similar to: A 'sweave' strange problem !!!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "A 'sweave' strange problem !!!"

2005 Oct 11
Sweave and Rnews
Hello list, I am writing a paper for Rnews. I use Sweave to do it. I did not find information about writing a paper for Rnews using Sweave and have some questions: - Is there a problem to use the environment 'Sinput' in the place of 'example' or 'smallexample'. It works fine but perhaps there are some technical/editorial problems ? - I have some long lines of code in
2004 Feb 23
orthonormalization with weights
Hello List, I would like to orthonormalize vectors contained in a matrix X taking into account row weights (matrix diagonal D). ie, I want to obtain Z=XA with t(Z)%*%D%*%Z=diag(1) I can do the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization with subsequent weighted regressions. I know that in the case of uniform weights, qr can do the trick. I wonder if there is a way to do it in the case of non uniform
2005 Oct 26
Hello list, I would like to know if it is possible to get output of help(foo) with Sweave. If I insert ?foo in a chunk, the console give me the help but no output is obtained in the tex file. Perhaps something to do with options ? Thanks in advance ! -- St??phane DRAY (dray at ) Laboratoire BBE-CNRS-UMR-5558, Univ. C. Bernard - Lyon I 43, Bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622
2003 Nov 04
real eigenvectors
Hello list, Sorry, these questions are not directly linked to R. If I consider an indefinte real matrix, I would like to know if the symmetry of the matrix is sufficient to say that their eigenvectors are real ? And what is the conditions to ensure that eigenvectors are real in the case of an asymmetric matrix (if some conditions exist)? Thanks in Advance, St?phane DRAY
2006 Feb 18
Bug in Sweave? -- scoping problem? (PR#8615)
I have found a strange scoping problem in Sweave. The following Rnw file doesn't produce the same output in Sweave as it does if I produce an R file using Stangle and execute that: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} <<R>>= election <- data.frame(A=1:3, B=9:7, C=rep(0,3)) partytotal <- rep(0, ncol(election)) for (i in 1:ncol(election)) { partytotal[i] <-
2004 Oct 22
Evaluate a function for various value of parameters
Hello list, I have a problem ... and do not know how to solve it. I would like create a function that estimate the quality of the fit of different functions with different values of parameters. This problem is related to the following one: I would like to create a function "evaluatemyfunction" which evaluate a function f for different values of parameters. For instance, if
2004 Mar 31
scan seems to modify the data
Hello list, I have used scan function to import data into R. I have done some analysis and find strange results. I have found my problem : when importing data with scan, this can slightly modify the data : > write(c(0.251,3.399,-0.481,0.266),"essai.txt") > scan("essai.txt") Read 4 items [1] 0.251 3.399 -0.481 0.266 > print(scan("essai.txt"),17) Read
2004 Sep 20
Multiple operations on list
Hello, suppose I have a list with matrices: a=list(x1=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2),x2=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2),x3=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2)) I want to compute for all combination of xi and xj (x1,x2 x1,x3 and x2,x3) a value. This value is given for the pair x1,x2 by trace(x1%*%t(x1)%*%x2%*%t(x2)) / trace(x1%*%t(x1))*trace(x2%*%t(x2)) I know that product matrices t(xi)%*%xi can be obtained by:
2004 Jun 29
binding rows from different matrices
Hello list, I have 3 matrices with same dimension : > veca=matrix(1:25,5,5) > vecb=matrix(letters[1:25],5,5) > vecc=matrix(LETTERS[1:25],5,5) I would like to obtain a new matrix composed by alternating rows of these different matrices (row 1 of mat 1, row 1 of mat 2, row 1 of mat 3, row 2 of mat 1.....) I have found a solution to do it but it is not very pretty and I wonder if I
2004 Oct 01
cumsum over a list or an array
