Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "contrasts for lm"
2005 May 15
adjusted p-values with TukeyHSD?
hi list,
i have to ask you again, having tried and searched for several days...
i want to do a TukeyHSD after an Anova, and want to get the adjusted
p-values after the Tukey Correction.
i found the p.adjust function, but it can only correct for "holm",
"hochberg", bonferroni", but not "Tukey".
Is it not possbile to get adjusted p-values after
2006 Mar 09
bugs in simtest (PR#8670)
# R for Windows will not send your bug report automatically.
# Please copy the bug report (after finishing it) to
# your favorite email program and send it to
# r-bugs at r-project.org
This report is joint from Richard Heiberger <rmh at temple.edu>
and Burt Holland <bholland at temple.edu>.
Burt Holland is the coauthor
2004 Jan 18
multcomp, simint, simtest and computation duration
Dear R-listers,
I am trying to compute simultaneous confidence intervals with simint from the package multcomp. 230 measures (abundance) have been taken in 23 sites (factor) of a data.frame (donnees: a file can be sent on request, saved with save(donnees,file="donnees")). I would like to get all pairwise comparisons with :
mc<- simint(ren~ID,type="Tukey",data=donnees)
2003 Nov 05
Multiple comparisons with a glm
I've never seen anything written about multiple comparisons,
as in the multcomp package or with TukeyHSD, but using a glm.
Do such procedures exist? Are they sensible?
Are there any packages in R that implement such comparisons?
Thank you.
Ken Knoblauch
Inserm U371
Cerveau et Vision
18 avenue du Doyen Lepine
69675 Bron cedex
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 77
Fax: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 61
2007 May 21
more simplified output from glht object
I use glht to make multcomp, using Tukey, from a glm model.
It is possible to get a more simplified output of result? Somethink like
ordering by letters.
Human kind cannot bear very much reality.
-- T. S. Eliot, "Four Quartets: Burnt Norton"
> Prof. Ronaldo Reis J?nior
| .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. de Ecologia
| : :' :
2008 Oct 29
problem with "simtest"
Hello all
I am working with the package multcomp but I have problems with the function
simtest; the program say that can not find this function, nevertheless I doesn't have any problem with the function glht that it is in the same package.
Someone knows what could be the problem?
Thank you
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2002 Jun 26
contrast matrix in package multcomp
I've got a problem building a contrast matrix for the Dunnet contrast in
package multcopm. The following works fine:
> summary(simtest(adiff ~ trial))
Simultaneous tests: Dunnett contrasts
Data: adiff by trial
Contrast matrix:
trial1 trial2 trial3 trial4 trial5
trial2-trial1 -1 1 0 0 0
trial3-trial1 -1 0 1 0 0
2003 May 14
Multiple comparison and lme (again, sorry)
Dear list,
As a reply to my recent mail:
> simint and TukeyHSD work for aov objects.
> Can someone point me to similar functions for lme objects?
Douglas Bates wrote
There aren't multiple comparison methods for lme objects because it is
not clear how to do multiple comparisons for these. I don't think the
theory of multiple comparisons extends easily to lme models. One
2004 May 20
pmvt problem in multcomp
Hi, all:
Two examples are shown below.
I want to use the multiple comparison of Dunnett.
It succeeded in upper case "example 1".
However, the lower case "example 2" went wrong.
In "example 2", the function pmvt return NaN, so I cannot show
this simtest result. Is there any solution?
(I changed the variable "maxpts" to a large number in front of
2004 Aug 13
simtest for Dunnett's test
I use simtest fonction of multcomp package to compile a Dunnett's test.
I have 10 treatments and one control group, so i create a matrix with:
2006 Jul 22
Here it is again, hope this is more clear
I am using the following data (only a small subset is given):
Habitat Fungus.yield
Birch 20.83829053
Birch 22.9718181
Birch 22.28216829
Birch 24.23136797
Birch 22.32147961
Birch 20.30783598
Oak 27.24047258
Oak 29.7730014
Oak 30.12608508
Oak 25.76088669
Oak 30.14750974
Hornbeam 17.05307949
Hornbeam 15.32805111
Hornbeam 18.26920177
Hornbeam 21.30987049
2005 Jul 15
Adjusted p-values with TukeyHSD (patch)
Dear R-developeRs,
Attached follows a patch against svn 34959 that adds the
printing of p-values to the TukeyHSD.aov function in stats package. I
also updated the corresponding documentation file and added a 'see also'
reference to the simint function of the multcomp package.
As it was already brought up in a previous thread [1] in R-help,
one can obtain the adjusted
2005 Sep 15
means comparison in R (post-hoc test)
Hash: SHA1
I have been using SAS for some time, and now I have discovered R. I am
very happy with it, but I have not found out how to perform some of the
multiple comparisons I was used to do in SAS.
With the SAS/STAT, I generally used the MEANS (for comparison of
arithmetic means) and the LSMEANS (for adjusted means) statements of the
GLM procedure (I
2004 Feb 03
output from multcomp and lm
Dear R-users
I analysed the same data set by two different ways;
analysis of covariance by using lm and anova functions
and multiple comparison by using simtest function in
the multcomp library.
The output from the analysis of covariance is;
> y<-lm(D~Cond+Q1,data=x)
> anova(y)
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: D
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Cond 2
2003 Jan 30
TukeyHSD and BIBD
the function TukeyHSD gives incorrect results for balanced incomplete block
designs, as the example below shows, but I can only half fix it. There are
two problems,
1. It uses model.tables to estimate treatment means,
2. It uses the wrong standard error
The first problem can be fixed using dummy.coef, if the lines
> TukeyHSD.aov
function (x, which = seq(along = tabs), ordered = FALSE,
2007 Mar 18
I used the multcomp package sometime back for doing multiple
comparisons. I see that it has been updated and the methods like simint
are no longer supported. When I run the program it prompts to me to use
glht. How do I get the lower and upper conf int and the pValues using
glht? Does anyone have an example?
Thanks ../Murli
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2006 Jul 28
mult comp significance
This has a stats question and a R question. I am sure there are many
core statisticians here how would know the answer to this simple
question. In determining the significant comparisons using the methods
in multcomp, the ones that are designated as significant are the ones
that do not intersect the zero line. What is the physical meaning of
this and why are those considered significant? I can
2009 Feb 27
Adjusting confidence intervals for paired t-tests of multiple endpoints
Dear R-users,
In a randomized placebo-controlled within-subject design, subjects recieved
a psycho-active drug and placebo. Subjects filled out a questionnaire
containing 15 scales on four different time points after drug
administration. In order to detect drug effects on each time point, I
compared scale values between placebo and drug for all time conditions and
scales, which sums up to
2006 Jun 21
eliminating a do loop
Using a "by() statement, I am preparing ANOVA's for multiple experiments,
and using simint() to generate confidence intervals.
This works fine.
simint.by.fit <- by(analytes.dfr, list(Assay = analytes.dfr$analyte ),
function(data) (simint(value ~ tx, data = data,type='Tukey' ) ) )
I can separately prepare plots of the confidence intervals, and I can
prepare separate plots
2011 May 01
Simulation Questions
I have the following script for generating a dataset. It works like a champ except for a couple of things.
1. I need the variables "itbs" and "map" to be negatively correlated with the binomial variable "lunch" (around -0.21 and -0.24, respectively). The binomial variable "lunch" needs to remain unchanged.
2. While my generated variables do come out