similar to: problem with "parse"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "problem with "parse""

2009 Dec 29
pass functions and arguments to function
Hi, I wonder how to pass several functions and their arguments as arguments to a function. For example, the main function is f = function(X ) { process1(X) ... process2(X) } I have a few functions that operate on X, e.g. g1(X, par1), g2(X, par2), g3(X, par3). par1, par2 and par3 are parameters and of different types. I would like to pass g1, g2, g3 and their arguments to f and g1,
2006 Feb 08
expand.grid without expanding
Dear list, I've recently came across a problem that I think I've solved and that I wanted to share with you for two reasons: - Maybe others come across the same problem. - Maybe someone has a much simpler solution that wants to share with me ;-) The problem is as follows: expand.grid() allows you to generate a data.frame with all combinations of a set of values, e.g.: >
2007 Oct 30
flexible processing
Hello, unfortunately, I don't know a better subject. I would like to be very flexible in how to process my data. Assume the following dataset: par1 <- seq(0,1,length.out = 100) par2 <- seq(1,100) fac1 <- factor(rep(c("group1", "group2"), each = 50)) fac2 <- factor(rep(c("group3", "group4", "group5", "group6"), each =
2007 Dec 19
recode based on filter
Hi, I have a data frame DATA, which (simplified of course) looks like this: know1 = c("Y","N","N","Y","N","N","Y","Y","N") par1=c(1,4,5,3,3,2,3,3,5) know2 = c("Y","Y","N","Y","N","N","N","Y","Y")
2011 Apr 07
Two functions as parametrs of a function.
Hi R users: I'm trying to make a function where two of the parameters are functions, but I don't know how to put each set of parameters for each function. What am I missing? I try this code: f2<-function(n=2,nsim=100,fun1=rnorm,par1=list(),fun2=rnorm,par2=list()){ force(fun1) force(fun2) force(n) p1<-unlist(par1) p2<-unlist(par2) force(p1) force(p2)
2005 Dec 05
how to save output all together
Dear R users: I have a problem about catch the value from function. I have following two functions (part): sbolus1 <- function() { ....... for( i in 1:Subject) { kel<-par1 Vd<-par2 PKindex<-sbolus1.out(PKtime,kel,Vd,defun,par1,par2,Dose,i) } savefile(PKindex) } sbolus1.out<-function(PKtime,kel,Vd,defun,par1,par2,Dose,i) { time<-PKtime$time
2005 Nov 23
finding peaks in a simple dataset with R
I've been asked in private, (and am replying BCC to the asker), >> I saw your post on the R-help archives page about the possibility of >> porting a function from S-Plus called peaks() to R. I am looking for >> some way to locate peaks in a simple x,y data set, and thought that R >> might be the way to go. "of course" it is the way to go, don't get
2005 Nov 28
background computation, &
Hi list, Is there a way to process R commands in the background other then using R in batch mode? I'm looking for the equivalent of the & operator on the *nix commandline. Cheers, Koen
2009 Jun 16
Constrained Optimization, a full example
After a few days of work, I think I nearly have it. Unfortunately, theta is unchanged after I run this (as a script from a file). I thought that theta would contain the fitted parameters. The goal here is to find the least squares fit according to the function defined as "rss" subject to the constraints defined as ui and ci. I defined ui and ci to (hopefully) force par2 and par3
2004 Dec 14
Multiple options for a package
Hi R-devel, I am facing a situation where the number of options I would like to propose to the user is somewhat big (and could easily increase more and more as I will code up a little more - even coming to a point where an user should be able to implement his own options). What we have to handle options is the couple: options(par=value) and getOption("par") I was aking myselft what
2009 Dec 29
(no subject)
Hi, I wonder how to pass several functions and their arguments as arguments to a function. For example, the main function is f = function(X ) { process(X) ... process(X) } I have a few functions that operate on X, e.g. g1(X, par1), g2(X, par2), g3(X, par3). par1, par2 and par3 are parameters and of different types.
2009 May 20
SEM:Standard error of std.coef estimates?
Hi, I am currently working with the sem package in R, to create pathway diagrams. Id like to use the standardized path coeffcients. To get these, I use std.coef. However, using this yields only the standardized coefficients, but does not give me the standard error. Does someone know how to get std.coef to show the standard error of the standardized path coefficients as well? Thanks, Bastiaan
2011 Feb 04
vegan and sweave using xtable
Dear all, Using: library(vegan) data(BCI) mod <- radfit(BCI[1,]) mod RAD models, family poisson No. of species 93, total abundance 448 par1 par2 par3 Deviance AIC BIC Null 39.5261 315.4362 315.4362 Preemption 0.042797 21.8939 299.8041 302.3367 Lognormal 1.0687 1.0186 25.1528 305.0629 310.1281
2004 Feb 11
lapply and dynamically linked functions
Hi all, I'm trying to use lapply on a list with the following command: out<-lapply(mylist,myfun,par1=p,par2=d) (1) where myfun<-function(x,par1,par1) {.....} (2) now this function is in fact a wrapper for some Fortran code I have written so I think this might be the problem. When I call lapply() as in (1) I get the following message: Error in get(x,
2011 Mar 15
Problem with nls.lm function of minpack.lm package.
Dear R useRs, I have a problem with nls.lm function of minpackl.lm package. I need to fit the Van Genuchten Model to a set of data of Theta and hydraulic conductivity with nls.lm function of minpack.lm package. For the first fit, the parameter estimates keep changing even after 1000 iterations (Th) and I have a following error message for fit of hydraulic conductivity (k); Reason for
2012 Nov 26
[LLVMdev] LSR pass
Hi, I would like some help regarding the LSR pass. It seems that it likes to duplicate address calculations as in the case above, which is highly undesirable on my target. I wonder if there is any way to tell LSR to not duplicate the code in cases like this? Or could I perhaps run CSE after LSR again? What is the logic behind this transformation? It seems that a LSR pass should not insert a
2001 Jan 15
Memory problem 2 (PR#815)
Dear R-developer, Just some more details on the problem I reported several minutes ago. On an NT machine (4.0 SP6) I got the following for the same task: > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch x86 os Win32 system x86, Win32 status major 1 minor 2.0 year 2000 month
2008 Feb 14
Replacing columns in a data frame using a previous condition
Dear R-list, I'm working with a data frame which dimensions are > dim(GERU) [1] 3468 318 and looks like > GERU[1:10,1:10] ped ind par1 par2 sex sta rs7696470 rs7696470.1 rs1032896 rs1032896.1 1 USA5854 2 0 0 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 USA5854 3 1 2 1 1 4 4 1 1 3 USA5854 4 1 2 2 2
2016 Apr 12
antispam plugin, pipe backend, how to make it work?
Hi, my setup is a dovecot 2.0.19 IMAP server on Ubuntu Precise with the antispam plugin in version 2.0+20120225-2 and spamassassin at version 3.2.2 I have been trying and failed to get the pipe backend of the antispam plugin to work. Spamassin by itself works, a manual call of sa-learn works fine. Bayes data is stored in a mysql DB. I have the following configuration in
2006 Jul 24
persistent C++ objects
Hi, I am trying to create an R interface for Dynare++ [1], a k-order solver for rational expectation models. I would like some advice on how to glue the C++ code to R. In C++, it works the following way: - a DynareModelEq object is initialized with the formulas, parses them and performs k-order symbolic expansions - the user calls a member of this object multiple times with parameter