similar to: reduce levels

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "reduce levels"

2005 Nov 28
Games-Howell, Gabriel, Hochberg
Hello, I read a book about statistics in psychology. The authors use SPSS. They talk about post hoc tests after ANOVA finds significant effects: - Gabriel's procedure (for equal or slightly different sample sizes) - Hochberg's GT2 (for different sample sizes) - Games-Howell procedure (for populations with unequal variances) I could not find them in R. Do they not exist in R
2005 Nov 14
effect sizes for Wilcoxon tests
Hello, I use t.test for normal distributed and wilcox.test for non-normal distributed samples. It is easy to write a function for t.test that calculates the effect size, because all parts of the formula are available from the t.test result: r = sqrt(t*t / (t*t + df)) However, for Wilcoxon tests, the formula for effect sizes is: r = Z / sqrt(N) I wonder how I can calculate the Z-score in R for
2005 Nov 19
Crop white border for PDF output
Hi, I produce a series of diagrams with R in order to include them in my documents (LaTeX). However, there is a white border around the diagrams. For some that do not have anything written at the very bottom, the white border is relatively large. The rather big space between figure and caption at the final document looks not nice. It would be best not to have any white border. I played with
2005 Nov 12
computation on a table
Hello, I have a table (1) of the form q1 q3 q4 q8 q9 A 5 2 0 1 3 B 2 0 2 4 4 I have another table (2): q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 C 10 7 4 2 6 9 3 1 2 I would like to divide the numbers in table (1) by the number of the appropriate column in table (2): q1 q3 q4 q8 q9 A 5/10 2/4 0/2 1/1 3/2 B 2/10 0/4 2/2 4/1 4/2
2005 Nov 05
sort table
Hi, I have a data frame named "questions" that I use to get a subset and then a table: failcondonly <- subset(questions, errorreason=="condition") failcondtab <- table(failcondonly$type, failcondonly$qid, exclude=c("ORGA", "skipped")) The failcondtab looks like this: 6 11 12 13 14 15 17 26 30 31 39 41 gave up 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 0
2008 Jan 11
Problem: "Missing IMAP reply key: F"
Hi all: I installed dovecot v1.0 (on Mac OS X) and want to connect to is on localhost via Pine or Alpine, but it fails. Pine's debug mode tells me the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debug output of the Pine program (debug=2 debug_imap=4). Version 4.64 (OSX) [...] Terminal type: screen About to open folder "INBOX" inbox is: "INBOX" IMAP
2008 Apr 01
Subset: data frames and factor levels
Hi! I'm doing: etni <- subset(etni, NAMECOM!="Maniquisito") where etni is a data.frame, NAMECOM a factor and "Maniquisito" labels a row that I want to delete. The problem is that while the row is deleted, the factor level is still there (I can see "Maniquisito" if I do levels(etni$NAMECOM) ). I know I can get the appropriate levels by:
2007 Dec 09
adjusting "levels" after subset a table
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado... Nome: n?o dispon?vel Url:
2009 Nov 10
drop unused levels in
Dear list, subset has a 'drop' argument that I had often mistaken for the one in [.factor which removes unused levels. Clearly it doesn't work that way, as shown below, d <- data.frame(x = factor(letters[1:15]), y = factor(LETTERS[1:3])) s <- subset(d, y=="A", drop=TRUE) str(s) 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 2 variables: $ x: Factor w/ 15 levels
2016 Mar 06
Could unit.list() from grid package be made an exported function?
Hello, certain manipulations of ggplot2 graphs, in particular aligning them, require the function grid:::unit.list(). See e.g. these posts on stackoverflow: Since
2006 Apr 06
rails 1.1 - console broken
Have upgraded to rails 1.1 and now ruby script/console does not work. Throws an error: c:\work\development\rails\application1>ruby script/console Loading development environment. c:/tools/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/init.rb:151:in `parse_opts'': undefined method `up case'' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from c:/tools/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/init.rb:19:in `setup''
2008 Nov 05
Adding another swap
Hi ALL, I have a harddisk with 3 primary partitions and one extended partitions. Under extented partions , there are 15 partions. Whole hard disk has been partitioned in a standard way, (i.e NOT LVM) It has 2GB ram. swap is also 2GB. Now I want to extend this swap to 4 GB. If I use dd coomand and create a file with 2GB, Will I be able to extend the swap witn swapon commnad? How can I achive
2016 Mar 08
Could unit.list() from grid package be made an exported function?
Paul, Subassignment for units has been committed to r-devel. You should now be able to do things like ... x <- unit(1:3, "mm") x[2] <- unit(.5, "npc") (see grid/tests/units.R for more complex examples) Yes, I just tried the latest R devel and it works for me. However: This works for me for the three stackoverflow scenarios. I ran into an additional problem when
2009 Jul 24
str(data.frame) after subsetting reflects original structure, not subsetted structure?
I find that after subsetting (you may prefer "conditional selection") a data frame and assigning it to a new object, the str(new object) reflects the original data frame, not the new one: A <- rnorm(20) B <- factor(rep(c("t", "g"), 10)) C <- factor(rep(c("h", "l"), 10)) D <- data.frame(A, B, C) str(D) # reports correctly E <-
2006 Jul 28
Hi all! I'm trying to setup a linux samba server as a domain member of a SINGLE FOREST MULTI DOMAINS. The forest is a 2 servers acting as a global catalog. Other domains are child domain with implicit trust with forest. I setup a linux server with samba as a domain member to work with squid, authenticating users and verify user's groups membership. I need to allow access to squid only to
2007 May 25
Switch back to mount after fallback
Hi Geoff, Geoff Shang wrote: > Hi, > > That's what fallback-override is meant to do. Are you saying that it's not > working for you? Not working. But what is wrong? I've added the second mount to icecast.xml and tested whether it switch back to the original mount point. The mount part of icecast.xml: <mount>
2010 Oct 04
i have aproblem --thank you
dear professor: thank you for your help,witn your help i develop the nomogram successfully. after that i want to do the internal validation to the model.i ues the bootpred to do it,and then i encounter problem again,just like that.(´íÎóÓÚerror to :complete.cases(x, y, wt) : ²»ÊÇËùÓеIJÎÊý¶¼Ò»Ñù³¤(the length of the augment was different)) i hope you tell me where is the mistake,and maybe i have
2009 May 27
Factor level with no cases shows up in a plot
Consider this data structure (df1) ... Group Year PctProf FullYr 1 Never RF 2004 87 88 2 Cohort 1 2004 83 84 3 Cohort 2 2004 84 86 4 Cohort 3 2004 87 87 5 Cohort 4 2004 73 74 6 Never RF 2005 85 86 7 Cohort 1 2005 81 82 8 Cohort 2 2005 81 81 9 Cohort 3 2005 78 79 10 Cohort 4 2005 72 74 11
2003 Jul 16
Density function for non-central t distribution
Hi, I've written some C code for density evaluation of the non-central t distribution. It works with the R-1.7.1 source code if placed in the src/nmath directory and after appropriate changes are made to Makefiles, to the dt function in src/library/base/R/distn.R etc. I haven't read a lot of R source code so it may need some R-ification, but I've tried to use the dt.c file as a
2004 Nov 09
StructTS (PR#7353)
Dear R-bugs I have been studying the StructTS function (in package 'stats') and functions supplied with it. I think I have found a few minor bugs in the documentation. I am referring to the version of StructTS supplied with the release R 2.0.0. Output from 'version' platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status