Hello list, my question is related to svd of a matrix: b=matrix(rnorm(50),10,5) mysvd=svd(b) I would like to compute each xi where xi = di* ui %*% t(vi). I do it by : xlist=sapply(1:ncol(b), function(x1,y) y$d[x1]*y$u[,x1]%*%t(y$v[,x1]),y=mysvd,simplify=F) # result is a list xarray=array(sapply(1:ncol(b), function(x1,y) y$d[x1]*y$u[,x1]%*%t(y$v[,x1]),y=mysvd),c(nrow(b),ncol(b),ncol(b))) #
2004 Jul 06
Generate a matrix Q satisfying t(Q)%*%Q=Z and XQ=W
Hello, I have a question that is not directly related to R ... but I try to do it in R ;-) : I would like to generate a matrix Q satisfying (for a given Z, X and W) the two following conditions: t(Q)%*%Q=Z (1) XQ=W (2) where: Q is m rows and r columns X is p rows and m columns D is p rows and r columns C is r rows and r columns with m>p,r e.g: m=6, p=2 r=3
2004 Mar 24
binding vectors or matrix using their names
Hello list, I have two vectors x and x2: x=runif(10) x2=runif(10) and one vectors with their names : my.names=c("x","x2") I would like to cbind these two vectors using their names contained in the vector my.names. I can create a string with comma ncomma=paste(my.names,collapse=",") and now, I just need a function to transform this string into a adequate
2008 Nov 29
including Sweave tangled code in '.Rnw' document
Hello List, I have been using Sweave for my homework this last quarter and have been very impressed at how much time and effort it saves me. I, however, have run up against a problem which I have not been able to solve using any of the Sweave/LaTeX tricks I know. I work through my homework one problem at a time, typesetting equations and writing R code, etc. and occasionally use
2008 Apr 01
superimpose histogram on biplot
Hi all, I've been trying to figure out how to superimpose a histogram on a biplot that shows the relative contribution of each axis. I have been using the NIPALS function ( files/softwares/nipals.R) to run principal component analyses. Here is a toy example. source("")
2007 Nov 16
Efficient way to compute power of a sparse matrix
Dear all, I would like to compute power of a square non symmetric matrix. This is a part of a simulation study. Matrices are quite large (e.g., 900 by 900), and contains many 0 (more than 99 %). I have try the function mtx.exp of the Biodem package: library(Biodem) m <- matrix(0, 900, 900) i <- sample(1:900, 3000, replace = T) j <- sample(1:900, 3000, replace = T) for(x in 1:3000)
2005 Jul 13
Kronecker matrix product
Hi I want to write a little function that takes a matrix X of size m-by-n, and a list L of length "m", whose elements are matrices all of which have the same number of columns but possibly a different number of rows. I then want to get a sort of dumbed-down kronecker product in which X[i,j] is replaced by X[i,j]*L[[j]] where L[[j]] is the j-th of the "m" matrices. For
2005 Dec 02
extracting rows of a dataframe
Hi look at the following session, in which I have a dataframe, and I want to extract the second row, without the first column. Everything works as expected until the last line, where I set the names of x to NULL, and get a non-desired object (I want c(4,3).). Three questions: (1) why is as.vector(a[2,-1]) not a vector? (2) How come setting names to NULL gives me bad weirdness? (3) Can I
2001 May 29
geary statistics
Hello, i' m looking for a function to compute geary statistic for spatial correlation. Thanks. -- St?phane DRAY --------------------------------------------------------------- Biom?trie et Biologie ?volutive - Equipe "?cologie Statistique" Universite Lyon 1 - Bat 711 - 69622 Villeurbanne CEDEX - France Tel : 04 72 43 27 56 Fax : 04 78 89 27 19 04 72 43 27 57 E-mail
2010 Apr 01
pdf files in loops
I need to make a bunch of PDF files of histograms. I tried gatelist = unique(mdf$ArrivalGate) for( gate in gatelist) { outfile = paste("../", airport, "/", airport, "taxiHistogram", gate, ".pdf", sep="") pdf(file = outfile, width = 10, height=8, par(lwd=1)) title=paste("Taxi time for Arrival Gate", gate, "by
2002 Jul 18
RODBC and Excel Files
Hello, I am trying to play with RODBC library and Excel Files. In my file (doubs.xls) there are 2 spreadsheets: > library(RODBC) > connection<-odbcConnect("Excel Files") > sqlTables(connection) TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME TABLE_TYPE REMARKS 1 F:\\Th?se\\R\\Doubs NA Faune$ SYSTEM TABLE NA 2 F:\\Th?se\\R\\Doubs NA Milieu$