similar to: Order of terms in a model specification...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Order of terms in a model specification..."

2006 Jan 23
Master's project to coerce linux nvidia drivers to run generalised linear models
Hi, I am working with a friend on a master's project. Our laboratory does a lot of statistical analysis using the R stats package and we also have a lot of under-utilised nvidia cards sitting in the back of our networked linux machines. Our idea is to coerce the linux nvidia driver to run some of our statistical analysis for us. Our first thought was to specifically code up a version of
2005 Jul 11
Projection Pursuit
Hello, Just a quick question about ppr in library modreg. I have looked at Ripley and Venables 2002 and it says that projection pursuit works "by projecting X in M carefully chosen directions" I want to know how it choses the directions? I presume it moves around the high-dimensional space of unit vectors finding ones that separate the response variables, but how. I looked at the
2003 Jul 23
Condition indexes and variance inflation factors
Has anyone programmed condition indexes in R? I know that there is a function for variance inflation factors available in the car package; however, Belsley (1991) Conditioning Diagnostics (Wiley) notes that there are several weaknesses of VIFs: e.g. 1) High VIFs are sufficient but not necessary conditions for collinearity 2) VIFs don't diagnose the number of collinearities and 3) No one has
2012 Apr 03
how to use condition indexes to test multi-collinearity
Dear Users, I try to calculate condition indexes and variance decomposition proportions in order to test for collinearity using colldiag() in perturb package, I got a large index and two variables with large variance decomposition proportions,but one of them is constant item.I also checked the VIF for that variable, the value is small.The result is as follows: Index intercept V1
2013 Feb 06
how to extract test for collinearity and constantcy used in lda
Hi everyone, I'm trying to vectorize an application of lda to each 2D slice of a 3D array, but am running into trouble: It seems there are quite a few 2D slices that trigger either the "variables are collinear" warning, or worse, trigger a "variable appears to be constant within groups" error and fails (i.e., ceases computation rather than skips bad slice). There are
2004 Feb 01
Stepwise regression and PLS
Dear all, I am a newcomer to R. I intend to using R to do stepwise regression and PLS with a data set (a 55x20 matrix, with one dependent and 19 independent variable). Based on the same data set, I have done the same work using SPSS and SAS. However, there is much difference between the results obtained by R and SPSS or SAS. In the case of stepwise, SPSS gave out a model with 4 independent
2003 Jun 05
ridge regression
Hello R-user I want to compute a multiple regression but I would to include a check for collinearity of the variables. Therefore I would like to use a ridge regression. I tried lm.ridge() but I don't know yet how to get p-values (single Pr() and p of the whole model) out of this model. Can anybody tell me how to get a similar output like the summary(lm(...)) output? Or if there is
2012 Mar 22
Order of terms in formula changes aov() results
Hello, This one is very perplexing. I have teacher observation data, with factors teacher ID, observer ID, component, grade and subject. When I do this, aov(data=ratings.prin.22, rating ~ obsid.f + tid.f + subject.f + grade.f + comp.f) I get this: Terms: obsid.f tid.f grade.f comp.f Residuals Sum of Squares 306.23399 221.38173 1.70000 14.52831 279.05780 Deg. of
2003 Jun 30
Novice Questions
I'm writing a program to perform linear regressions to estimate the number of bank teller transactions per hour of various types based upon day of week, time of day, week of month and several prices. I've got about 25,000 records in my dataset, 85 columns of transaction counts (used 1 at a time), about 50 columns of binary indicators (day, week, pay period, hour, branch), and a half dozen
2008 Oct 09
Singular information matrix in
Hi R helpers, I'm fitting large number of single factor logistic regression models as a way to immediatly discard factor which are insignificant. Everything works fine expect that for some factors I get error message "Singular information matrix in" which breaks whole execution loop... how to make LRM not to throw this error and simply skip factors with singularity
2004 Jan 21
outlier identification: is there a redundancy-invariant substitution for mahalanobis distances?
Dear R-experts, Searching the help archives I found a recommendation to do multivariate outlier identification by mahalanobis distances based on a robustly estimated covariance matrix and compare the resulting distances to a chi^2-distribution with p (number of your variables) degrees of freedom. I understand that compared to euclidean distances this has the advantage of being scale-invariant.
2009 Aug 04
Logistic Regression
Hi, Trying to setup a logistic regression model. (Something new to me. I usually use SVM.) The person explaining the concept explained to me that I can include a "group" variable so that the probabilities predicted by the model will be "per group" Does this make sense to anyone? If so, how would I implement this? Using the glm or lrm function? Thanks! -N
2002 Feb 08
glm with four variables
Hi, Sorry if this is a very basic question, but when I run this glm(formula = loge ~ lat + ne + dep, family = gaussian) summary shows the same formula but results only for the first two variables. What am I doing wrong? iago -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send
2017 Oct 15
Bug in model.matrix.default for higher-order interaction encoding when specific model terms are missing
I think it is not a bug. It is a general property of interactions. This property is best observed if all variables are factors (qualitative). For example, you have three variables (factors). You ask for as many interactions as possible, except an interaction term between two particular variables. When this interaction is not a constant, it is different for different values of the remaining
1999 Nov 25
Doug, I have been attempting to learn a little bit about nlme without too much documentation except the online help. The Latex file in the nlme directory looks interesting but uses packages that I do not have so that I have not been able to read it. I have run the example from gnls to compare it with the results I get from my libraries (code below - I have not included output as it is rather
2010 Apr 29
randomness in stepclass (klaR) or lda (MASS) ?
Hi, a colleague ran a stepwise discriminant analysis twice in a row and got different results, suggesting some "sochasticity" in the algorithms involved. I looked at her data and found that there was a lot of collinearity, so that I reckoned that maybe "stepclass" (klaR) cannot find a clear winner when trying to include a new variable and makes a random choice. Is that true?
2004 Jun 11
Regression query
Hi I have a set of data with both quantitative and categorical predictors. After scaling of response variable, i looked for multicollinearity (VIF values) among the predictors and removed the predictors who were hinding some of the other significant predictors. I'm curious to know whether the predictors (who are not significant) while doing simple 'lm' will be involved in
2011 Oct 06
Coefficients for lagged plm model variables not calculated
Hello, So I am afraid I am having a recurring problem that I just can't figure out. I am using the plm package to conduct a panel analysis - although I am not sure if the problem is arising as a result of the plm package or something more general. I am trying to run a fixed effects model with effects over time and individual. The model has various lags, and the problem is that these lags do
2009 Mar 12
Hi All, I have questions about MANOVA which I am still not sure if appropriately I should use it. For example I have a data set like this: BloodPressure (BP) Weight Height 120 115 165 125 145 198 156 99 176 I know that BloodPressure is correlated with both Weight and Height, however colinearity exists between Weight and Height. When I use BP = Weight + Height
2002 Jul 15
meaning of error message about collinearity
You are using a method that needs to estimate the covariance matrix of all the variables. If you have 80 variables, there are (80+1)*80/2 = 3240 variances and covariances to estimate. How many data points do you think you need to do that? Some people assume the covariance matrix is diagonal (i.e., assuming all the variables are uncorrelated). Even then you still have 80 variances to estimate.