similar to: fSeries package: ?aparchFit

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "fSeries package: ?aparchFit"

2004 Sep 22
Dear R people, I'm not able to have the component residuals, fitted.value ....from an aparchFit() estimation as explain in the Value of aparchFit Help, package fSeries. Could someone help me? Thanks in advance. Lisa
2007 Dec 12
Hi, Could somebody say if it is possible to compute APARCH-models with garchFit commands. I have earlier used aaa (garchOxFit) and now I try to use bbb (look below) aaa <- garchOxFit(formula.mean=~arma(1,0),formula.var=~aparch(1,1),series=nyk,cond.dist=c('gaussian')) bbb <- garchFit(formula=~arma(1,0)+aparch(1,1),data=nyk) aaa works well, but I need other characteristics of
2005 Dec 13
I'm trying to use garchFit from fSeries, with Student or Skewed Student conditionnal distribution. Let's say that eps (vector) is my series of daily log-returns: data(EuStockMarkets) eps = diff(log(EuStockMarkets[,"CAC"])) library(fSeries) g = garchFit(series = eps, formula.var = ~garch(2,2), cond.dist = "dstd") s = g at fit$series All the coefficients are ok
2006 Apr 26
garchFit from fSeries
Dear R People: I'm trying to use the garchFit function from the library(fSeries) However, R freezes every time that I use it. Is anyone else having this problem, please? Thanks in advance! R Version 2.2.1 Windows. Sincerely, Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown mailto: hodgess at
2004 Nov 10
Good morning everyone, I use for the first time the package fSeries and i try to run the example given by Diethelm Würtz. But when i run its example which is the following # # Example: # Model a GARCH time series process # # Description: # PART I: Estimate GARCH models of the following type ARCH(2) # and GARCH(1,1) with normal conditional distribution functions. # PART II: Simulate
2011 Sep 28
fGarch - Fitting and APARCH-Modell with fixed delta
Hi there, I'm trying to fit a GJR-GARCH Model using fGarch. I wanted to try that by fitting an APARCH model with a fixed delta of 2 and a non-fixed gamma. So I was simply trying to use: spec <- garchFit(~aparch(1,1),data=garchSim(),delta=2) coef(spec) And sometimes, it's working like a charm and delta is indeed exactly 2 in the resulting coefficient vector. Frequently, though, the
2006 Nov 22
problems with garchFit
Hi all, I post it on both r-help and r-finance since I don't know where is most appropriate for this topic. Sorry if it bothers you. I did garch fitting on S&P500 monthly returns with garchFit from fSeries. I got same coefficients from all cond.dist except normal. I thought that is probabaly usual for the data. But when I play with it, I got another question. I plot skew normal with
2007 Jul 19
Questions regarding R and fitting GARCH models
Dear all, I've recently switched from EViews to R with RMetrics/fSeries (newest version of july 10) for my analysis because of the much bigger flexibility it offers. So far my experiences had been great -prior I had already worked extensively with S-Plus so was already kind of familiar with the language- until I got to the fSeries package. My problem with the documentation of fSeries is that
2007 Jan 06
garchFit in R
Dear all, I have problem here : I'm using garchFit from fSeries package, here is part of the script : > data <- read.table("d:/data.txt") > a <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),ts(data)) I also attached the file here. In my experience, I got my R not responding. I also tried with > a <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),ts(data*10)) and it's worked. I
2006 Jul 14
Help for updating package
I have a problem with garchFit fuction in fSeries package. I found the following reply on one of the R list: "GARCH-Modelling is not easy, and indeed for your dataset the default "Sequential Quadratic Programming" solver doesn't converge. I observed this also for some other time series. There is already an updated version on the server,
2009 Nov 06
GARCH Models in R
Dear all, I'm using garchFit from fSeries package and I am not getting the desired results (error message : could not find function "garchFit" ). Would you please advise as to how I can build an ARIMA(p, d, q) - GARCH(p,q) model using R see the attached data and R-output. Thanking you in advance Kind regards Mangalani Peter Makananisa Statistical Analyst South
2005 Dec 04
fSeries: garchOxFit - is really the example provided not runnig?
Dear R-helpers, I have just loaded the fSeries package and I wanted to run the example provided in the documentation of garchOxFit but I got the following: > library(fSeries) > ?garchOxFit > library(datasets) > ?garchOxFit > ## Not run: > ## garchOxFit - > # Load Benchmark Data Set: > data(dem2gbp) > x = dem2gbp[, 1] >
2006 Jul 06
Problem with garchFit function in fSeries
I used garchFit function to fit 1600 observations of EURO/USD 2-day returns in GARCH(1,1) model. As part of the summary I got warning message: NaNs produced in: sqrt(diag(fit$cvar)) And didn't get any estimates for 3 params' std.error, t value or probability: Error Analysis: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) mu -0.004827 0.020141 -0.240 0.811 ar1 0.010311
2007 Jul 19
fSeries GARCH(1,1)
Hello all, I am trying to use the "garchFit" function in the fSeries Package to fit a Garch(1,1) Model with t distribution. I am using the following codes. fit <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),data,cond.dist="dstd") fitted(fit) I was expecting the fitted(fit) would return the fitted volatility, but the result turns out to be a series of repeated same value. I tried to change the
2007 Apr 11
Fortran coding standards
I have some comments on the Fortran code in the fseries package in file 4A-GarchModelling.f , especially the subroutine GARCHFIT and function DSNORM. I appended the code to the end of an earlier message, but it was rejected by some rule. Let me first say that I am grateful that packages for financial econometrics exist in R. Fortran 77 had PARAMETERs, and PARAMETERs equal to 99999 and 200 should
2011 May 12
DCC-GARCH model and AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) regression model
Hello, I have a rather complex problem... I will have to explain everything in detail because I cannot solve it by myself...i just ran out of ideas. So here is what I want to do: I take quotes of two indices - S&P500 and DJ. And my first aim is to estimate coefficients of the DCC-GARCH model for them. This is how I do it: library(tseries) p1 = get.hist.quote(instrument =
2010 Mar 17
Hi, Although my doubt is pretty,as i m not from stats background i am not sure how to proceed on this. Currently i am doing a forecasting.I used ARIMA to forecast and time series was volatile i used garchFit for residuals. How to use the output of Garch to correct the forecasted values from ARIMA. Here is my code: ###delta is the data fit<-arima(delta,order=c(2,,0,1)) fit.res <-
2007 Oct 31
problem with package fSeries
Helo, please look at the log below: after loading the fSeries library, I can not use the log function. Is this a bug or what am I doing wrong? Because of this, I'm unable to use the garch library. thanks a lot for any help, Balazs Torma > log(1) [1] 0 > require("fSeries") Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: robustbase Loading required package:
2006 Apr 26
garch in tseries
Hello again! Is there a way to include a mean in the garch function in the library(tseries), please? I tried include.mean=T in the function statement but it didn't work thanks in advance! R Version 2.2.1 Windows Sincerely, Erin mailto: hodgess at
2013 Jan 30
fSeries not found in R
Hello all, When I tried to install fSeries in R, I got the following error messages: install.packages("fSeries",dependencies=T) Warning message: package 'fSeries' is not available (for R version 2.15.2) Is this package changing/merging to another package? Thanks, Rebecca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This message, and any