similar to: Graphics question on putting axes in the margins

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Graphics question on putting axes in the margins"

2006 Mar 28
Welch test for equality of variance
Hello Using R 2.2.1 on a Windows machine. Has anyone programmed the Welch test for equality of variances? I tried RSiteSearch, but this gave references to t test and oneway.test, which are not quite what I need.....I need the Welch test itself, for use in a meta-analysis (to determine if variances are equal). TIA Peter Peter L. Flom, PhD Assistant Director, Statistics and Data Analysis
2007 Feb 07
Problem with subsets and xyplot
Hello I have a dataframe that looks like this MSA CITY HIVEST YEAR YR CAT 1 0200 Albuquerque 0.50 1996 1996 5 2 0520 Atlanta 13.00 1997 1997 5 3 0720 Baltimore 29.10 1994 1994 1 4 0720 Baltimore 13.00 1995 1995 5 5 0720 Baltimore 3.68
2003 Oct 01
sas.get problem
When I try citypro <- sas.get('c:/ndri/cvar/data', member = 'citypro2') I get the following errors and warnings: 'sas' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'less' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Error in sas.get("c:/ndri/cvar/data", member =
2017 Jun 21
Help/ Mathematics
Hi Ahmed, Your problem appears trivial as you have already specified the form of the calculation. Learn how to "extract" specified elements from a data structure: # first value sum(dataset1$NPP[dataset1$date >= date1 & dataset1$date <= date2]) # second value dataset2$biomass[dataset2$date == date2] - dataset2$biomass[dataset2$date == date1] # third value
2007 Jun 13
Awk and Vilno
In clinical trial data preparation and many other data situations, the statistical programmer needs to merge and re-merge multiple input files countless times. A syntax for merging files that is clear and concise is very important for the statistical programmer's productivity. Here is how Vilno does it: inlist dataset1 dataset2 dataset3 ; joinby variable1 variable2 where ( var3<=var4 ) ;
2003 Dec 11
read.spss question warning compression bias
Hello again I have a file from SPSS in .sav format. when I run library(foreign) cvar<"c:\\NDRI\\cvar\\data\\cvar2rev3.sav")) I get a warning Warning message: c:\NDRI\cvar\data\cvar2rev3.sav: Compression bias (0) is not the usual value of 100. The data appear to be OK, but I am concerned. (I tried searching the archives and the documenation for data
2010 Mar 03
Matching rows in a Data set? I'm Stuck!!
Hi, I'm having (yet another) problem with R. I have a few data sets that have this sort of format dataset1 ID DATA 1234 value 2345 value 3456 value dataset2 ID DATA 1111 value 2345 value 3333 value What i really want to do is write an R script that says "if the ID of dataset1 and 2 match (2nd row), print out that whole row into a new dataset3". No idea how to do that though.
2006 Mar 23
Estimation of skewness from quantiles of near-normal distribution
I have summary statistics from many sets (10,000's) of near-normal continuous data. From previously generated QQplots of these data I can visually see that most of them are normal with a few which are not normal. I have the raw data for a few (700) of these sets. I have applied several tests of normality, skew, and kurtosis to these sets to see which test might yield a parameter which
2003 Nov 08
Effects of rounding on regression
Does anyone know of research on the effects of rounding on regression? e.g., when you ask people "How often have you _______?" you are more likely to get answers like 100, 200, etc. than 98, 203, etc. I'm interested in investigating this, but don't want to reinvent the wheel. thanks Peter Peter L. Flom, PhD Assistant Director, Statistics and Data Analysis Core Center for
2003 Oct 29
Where is rmutil package?
Pursing my earlier question, when I tried loading Lindsey's gnlm, I got a message Loading required package: rmutil Warning message: There is no package called 'rmutil' in: library(package, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts, According to the R documentation rmutil is in the standard
2008 May 20
quartz identify bug (PR#11491)
Full_Name: olivier Version: 2.7.0 OS: mac os 10.5.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( Identify function does not work properly. Esc button does not stop the process and R crashes. On qqplots graphic, identify() does not find any points. It is a serious problem, I can't identify points without crashing R now. PS : Identify does not work on multiple graphics (par(mfrow=c(2,2))
2003 Aug 26
Simple simulation in R
Hello all I have a feeling this is very simple......but I am not sure how to do it My boss has two variables, one is an average of 4 numbers, the other is an average of 3 of those numbers i.e var1 = (X1 + X2 + X3 + X4)/4 var2 = (X1 + X2 + X3)/3 all of the X variables are supposed to be measuring similar constructs not surprisingly, these are highly correlated (r = .98), the question is how
2005 Sep 19
Use of least-squares means, are they misleading?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi. Sorry for sending this question twice, but I would really like to know your opinion on this topic. I have been reading about the (in)convenience of using least-squares means (a. k. a. adjusted means) in multiple comparisons (I used to resort to them when using SAS). I even read a post in this list warning against them, but not giving much detail.
2003 Sep 08
Yet another beginner question
Thanks for all the help on my earlier questions..... How do you plot a simple time series with unequal intervals? I have the following dateofpoll <- as.ts(c("6/1/02", "7/1/02", "10/1/02", "1/4/03", "1/25/03", "6/7/03", "7/16/03", "8/17/03", "9/4/03")) reelect <- c(51, 47, 49, 51, 49, 49, 46, 45, 40)
2004 Jun 09
Dot chart question
Running R 1.8.1 on a Windows machine In dotchart, I would like to shrink the labels on the tick marks (that is, the numbers) without shrinking anything else. I could not find this in either the Rhelp archives or in ?dotchart, which recmmends cex to avoid 'label overlap', but cex shrinks all the characters in the plot. Is there a way to do this? Thanks Peter Peter L. Flom, PhD
2005 Mar 30
fastbw question
Hello I am running R 2.0.1 on Windows, I am attempting to use Frank Harrell's 'fastbw' function (from the Design library), but I get an error that the fit was not created with a Design library fitting function; yet when I go to the help for fastbw (and also look in Frank's book Regression Modeling Strategies) it appears that fastbw should work with a model created with lm.....
2004 Mar 04
Resolution of problem re location polr and of MASS
First, my apologies for not giving all the details in my first post. Second, the problem was somewhat more complicated than simply using'polr') or library(MASS). When I tried these, I got notices that polr could not be found anywhere, and that no package called MASS existed. When I went to the CRAN site, there was no package called MASS. I am not sure how I installed R
2009 Nov 08
Windows 7 editor - I can't make RWinEdt work
Good morning I just got a new computer with Windows 7. R works fine, but the editor I am used to using "RWinEdt" does not. I did find one blog post on how to get RWinEdt to work in Windows 7, but I could not get those instructions to work either. Is there a patch for RWinEdt? If not, is there another good R editor that works under Windows 7? I tried RSiteSearch with various
2009 Dec 02
Finding cases in one subset that are closet to another subset
Good afternoon Running R2.10.0 on Windows I have a data frame that includes (among much else) a factor (In_2006) and a continuous variable (math_3_4). I would like to find the 2 cases for In_2006 = 0 that are closest to each case where In_2006 = 1. My data looks like In_2006 math_3_4 0 55.1 1 51.6 1 18.1 1 26.6 1 14.1
2004 Oct 08
polr and optim question
Hello again I am trying to fit an ordinal logistic model using the polr function from MASS. When I run <- polr(loancat~age + sex + racgp + yrseduc + needlchg + gallery + sniffball + smokeball + sniffher + smokeher + nicocaine + inject + poly(,3) + druginj + inj.years) I get an error Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian =