Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Truncated observations in survreg"
2010 Mar 26
Problems if optimization
What's up fellows...
I am a begginer in R and i am trying to find the parameters of one
likelihood function, but when i otimize it, always appers a error or
advertisement and the solve does not occur.
The problem seems like that:
2011 Dec 01
Estimation of AR(1) Model with Markov Switching
Dear R users,
I have been trying to obtain the MLE of the following model
state 0: y_t = 2 + 0.5 * y_{t-1} + e_t
state 1: y_t = 0.5 + 0.9 * y_{t-1} + e_t
where e_t ~ iidN(0,1)
transition probability between states is 0.2
I've generated some fake data and tried to estimate the parameters using the
constrOptim() function but I can't get sensible answers using it. I've tried
2005 May 03
comparing lm(), survreg( ... , dist="gaussian") and survreg( ... , dist="lognormal")
Dear R-Helpers:
I have tried everything I can think of and hope not to appear too foolish
when my error is pointed out to me.
I have some real data (18 points) that look linear on a log-log plot so I
used them for a comparison of lm() and survreg. There are no suspensions.
survreg.df <- data.frame(Cycles=c(2009000, 577000, 145000, 376000, 37000,
979000, 17420000, 71065000, 46397000,
2008 Sep 19
Error: function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters
I have an error for a simple optimization problem. Is there anyone knowing
about this error?
Error in optim(1, L) : function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters
Thank you in advance
View this
2009 Mar 08
survreg help in R
Hey all,
I am trying to use the survreg function in R to estimate the mean and
standard deviation to come up with the MLE of alpha and lambda for the
weibull distribution. I am doing the following:
and I get the following
2008 Apr 25
Use of survreg.distributions
Dear R-user:
I am using survreg(Surv()) for fitting a Tobit model of left-censored longitudinal data. For logarithmic transformation of y data, I am trying use survreg.distributions in the following way:
tfit=survreg(Surv(y, y>=-5, type="left")~x + cluster(id), dist="gaussian", data=y.data, scale=0, weights=w)
2010 Nov 15
interpretation of coefficients in survreg AND obtaining the hazard function
1. The weibull is the only distribution that can be written in both a
proportional hazazrds for and an accelerated failure time form. Survreg
uses the latter.
In an ACF model, we model the time to failure. Positive coefficients
are good (longer time to death).
In a PH model, we model the death rate. Positive coefficients are
bad (higher death rate).
You are not the first to be confused
2007 Nov 29
Survreg(), Surv() and interval-censored data
Can anybody give me a neat example of interval censored data analysis codes in R?
Given that suvreg(Surv(c(1,1,NA,3),c(2,NA,2,3),type="interval2")~1)
works why does
not work where
data is :
T.1 T.2 Status
1 0.0000000 0.62873036 1
2 0.0000000 2.07039068 1
3 0.0000000
2008 Apr 17
survreg() with frailty
Dear R-users,
I have noticed small discrepencies in the reported estimate of the
variance of the frailty by the print method for survreg() and the
'theta' component included in the object fit:
# Examples in R-2.6.2 for Windows
library(survival) # version 2.34-1 (2008-03-31)
# discrepancy
fit1 <- survreg(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + frailty(litter), rats)
2012 Nov 15
survreg & gompertz
Hi all,
Sorry if this has been answered already, but I couldn't find it in the
archives or general internet.
Is it possible to implement the gompertz distribution as
survreg.distribution to use with survreg of the survival library?
I haven't found anything and recent attempts from my side weren't
succefull so far.
I know that other packages like 'eha' and
2003 Feb 27
interval-censored data in survreg()
I am trying to fit a lognormal distribution on interval-censored
data. Some of my intervals have a lower bound of zero.
Unfortunately, it seems like survreg() cannot deal with lower
bounds of zero, despite the fact that plnorm(0)==0 and
pnorm(-Inf)==0 are well defined. Below is a short example to
reproduce the problem.
Does anyone know why survreg() must behave that way?
Is there an alternate
2002 Nov 13
survreg (survival) reports erroneous results for left-censored data (PR#2287)
Full_Name: Tim Cohn
Version: 1.6.1
OS: Macintosh OS X
Submission from: (NULL) (
The Mac version of survreg does not handle left-censored data correctly (at
least the results are not what I get doing it other ways, and they are not the
same as I get running R 1.6.1 in Windows 98se; the Windows 98 results are
correct). On the windows version of R 1.6.1.
2011 Dec 07
survreg() provides same results with different distirbutions for left censored data
I'm working with some left censored survival data using accelerated failure
time models. I am interested in fitting different distributions to the data
but seem to be getting the same results from the model fit using survreg
regardless of the assumed distribution.
These two codes seem to provide the same results:
aft.gaussian <-
2010 Nov 25
aftreg vs survreg loglogistic aft model (different intercept term)
Hi, I'm estimating a loglogistic aft (accelerated failure time) model, just a
simple plain vanilla one (without time dependent covariates), I'm comparing
the results that I obtain between aftreg (eha package) and survreg(surv
package). If I don't use any covariate the results are identical , if I add
covariates all the coefficients are the same until a precision of 10^4 or
10^-5 except
2010 Nov 13
interpretation of coefficients in survreg AND obtaining the hazard function for an individual given a set of predictors
Dear R help list,
I am modeling some survival data with coxph and survreg (dist='weibull') using
package survival. I have 2 problems:
1) I do not understand how to interpret the regression coefficients in the
survreg output and it is not clear, for me, from ?survreg.objects how to.
Here is an example of the codes that points out my problem:
- data is stc1
- the factor is dichotomous
2009 Jun 07
Survreg function for loglogistic hazard estimation
I am trying to use R to do loglogistic hazard estimation. My plan is to
generate a loglogistic hazard sample data and then use survreg to estimate
it. If everything is correct, survreg should return the parameters I have
used to generate the sample data.
I have written the following code to do a time invariant hazard estimation.
The output of summary(modloglog) shows the factor loading of
2007 Jul 12
p-value from survreg
The question was how to get the p-value from the fit below, as an S object
sr<-survreg(s~groups, dist="gaussian")
(Intercept) groups
-0.02138485 0.03868351
Scale= 0.01789372
Loglik(model)= 31.1 Loglik(intercept only)= 25.4
Chisq= 11.39 on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.00074
n= 16
In general, good places to start are
> names(sr)
2006 Feb 13
Survreg(), Surv() and interval-censored data
Can survreg() handle interval-censored data like the documentation
says? I ask because the command:
survreg(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ 1, data = heart)
fails with the error message
Invalid survival type
yet the documentation for Surv() states:
"Presently, the only methods allowing interval censored data are
the parametric models computed by 'survreg'"
2010 Nov 16
Re : interpretation of coefficients in survreg AND obtaining the hazard function for an individual given a set of predictors
Thanks for sharing the questions and responses!
Is it possible to appreciate how much the coefficients matter in one
or the other model?
Say, using Biau's example, using coxph, as.factor(grade2 ==
"high")TRUE gives hazard ratio 1.27 (rounded).
As clinician I can grasp this HR as 27% relative increase. I can
relate with other published results.
With survreg the Weibull model gives a
2011 Feb 03
My own distribution in survreg function
I?m trying to do some analysis using survreg function. I need to implement
there my own distribution with density:
lambda*exp(-lambda*y), where y = a1/(1+exp(-a2*x)).
a1, a2 are unknown parameters and x >0.
I need to get estimates of a1 and a2 (and lambda of course)
I?m really not good at programming.
Is there any way how to implement this distribution to survreg without