similar to: dev.copy legend problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "dev.copy legend problem"

2005 Sep 09
how to do something like " subset(mat, ("col1">4 & "col2">4)) "
Dear all, I have a problem with the "subset()" function. I spent all day yesterday with a collegue to solve it and we did not find a satisfying solution (even in the archived mails), so I ask for your help. Let's say (for a simple example) a matrix mat: R> mat cola colb colc [1,] 1 4 7 [2,] 2 5 8 [3,] 3 6 9 My goal is to select the lines of the matrix on the basis of the
2005 Nov 09
read.table error with R 2.2.0
Dear all, I just upgraded version of R to R 2.2.0, and I have a problem with a script that did not happen with my previous version. Here is the error : ----------------------------------------- > param<-read.table(file="param.dat",sep ="\t",header=TRUE,fill=TRUE, na.strings="NA") Erreur dans read.table.default(file = "param.dat", sep =
2005 Oct 12
subsetting with by() or other function??
I think I must be missing something obvious, but I'm having trouble getting a data transformation to work on groupings of data within a data frame (csss3) as defined by 2 factors (population, locid). The data are sorted by year within locid within population and I want to lag another variable (dbc), i.e, shift them down by 1 row replacing the first row with NA, within groups defined by
2005 Oct 28
multiple graphs in the same ps file ? -- with ref.
Sorry I put there the ref. : I am using R Version 2.0.1 on a Debian. Florence. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Florence Combes <> Date: Oct 28, 2005 2:48 PM Subject: multiple graphs in the same ps file ? To: Dear all, I would like to be able to store multiple graphs in one ps or pdf file, but I cannot achieve this only if I don't
2009 Jun 10
Weird behavior in receive_data function
Dear List, I'm trying to get diff/removed data and it's offset out. So I write a functions in receive_data. When I run backup, I found there is a weird behavior which I don't understand. i = recv_token(f_in, &data) will receive (i = -1, offset2 = 0) some where in the middle of the transfer procedure. That's to say, it's going to transfer the first data block from sender,
2017 Dec 29
winbuilder warning message wrt function pointers
And remove the cast on the return value of R_GETCCallable. And check that your function is found before using it. #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include <R_ext/Rdynload.h> void bdsmatrix_prod4(int nrow, int nblock, int *bsize, double *bmat, double *rmat, int nfrail, double *y) { DL_FUNC fun = NULL; if (fun==NULL)
2017 Dec 29
winbuilder warning message wrt function pointers
I've recently updated the coxme package, which calls internal routines from the bdsmatrix package.? (It is in fact mentioned as an example of this in the Extensions manual.) The call connections are a blocks like this, one for each of the 9 called C routines. void bdsmatrix_prod4(int nrow,??? int nblock,?? int *bsize, ??????????????????? double *bmat, double *rmat, ??????????????????? int
2004 Oct 19
pb with aws package
Dear all, [I work with a Windows XP Prof. installation, and the 2.0.0 R version] I need to use the aws package, but I have the following error message: > require(aws) Loading required package: aws Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) : couldn't find function "lazyLoad" [1] FALSE I download the .zip file (for Windows) today on the CRAN site, so I think I have
2003 Dec 12
legend() graphics output bug (PR#5725)
Full_Name: Daniel Gasser Version: 1.8.1 OS: Win XP Submission from: (NULL) ( The legend()-Function shows a different behaviour than it did in Version 1.6.1. It plots a black box left of the legend lines on each legend row. In 1.6.1 there was just the line in appropriate color for each row in the legend (i was using exactly the same legend statement and same plot function). My legend
2012 Feb 22
line width in legend of interaction.plot
Dear R developers, The following command produces an interaction plot with lwd=2. interaction.plot(c(1, 2, 1, 2), c(1, 1, 2, 2), 1:4, lwd=2) In the legend, however, lwd seems to be 1, which does not seem to be intended behavior. Probably the lwd is not correctly forwarded to legend: from the interaction.plot source: legend(xleg, yleg, legend = ylabs, col = col, pch = if (type %in%
2010 Apr 07
Struggeling with svydesign()
Dear all, We are analysing some survey data and we are not sure if we are using the correct syntax for our design. The population of interest is a set of 4416 polygons with different sizes ranging from 0.003 to 45.6 ha, 7460 ha in total. Each polygon has a binary attribute (presence/absence) and we want to estimate the probability of presence in the population. We used sampling with replacement
2005 Oct 28
multiple graphs in the same ps file ?
