levels. The overall testing is working fine, but I can''t seem to get the multiple comparisons to work. The first step is to "stack" the data. Then I used "lme" to specify and test the overall model. Finally
2004 Aug 27
degrees of freedom (lme4 and nlme)
Hi, I'm having some problems regarding the packages lme4 and nlme, more specifically in the denominator degrees of freedom. I used data Orthodont for the two packages. The commands used are below. require(nlme) data(Orthodont) fm1<-lme(distance~age+ Sex, data=Orthodont,random=~1|Subject, method="REML") anova(fm1) numDF DenDF F-value p-value (Intercept) 1
2002 Dec 15
Interpretation of hypothesis tests for mixed models
My question concerns the logic behind hypothesis tests for fixed-effect terms in models fitted with lme. Suppose the levels of Subj indicate a grouping structure (k subjects) and Trt is a two-level factor (two treatments) for which there are several (n) responses y from each treatment and subject combination. If one suspects a subject by treatment interaction, either of the following models seem
2004 Nov 25
Error in anova(): objects must inherit from classes
Hello: Let me rephrase my question to attract interest in the problem I'm having. When I appply anova() to two equations estimated using glmmPQL, I get a complaint, > anova(fm1, fm2) Error in anova.lme(fm1, fm2) : Objects must inherit from classes "gls", "gnls" "lm","lmList", "lme","nlme","nlsList", or "nls"
2012 Feb 14
how to test the random factor effect in lme
Hi I am working on a Nested one-way ANOVA. I don't know how to implement R code to test the significance of the random factor My R code so far can only test the fixed factor : anova(lme(PCB~Area,random=~1|Sites, data = PCBdata)) numDF denDF F-value p-value (Intercept) 1 12 1841.7845 <.0001 Area 1 4 4.9846 0.0894 Here is my data and my hand
2009 Apr 05
extract the p value of F statistics from the lm class
Dear R users I have run an regression and want to extract the p value of the F statistics, but I can find a way to do that. x<-summary(lm(log(RV2)~log(IV.m),data=b)) Call: lm(formula = log(RV2) ~ log(IV.m), data = b[[11]]) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.26511 -0.09718 -0.01326 0.11095 0.29777 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
2006 Feb 23
Strange p-level for the fixed effect with lme function
Hello, I ran two lme analyses and got expected results. However, I saw something suspicious regarding p-level for fixed effect. Models are the same, only experimental designs differ and, of course, subjects. I am aware that I could done nesting Subjects within Experiments, but it is expected to have much slower RT (reaction time) in the second experiment, since the task is more complex, so it
2007 Nov 01
F distribution from lme()?
Dear all, Using the data set and code below, I am interested in modelling how egg temperature (egg.temp) is related to energy expenditure (kjday) and clutch size (treat) in incubating birds using the lme-function. I wish to generate the F-distribution for my model, and have tried to do so using the anova()-function. However, in the resulting anova-table, the parameter kjday has gone from being
2007 Oct 31
set initial parameter values for GLMM estimation
Dear list members, I look for a way (or alternative) to specify initial values when estimating linear mixed models in R, and to avoid iterative estimation. This is a way to control specific parameter values (eg. variance parameter values) such that the result (F-value) is based on them. This result can then be used for power analyses that uses the non-central F-distribution, as is done with SAS
2003 Apr 09
[OFF] Nested or not nested, this is the question.
Hi, sorry by this off. I'm still try to understand nested design. I have the follow example (fiction): I have 12 plots in 4 sizes in 3 replicates (4*3 = 12) In each plot I put 2 species (A and B) to reproduce. After a period I make samples in each board and count the number of individuals total (tot) and individuals A and B (nsp). Others individuals excepts A and B are in total of
2003 Jul 27
continuous independent variable in lme
Dear All, I am writing to ask a clarification on what R, and in particular lme, is doing. I have an experiment where fly wing area was measured in 4 selection lines, measured at 18 and 25 degrees. I am using a lme model because I have three replicated per line (coded 1:12 so I need not use getGroups to creat an orederd factor). The lines are called: "18"; "25";