Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "nlme problems"
2006 Jul 07
densityplot and panel.groups
I am trying to plot multiple densityplots on each panel, and using
panel.groups to do some additional plotting (not included in the
example) as in this example.
thedata <- data.frame(x=rnorm(1200),class=rep(1:3,each=200,times=2),
densityplot(~x | class,groups=group,
panel.groups =
2004 Jul 23
nlme parameters in nlmeControl
Hello all.
I'm doing a simulation study where I will be making use of the 'nlme' package. I want to
loosen up the convergence criteria so that I increase the likelihood of convergence
(potentially at the cost of obtaining slightly less than ideal results). The parameters in
the function nlmeControl() control the convergence criteria. These default values can be
modified to make
2003 Dec 17
step halving factor reduced below minimum
Dear Splus and R users:
I have a problem in fitting a NLME model, the error message is:
"step halving factor reduced below minimum in PNLS step"
What does it mean and how to fix the problem, could anyone help me
about it?
Any suggestion/help would be greatly appreciated.
2008 Jan 31
Error handling in nlme call
In some trial simulation work I need to create batch files that will
repeatedly generate pseudoreplicate datasets and then create non-
linear mixed effects models using nlme. Inevitably these models
sometimes fail to converge but I need the batch file to simply move on
to another simulation rather than abort. I am using the try() function
as in
which handles
2009 May 27
Constrained fits: y~a+b*x-c*x^2, with a,b,c >=0
I wonder whether R has methods for constrained fitting of linear models.
I am trying fm<-lm(y~x+I(x^2), data=dat) which most of the time gives
indeed the coefficients of an inverted parabola. I know in advance that
it has to be an inverted parabola with the maximum constrained to
positive (or zero) values of x.
The help pages for lm do not contain any info on constrained fitting.
Does anyone
2006 Apr 13
bus error on calling nmmin
I'm trying to get a toy program making use of nmmin to run
successfully. I've gotten to the point of compiling. However, when I
attempt to run my executable, I guess a bus error. I see that someone
else has asked about using nmmin before
<http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/06/03/23944.html>, but I
haven't come across any replies.
Is there some documentation on how to
2006 Jun 01
understanding the verbose output in nlme
I have found some postings referring to the fact that one can try and
understand why a particular model is failing to solve/converge from the
verbose output one can generate when fitting a nonlinear mixed model. I am
trying to understand this output and have not been able to find out much:
**Iteration 1
LME step: Loglik: -237.4517 , nlm iterations: 22
reStruct parameters:
2006 Jul 18
Using corStruct in nlme
I am having trouble fitting correlation structures within nlme. I would like to
fit corCAR1, corGaus and corExp correlation structures to my data. I either
get the error "step halving reduced below minimum in pnls step" or
alternatively R crashes.
My dataset is similar to the CO2 example in the nlme package. The one major
difference is that in my case the 'conc' steps are
2007 Oct 13
R API - optim
I am trying to use the R API to call optim functions (nmmin, vmmin, lbfgsb,
etc.) through a C program but I couldn't find the shared library to link
under the R-2.6.0 build which is compiled under Linux (REL5).
main.cpp:35: undefined reference to `Rf_initEmbeddedR(int, char**)'
main.cpp:41: undefined reference to `nmmin'
Thanks in advance for any help.
2012 Aug 27
Can anybody, please, explain me how many parameter are estimated using
For examples, model "dentistry.lca2random" estimate 1 scale (or
variance, b_j) parameter and 2 position parameters (a_cj)? Doesn't
Do I need at least 4 diagnostic tests for such a model?
What happens if I specify options blocksize and byclass? How many
diagnostic tests (or rater) I need?
2001 Sep 30
non linear models
Dear Members of the Help List,
Honestly, I feel a little bit stupid - I would like to do something rather
simple: fit a non linear model to existing data, to be more precise I wanted
to start with simple higher order polynomials.
Unfortunately, I do not quite understand the examples in the helpfiles for
the nlm, nls and nlsModel commands.
Could anyone please provide a simple example to get me
2012 Jan 31
problem in fitting model in NLS function
Dear R users,
I am struggling to fit expo-linear equation to my data using "nls" function. I am always getting error message as i highlighted below in yellow color:
Theexpo-linear equation which i am interested to fit my data:
response_variable = (c/r)*log(1+exp(r*(Day-tt))), where "Day" is time-variable
my response variable
rl <-
2002 May 10
PNLS step error in nlme
Hi R-help;
In using nlme, I often encounter the following error message:
Error in nlme.formula(model = response ~ ......, data = ...
Step halving factor reduced below minimum in PNLS step
Resetting the pnlsTol default value does not solve the problem. Any
suggestions or workarouds for solving the problem?
2013 Mar 21
step halving factor reduced below minimum
I am attempting to use nlme to model the response of 19 groups. I am able to get a reasonable fit of all of the groups to the observed data using an exponential decay model (a*exp-x*b). The problem is that when I plot the fitted values to residuals, it demonstrates a pattern of increasing variance.
I attempt to model this variance using
Sig3.nlme <- update(Sig2.nlme, weights =
2009 Sep 09
I want to be able to minimise WoW
OS: Arch Linux (64-bit) (fully updated)
GFX Card: Geforce 8800GT (driver version irrelevant - had problem for a year)
WM: Openbox
Problem: Whenever I minimise WoW, the fps drops to sub-10. I can solve this by minimising and maximising the window again, but if I wait too long after minimising, it doesn't always work. Also, if I minimise it by accident too many times, it also doesn't work.
2012 Apr 12
Simple Problem: Plotting mathematical functions
Hey there,
I want to plot 5 parabola functions, which happen to be
f(x) = 0.25x? + 6,47x -32.6
g(x)=0.99x? -6x -195
j(x)= 0.77x? +14x -495
k(x)=0.001x? + 65x -785
l(x) = 0.9x? -2x -636
in the same graph. Sadly I even do not really understand how to plot just
one graph...
I found this code in the Internet, which plots a cos-function:
>x <- seq( -10, 10, length = 1000)
2006 Sep 11
ZFS and free space
how are writes distributed as the free space within a pool reaches a
very small percentage?
I understand that when free space is available, ZFS will batch writes
and then issue them in sequential order, maximising write bandwidth.
When free space reaches a minimum, what happens?
Thanks! :)
2007 Jan 04
problem with function 'optimise' (PR#9438)
Full_Name: Karsten Krug
Version: 2.4.0
OS: Open Suse 10.0, Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
I found a problem in the 'optimise' function for one dimensional optimisation.
Example 1:
Try to find a maximum of the function below with the use of 'optimise' in the
interval [0,0.5]. The function follows a parabola and has two local maxima
located at the margins of
2007 May 02
ED50 from logistic model with interactions
I was wondering if someone could please help me. I am doing a logistic
regression to compare size at maturity between 3 seasons. My model is:
fit <- glm(Mature ~ Season * Size - 1, family = binomial, data=dat)
where Mature is a binary response, 0 for immature, 1 for mature. There
are 3 Seasons.
The Season * Size interaction is significant. I would like to compare the
size at 50%
2010 Dec 10
survreg vs. aftreg (eha) - the relationship between fitted coefficients?
Dear R-users,
I need to use the aftreg function in package 'eha' to estimate failure times for left truncated survival data. Apparently, survreg still cannot fit such models. Both functions should be fitting the accelerated failure time (Weibull) model. However, as G?ran Brostr?m points out in the help file for aftreg, the parameterisation is different giving rise to different