Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "bug in geoR (?)"
2006 Jun 02
geoR, plot of variog4 lines incomplete
I'm using R for Mac OSX version 1.14 (2129) and the geoR package
version 1.6-5 (the current version in the R repository). I'm running
R in OS 10.4.6 on a Mac G4 iBook (933MHz, 640 MB DDR SDRAM). I
searched the R archive and did not find a posting on this issue.
I want to use the variog and variog4 functions of geoR to
characterize the pattern of spatial autocorrelation of tree
2008 Aug 15
Strange error message from geoR´s likfit () lik. max. func.
I am geeting the error message
Error in ldots[[which(MET)]] : attempt to select less than one element
when I try to fit the geostatistical model with the likfit() function of
I have tried with old data for which likfit() successfully maximised the
likelihood in previous versions of geoR, and yet the current version
I have tried in Windows Vista and Windows XP (I haven't
2003 Sep 10
geoR variogram problem
Dear GeoR-er,
If I use the variog function in the latest release of geoR, the first lag is
always ignored.
For instance, if you read in geodata, calculates the variogram using the
variog function and give in a uvec like uvec=seq(0,max,by=2.44), it only
starts giving results from distance=4.88 and ignores 2.44!
This wasn't the case in former versions of geoR. Is this done on purpose?
2006 Mar 17
can't load "geoR"
Dear R list,
I've just installed R and then followed the instructions to install the
package "geoR" from within R by using the following line of code:
install.packages("geoR", contriburl = "http://www.est.ufpr.br/geoR/windows")
This installed okay under the folder C:\documents and settings\ ...
But when I follow the instructions in the illustrative session
2005 Dec 29
Help with Kriging
R Experts,
I'm looking for some help with the geoR package. I'm trying to krig
some data without using a global neighborhood. I would like to set my
moving neighborhood to a distance, say 100 meters, where I know my data
is spatially correlated. I have tried the ksline function, but that
only allows my moving neighborhood to be set to a number of data points.
But, since my data
2006 Jun 28
calculating the spacial autocorrelation for poisson data
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado...
Nome: n?o dispon?vel
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20060628/2ff7714d/attachment.pl
2003 Feb 11
geoR question from new R user
I'm a new R user. My goal is to do a variogram using geoR.
I started by trying to do the example in the geoR Illustrative Session
using my own data.
I am able to read in my Ascii data using: D <- matrix(scan("file.dat",
n=530*3), 530,3, byrow=TRUE).
Then I use: as.geodata(D, coords.col=1:2, data.col=3) to make the
object D geodata.
I check the descriptive statistics,
2004 Sep 16
geoR/variog4() not returning all directions
Mac OS 10.3.5, R 2.0.0
latest version of geoR
I have an incomplete 5 x 20 spatial array of samples (60 out of 100
possible locations) for which I would like to calculate directional
variograms using variog4(). Unfortunately, I can't get it to return all
4 directions. It returns variograms for 45, 90, and 135 degrees,
omitting 0 degrees (pi/4, pi/2, 3pi/4, omitting 0). If I specify 0
2008 Aug 18
GeoR model.control - defining covariates at prediction locations
Im using geoR and I'm trying to do some predictions, based on an external
I'm having some problems specifying my model.control, specifically how do I
define my model, and also the source of the covariate data at the prediction
I am assuming that the covariate data at the prediction locations should be
imported to a geodata object along with the prediction location
2004 Jan 08
Using geoR krige.conv
I'm using the function krige.conv from package geoR but I'm getting a
warning that I do not understand:
Warning messages:
1: NaNs produced in: sqrt(variance)
2: NaNs produced in: sqrt(variance)
I'm performimg an ordinary kriging with a log transform (lambda=0).
Does anyone knows where this comes from ?
Thanks and regards
2005 Oct 31
Applying a function to a vector
I have defined a function to compute the value of a
beta distribution of the second kind (the existing
beta distribution of th stats package is the beta
distribution of the first kind). It works perfectly
for a single value, but I want to apply it to a vector
of 22 000 values. I can use a loop for the calculation
of each value but it runs very very slowly.
So, what can I change ?
Hers's the
2006 Aug 30
Handling realisations in geoRglm
Dear R users:
I want to model mosquito count data based on landcover attributes and
meteorological variables using a Poisson GLSM in the geoRglm package. I
have monthly mosquito counts over more than 20 years with repeated
observations from individual trap sites over time. I have used
as.geodata() to successfully read my dataset into the geodata format
utilized by geoR and geoRglm,
2003 Mar 25
geoR vector length error
we have a problem with geoR. We try to read an ASCII table (x,y,z) with 40000
lines. With read.geodata we get the error:
Error in vector("double", length) : cannot allocate vector of length 799980000
We can read the file without any problem with read.table, but trying to
convert it to the geodata class gets the same error.
Any help/tips would be appreciated.
Kris, Dave
2003 Sep 30
non-linear trends in kriging model
I am struggling to fit a non-linear trend using the
likfit function in geoR.
Specifically I want a sigmoidal function, something
like SSfpl in the nls package to fit the trend. But
it seems trend.spatial in geoR only works with lm or
glm type models.
Any ideas how I can specify the model to calculate the
kriging parameters using REML, including the
parameters of a sigmoidal trend function
2004 Feb 23
border of a polygon in contour.kriging - geoR
Dear all,
When a conventional kriging and then a contour plot is limited with a polygon (as possible with krige.conv and contour.kriging), the
polygon border is displayed in black by default.
> kc<-krige.conv(CZdata,loc=pred.grid,borders=czpoly,krige=krige.control(obj.m=ls))
> plot(CZcoord,xlab="x",ylab="y",type="n",asp=1)
2006 Aug 08
parameter yaxs / function hist (graphics)
Dear R users,
The parameters xaxs and yaxs (function par, package graphics)
seem not to work with the function hist (package graphics),
even when the parameters xlim and ylim are defined.
Is there any way to make yaxs="i" and xaxs="i" work properly
with the function hist, mainly to produce histograms that
"touch" the horizontal axis? The R documentation and the
2003 Jul 24
geoR size limit problem
Hi all,
I tried to produce some kriged surfaces with geoR (latest version). The size
of the grid should be around 900 x 650 cells (what I find is not a very big
grid), and the number of points is around 2500. The command krige.conv
stopped after arround 5 min saying it can not allocate a vector with around
1.5 billion units. Sounds reasonable.
Is there a workaround? How would I partition the
2004 Jan 30
How to plot a small figure in a bigger one???
I want to insert a small figure into a bigger plot. I saw people are doing
this all the time, but I just could not figure out how to do it in R.
Thanks for your help!
Jinfeng Zhang
2005 Oct 26
symbolic math
Hi all!
Does anyone knows if it exists a "symbolic math" package in R, that allows to compute derivatives, integrals, etc.?
Does exist a freeware version of Maple?
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2005 May 06
Change class factor to numeric
I am attempting to develop a multiple regression model using selected
model variables that should all be treated as numeric (mostly real)
However, R considers one specific variable "mass" automatically to be of
class "factor", probably because "mass" consists of integer values that
are repeated.
I now want to force R to treat "mass" as a numeric