Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "OSCON 2006 Call for Participation"
2006 Feb 09
OSCON Call For Proposals Deadline (Feb 13)
Hello Rubyists!
We on the OSCON presentation committee wanted to remind you all that
the deadline for proposals for this year''s O''Reilly Open Source
Convention is Midnight (PST) Feb 13. So you have the rest of this
week and the weekend to get those talk proposals in!
The talk proposal form is here:
You can read more
2005 Feb 22
Instiki @ O''Reilly ETech 2005
Hi all,
Sorry if I should be posting this elsewhere--I couldn''t find an
Instiki specific mailing list, but the Instiki site is down.
I wanted to mention that my friend Tim Lauer and I are going to be
doing a short "high order bit" talk at the O''Reilly Emerging
Technologies conference, describing a particular use of Instiki which
we came up with:
2007 Aug 02
ZFS, ZIL, vq_max_pending and OSCON
The slides from my ZFS presentation at OSCON (as well as some
additional information) are available at http://www.meangrape.com/
Jay Edwards
jay at meangrape.com
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2006 Mar 05
ETech BOF: "Ruby on Rails: Power in Numbers"
My proposal for a BOF session at ETech was accepted!
Any Rails-folk in attendance on Tuesday are encouraged to come to Elizabeth
Ballroom A between 8:30-930pm.
The goal for the session is to discuss how we can empower ourselves to
return to our local peer communities and advocate Rails as the web
development technology people
2004 Jul 17
Asterisk at OSCON?
Following up on some posts here a few weeks ago about a gathering of
Asterisk geeks at the upcoming OSCON in Portland.
There are a bunch of tentative-sounding "We ought to meet heres" and the
Is it appropriate to try to set things up a bit more specifically at
this point?
2008 Jan 04
Asterisk content @ OSCON 2008?
Hey folks,
Is anyone working on Asterisk (or other) presentation proposals for
OSCON 2008 in Portland, OR? Here's the link, in case:
I'd love to see more Asterisk content there!
Martin Smith, Systems Developer
martins at bebr.ufl.edu
Bureau of Economic and Business Research
University of Florida
(352) 392-0171 Ext. 221
2009 Apr 02
Dovecot in OSCON 2009?
I'm thinking about attending OSCON 2009 with some other people from
Mailtrust and having some kind of an informal Dovecot meeting nearby.
We could for example talk about what Dovecot would need to work better
in your system, like missing features or if some things are annoyingly
difficult etc, or just general talking and socializing.
If you're interested in joining, send me a
2008 Jul 07
[Bug 16634] New: swfdec-0.7. 2 not able to play audio in the following Flash file: http://randomfoo.net/ oscon/2002/lessig/free_culture.swf.
Summary: swfdec-0.7.2 not able to play audio in the following
Flash file:
Product: swfdec
Version: 0.7.x
Platform: Other
URL: http://randomfoo.net/oscon/2002/lessig/free_culture.swf
2007 Mar 30
Fwd: New Short Cut: Ferret
Congrats David!!! Very cool.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "O''Reilly Media" <ormadmin at oreilly.com>
> Date: March 30, 2007 6:22:36 PM EDT
> To: erik at ehatchersolutions.com
> Subject: New Short Cut: Ferret
> ***New from the O''Reilly Store***
> Ferret
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596527853
> By David
2013 Jul 05
Going to OSCON? Come to the Gluster Community Workshop @ PDX
RSVP for the July 23rd workshop: http://glusterday-pdx.eventbrite.com/
(there is a $25 deposit required)
Full agenda and schedule will be posted by end of next week. Enjoy!
Food and beverages will be served, with a follow-up happy hour.
2004 May 23
*** Asterisk Sunday News: Conferences on the phone and IRL - "in real life"
Here in Sweden, it's supposed to be springtime. A wonderful time of the year,
with sunny skies and wonderful weather. Almost summer. Today, it's not.
It's winter all over again with rain and only 3 degrees celsius outside.
Better to stay inside and write a weekly Asterisk newsletter :-)
This week's topics:
* Looking beyond Asterisk 1.0/1.1 - what's up?
2006 Jul 13
I''m not the biggest fan of rants but, anyone fancy responding to this?
There (yet) another discussion going on on the O''Reilly web logs about J E5, complexity and the competitors (i.e. Rails et al). See http://www.oreillynet.com/windows/blog/2006/07/the_beginning_of_the_end_for_j.html.
Seems this was spawned by my own article available at: http://www.soaranch.com/articles/2006/7/11/soa-and-rails-part-1.html.
My response to this discussion is at:
2005 Nov 19
new article on R at oreillynet.com
An article I wrote that provides a basic introduction to R has
been published on Oreillynet.com. The article is titled
"Analyzing Statistics with GNU/R". Here is the link:
Please feel free to post comments or interesting basic R scripts
at the end of the article.
Kevin Farnham
2006 May 22
Interviews at O''Reillynet
Most of you have probably read the interview with Zed Shaw:
I posted a companion interview with Luis Lavena this morning,
you can read it in English at:
It''s also available in German:
2010 Mar 17
Rubynation DC April 9-10
Just a note to remind everyone that the RubyNation conference is
around the corner, less than one month away. We are getting close to
sold out, so help us push this thing over the top!
This year we have more (and better!) presentations, including a
keynote presentation by the person who IMO really started all the fuss
with Ruby and Rails, Dave Thomas.
We also have a bunch of quality speakers
2006 Aug 08
Client/server test harness - Crucible 1.6
Hi all,
At OLS last month I presented about doing automated client/server
testing of NFSv4. In and after that talk there was some discussion with
Steve French about using the same framework for testing Samba, so I
thought it might be worthwhile to post about the framework on this list.
We've also just put out a new 1.6 release of Crucible; I've attached the
release notice below.
2004 May 19
O'Reilly Open Source Convention in Portland
Anyone else going to this and interested in having an Asterisk
birds-of-a-feather breakfast or dinner get together?
Open Source Convention,
Portland, OR,
July 26-30.
See http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon
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2006 Jul 28
Minimal Kickstart setups to use with Puppet
I was at the Puppet talk at Oscon and I would like to try using
Puppet for PXE on RHEL machines and I was wondering if there are
standard minimal Kickstart recipes from which Puppet can then take
Jason van Zyl
jason at maven.org
2004 Apr 28
win32-ipc question
Hi all,
I recently had a question on win32-event and win32-ipc on IRC, so I thought
I should get around to documenting it. I had a couple questions, though.
First, what does one do with an IPC object? I originally thought this would
be a module that you mixed in but it appears to be a class. Second, does
anyone have a good example of how to use win32-event (using the CVS
2008 Jan 10
Shoes + Merb article
Though it''s pretty straightforward stuff, I figured maybe some Merb
users would be interested in this article:
Brad and I built a tiny merb pastebin app that serves up YAML, which
is used by a little Shoes GUI.
Anyway... enjoy... and please let me know if