Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Scale of plots"
2004 Jul 15
color scale to label a plot
Hello R-helpers
I want to put a color scale in a plot:
I've got an xy plot where the values of the response (z=f(x,y)) is symbolically given by colors (like heat or rainbow color scale)
I would like to put such a scale with apprpriates labels in the plot, so as to facilitate the interpretation (like in a finite elements result plot)
How is taht possible?
2005 Nov 17
When using fitdistr() with the exponential, log-normal and beta distributions,
you get the relevent rate, mean, standard deviation, shape1 and shape2 but
you get a number bellow those that are in () and I was wandering what exactly
those numbers represent and how they relate to the data.
Many thanks
Mark Miller
2005 Sep 21
Multiple density plots on 1 graph
I want to overlay 50 denisty plots on a single plot.
For each plot there are 10,000 data points and i want
the empirical density of the data. I have not been
able to find an easy way to achieve this (I have
scoured the manula and website so sorry if I missed
it!), does anyone have any suggestions?
2005 Oct 19
adding error bars to lattice plots
Dear R-Users,
how to include error bars within lattice?
How should the panel = function(x,y,...){
looks like?
Does panel.arrows works here as well?
I appreciate any help on this.
Mario AT
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2005 Aug 04
Using nonlinear regression
Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to use the nonlinear regression to
fit the cumulative lognormal distribution to a number of data points I have
but I am a new R user and I cant quite decipher the notes on nonlinear
regression. Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated, my email
address is mmiller at nassp.uct.ac.za
2005 Nov 30
strange plots with type = "h" option
With the new version 2.2.0, I get strange plots when using the
histogram-like option in plot(). For example, a plot of binomial
> plot(0:10,dbinom(0:10,10,.1), type = "h", lwd = 30)
gives me weird fat cirular bars, with mass out at values with low
probability. What is the issue here? This never happened with earlier
R on Windows XP SP 2
2005 Jun 02
overlaying plots
surely this not hard, but i can't figure it out. i'd like to overlay
the results of two ecdf's.
e.g. xx<--ecdf(x) and yy<--ecdf(y). i'd like to plot xx and yy on the
same graph.
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2006 Apr 20
smooth the ecdf plots
Hi All,
I have codes as follows to get the ecdf plots:
> f<-ecdf(day.hos2)
> plot(f,col.p='red',col.h='red')
2005 Oct 14
Question about Boxplots
I'm a new R user and I like to ask somethig about boxplots.
Is it possible to manipulate the Y axis scale? for instance if the default
scale was from 1 to 7, is it possible to change it to 1 to 10?
Rodrigo Medel P.
2005 Oct 14
Setting working directory interactively within a function
Is there anyway to have a function prompt the user for a working
directory, equivalent to file.choose()?
2004 Dec 13
R: functions problem
hi all
how can i see the code inside a particular function? i know one can
simply type the function, eg ls, but sometimes when this is done one
will get "UseMethod("some function name"). (One could also use "body"
but i have the same problem in this case. )How does one see the code in
this case?
2005 Feb 10
rewrite of scatter.smooth to handle NAs
I rewrote scatter.smooth to handle missing values, but I have a question
about a move I had to make. Here's the code:
Mscatter.smooth<-function (x, y, span = 2/3, degree = 1, family =
"gaussian"), xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ylab =
ylim = range(y, prediction$y), evaluation = 50, ...)
if (inherits(x,
2005 Jul 27
R Reference Card (especially useful for Newbies)
Newbies (and others!) may find useful the R Reference Card made available by
Tom Short and Rpad at http://www.rpad.org/Rpad/Rpad-refcard.pdf or through
the "Contributed" link on CRAN (where some other reference cards are also
linked). It categorizes and organizes a bunch of R's basic, most used
functions so that they can be easily found. For example, paste() is under
2006 Aug 18
dataframe of unequal rows
How can I read data of unequal number of observations (rows) as is (i.e. without introducing NA for columns of less observations than the maximum. Example:
1 10 1 12
2 10 3 12
3 10 4 12
4 10
5 10
Thanks in advance.
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2005 May 06
Choices from a matrix
Could someone please suggest a more clever solution to the following problem than my loop below?
Given X a 2xN matrix X, and I a k-subset of N,
Generate the (2^k)xN matrix Y with columns not in I all zero and the other columns with all choices of an entry from the first or second row of X.
For example, with
X <- matrix(1:8, nrow=2)
I <- c(1,3)
X is
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
and Y should be
1 0 5
2006 Mar 30
R Reference Card (especially useful for Newbies)
Newbies (and others!) may find useful the R Reference Card made available by
Tom Short and Rpad at http://www.rpad.org/Rpad/Rpad-refcard.pdf or through
the "Contributed" link on CRAN (where some other reference cards are also
linked). It categorizes and organizes a bunch of R's basic, most used
functions so that they can be easily found. For example, paste() is under
2005 Jun 02
Adding a legend to a symbol plot
I have created a symbol plot with circles that represent the mean temperature
at lat/lon locations over the United States. The radius of the circle
corresponds to the mean temperature. I would like to add a legend that
identifies a range of temperatures (e.g. 0-10, 10-20, etc) with circles of the
appropriate radii next to them. I've read the manual on how to add a legend,
and I'm fine with
2018 Mar 21
Plotting Notched Box Plots Log Scale - Losing bottom portion of box plot
I'm using the code below to generate some notched box plots. The issue is
whenever I use log scale, the sides of the bottom part of the box plots
don't plot. I've tried it in RStudio Ver 1.1.419 and R version 3.4.3 and I
get the same result.
The code and link to my data is below.
Thank you for your time
MyData <-
2004 Oct 23
Plotting Bivariate Normal Data
Dear list
I have a vector of values that allegedly have a bivariate normal distribution.
I want to create a plot that shows the values I have obtained, and the
bivariate normal distribution curve for the data.
Is there a way of doing this in R?
Many thanks for your help,
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2005 Jan 18
Randoms interactions in lme
In lme, what's the difference between "random = ~ 1 | x / y" and "random = ~
y | x" ?
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