similar to: Scale of plots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Scale of plots"

2004 Jul 15
color scale to label a plot
Hello R-helpers I want to put a color scale in a plot: I've got an xy plot where the values of the response (z=f(x,y)) is symbolically given by colors (like heat or rainbow color scale) I would like to put such a scale with apprpriates labels in the plot, so as to facilitate the interpretation (like in a finite elements result plot) How is taht possible? Thanks Anne [[alternative
2005 Nov 17
When using fitdistr() with the exponential, log-normal and beta distributions, you get the relevent rate, mean, standard deviation, shape1 and shape2 but you get a number bellow those that are in () and I was wandering what exactly those numbers represent and how they relate to the data. Many thanks Mark Miller
2005 Sep 21
Multiple density plots on 1 graph
I want to overlay 50 denisty plots on a single plot. For each plot there are 10,000 data points and i want the empirical density of the data. I have not been able to find an easy way to achieve this (I have scoured the manula and website so sorry if I missed it!), does anyone have any suggestions? Thankyou.
2005 Oct 19
adding error bars to lattice plots
Dear R-Users, how to include error bars within lattice? How should the panel = function(x,y,...){ looks like? Does panel.arrows works here as well? I appreciate any help on this. Regards, Mario AT [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Aug 04
Using nonlinear regression
Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to use the nonlinear regression to fit the cumulative lognormal distribution to a number of data points I have but I am a new R user and I cant quite decipher the notes on nonlinear regression. Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated, my email address is mmiller at
2005 Nov 30
strange plots with type = "h" option
Hello, With the new version 2.2.0, I get strange plots when using the histogram-like option in plot(). For example, a plot of binomial probabilities: > plot(0:10,dbinom(0:10,10,.1), type = "h", lwd = 30) gives me weird fat cirular bars, with mass out at values with low probability. What is the issue here? This never happened with earlier versions. R on Windows XP SP 2 Intel
2005 Jun 02
overlaying plots
surely this not hard, but i can't figure it out. i'd like to overlay the results of two ecdf's. e.g. xx<--ecdf(x) and yy<--ecdf(y). i'd like to plot xx and yy on the same graph. thanks...mj [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 20
smooth the ecdf plots
Hi All, I have codes as follows to get the ecdf plots: > day.hos2<-c(6,4,6,6,4,6,5,4,7,5,6,6,8,6,17,9,8,4,6,3,5,8,7,12,5,10,6,4,6 ,13,7,6,6,25,4,9,96,6,6,6,6,9,4,5,5,4,10,5,7,6) > day.hos3<-c(5,6,7,6,4,5,6,6,6,6,19,7,5,9,8,8,7,5,6,20,40,5,8,7,7,5,6,13, 11,9,4,6,9,16,6,7,6) > f<-ecdf(day.hos2) > plot(f,col.p='red',col.h='red') >
2005 Oct 14
Question about Boxplots
Hello, I'm a new R user and I like to ask somethig about boxplots. Is it possible to manipulate the Y axis scale? for instance if the default scale was from 1 to 7, is it possible to change it to 1 to 10? Thanks! Rodrigo Medel P.
2005 Oct 14
Setting working directory interactively within a function
Is there anyway to have a function prompt the user for a working directory, equivalent to file.choose()? --Paul
2004 Dec 13
R: functions problem
hi all how can i see the code inside a particular function? i know one can simply type the function, eg ls, but sometimes when this is done one will get "UseMethod("some function name"). (One could also use "body" but i have the same problem in this case. )How does one see the code in this case?
2005 Feb 10
rewrite of scatter.smooth to handle NAs
I rewrote scatter.smooth to handle missing values, but I have a question about a move I had to make. Here's the code: Mscatter.smooth<-function (x, y, span = 2/3, degree = 1, family = c("symmetric", "gaussian"), xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ylim = range(y, prediction$y), evaluation = 50, ...) { if (inherits(x,
2005 Jul 27
R Reference Card (especially useful for Newbies)
Newbies (and others!) may find useful the R Reference Card made available by Tom Short and Rpad at or through the "Contributed" link on CRAN (where some other reference cards are also linked). It categorizes and organizes a bunch of R's basic, most used functions so that they can be easily found. For example, paste() is under the
2006 Aug 18
dataframe of unequal rows
Hi, How can I read data of unequal number of observations (rows) as is (i.e. without introducing NA for columns of less observations than the maximum. Example: A B C D 1 10 1 12 2 10 3 12 3 10 4 12 4 10 5 10 Thanks in advance. Sachin --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 May 06
Choices from a matrix
Could someone please suggest a more clever solution to the following problem than my loop below? Given X a 2xN matrix X, and I a k-subset of N, Generate the (2^k)xN matrix Y with columns not in I all zero and the other columns with all choices of an entry from the first or second row of X. For example, with X <- matrix(1:8, nrow=2) I <- c(1,3) X is 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 and Y should be 1 0 5
2006 Mar 30
R Reference Card (especially useful for Newbies)
Newbies (and others!) may find useful the R Reference Card made available by Tom Short and Rpad at or through the "Contributed" link on CRAN (where some other reference cards are also linked). It categorizes and organizes a bunch of R's basic, most used functions so that they can be easily found. For example, paste() is under the
2005 Jun 02
Adding a legend to a symbol plot
I have created a symbol plot with circles that represent the mean temperature at lat/lon locations over the United States. The radius of the circle corresponds to the mean temperature. I would like to add a legend that identifies a range of temperatures (e.g. 0-10, 10-20, etc) with circles of the appropriate radii next to them. I've read the manual on how to add a legend, and I'm fine with
2018 Mar 21
Plotting Notched Box Plots Log Scale - Losing bottom portion of box plot
Hello, I'm using the code below to generate some notched box plots. The issue is whenever I use log scale, the sides of the bottom part of the box plots don't plot. I've tried it in RStudio Ver 1.1.419 and R version 3.4.3 and I get the same result. The code and link to my data is below. Thank you for your time David MyData <-
2004 Oct 23
Plotting Bivariate Normal Data
Dear list I have a vector of values that allegedly have a bivariate normal distribution. I want to create a plot that shows the values I have obtained, and the bivariate normal distribution curve for the data. Is there a way of doing this in R? Many thanks for your help, Sarah. --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jan 18
Randoms interactions in lme
In lme, what's the difference between "random = ~ 1 | x / y" and "random = ~ y | x" ? Thanks Julien [[alternative HTML version deleted]]