Dear all, I would like to be able to store multiple graphs in one ps or pdf file, but I cannot achieve this only if I don't shut the "postscript" device between the graphs. here is what I managed to do : > postscript(file="test_graph.eps", onefile=TRUE) > plot(1:10) > plot(1:20) > >
2005 Sep 15
how to do sthg like "mat[!=(ind),]"
Hi I want to do something which seems straightforward, but I couldn't find the way to do this. I have a matrix called m for example, and a vector of values (let's call ind this vector) which are indices of lines I don't want to keep. for example I have: > m v1 v2 v3 [1,] 1 4 7 [2,] 2 5 8 [3,] 3 6 9 [4,] 10 11 12 > ind [1] 2 4 I would like to obtain this: > m2 v1 v2
2005 May 19
R from Perl -- RSPerl and lines function.
Dear R-helpers, I am running well Perl and R on my Debian Linux, and I tried RSPerl. Installation is ok and all simple functions run well. But I have a problem to call the "lines" function. I would like to draw an histogram with the density curve on. Is is OK in R with the command: >x<-rnorm(1000) >hist(x,prob=T) >lines(density(x)) for example. Now, I have a Perl script
2008 Aug 11
line with of the symbols in the legend -- changable?
Dear R users, I plot data with points(my_data[x]~x, col = x, type = "o", lwd="4") where x is an integer running from 1 to 10, I get points drawn at the plot. When want to do a legend to this I try legend(leg.txt[x], col = x, text.col = 1, pch = 1, bty = "n") where leg.txt contains the names of the variable and x behaves the same. The difference between the
2005 Oct 06
factor : how does it work ?
Dear all, I try for long to understand exactly what is the factor type and especially how it works, but it seems too difficult for me.... I read paragraphs about it, and I understand quite well what it is (I think) but I still can't figure how to deal with. Especially these 2 mysteries (for me) : 1st when I make a dataframe (with the or the data.frame() commands) from
2009 Mar 24
Legend containing maths symbol and values of variables
I need to have the maths symbol for >= in the legend, and to substitute threshold variable with its value. Somehow, various attempts weren't successful. Please help. threshold <- 0.5 plot(NA, xlab="", ylab="", main="", axes=F, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxs="i", yaxs="i") legend(x=0, y=1, fill=c("orange", "white",
2011 Aug 11
legend position in interaction.plot
How do I move the legend from default position (right and within the plot)?to the "bottomleft" of the plot? ? interaction.plot(YEAR, ID?GROWTH, legend=TRUE, col = 2:7,xlab="Year", ?????? ylim=c(0,2), ylab="Growth",leg.bty = "o") Peter Maclean Department of Economics UDSM
2006 Apr 10
Legend in the outer margin
Dear Rs I have a 3x3 multiple plot. I would like to have a overall legend in the outer right margin. From the help archive, I found that it can be done by setting par(xpd=NA). However, I couldn't find the correct values for x and y co-ordinates for the legend. Please find the code snippet below: par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(4,4,0.9,0.5), oma=c(1,2,2,4),cex.main=1.1)
2004 Nov 08
whishlist: legend - changing color of the boxes-border
Hi, Drawing a legend I would like to be able to specify the color of boxes which are drawn if fill or density is specified. eg. legend(0,40000,c("raw","LR/PR-TPS"),fill=c(1,2),col=c(1,2),density=c(20,20),angle=c(-20,45),bty="n") Currently the color of the boxes -- border is always black and can *not* be changed. To get this option only a *minimal* change is