Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "hist(x, ...) with normal distribution curve"
2001 Oct 13
hist and normal curve
Dear R people:
I would like to superimpose a normal curve on a histogram.
I've seen this example in a book, somewhere.
I know that you draw the hist, get the mean and sd
of the data set, but then I'm stuck.
Could you help, please?
hodgess at uhddx01.dt.uh.edu
r-help mailing list -- Read
2009 Sep 02
Howto fit normal curve into histogram using GGPLOT2
Currently, I am doing it this way.
x <- mtcars$mpg
h<-hist(x, breaks=10, col="red", xlab="Miles Per Gallon",
main="Histogram with Normal Curve")
yfit <- yfit*diff(h$mids[1:2])*length(x)
lines(xfit, yfit, col="blue", lwd=2)
But since, ggplot2 has more appealing
2011 Mar 03
Probabilities greather than 1 in HIST
Dear all,
I am a newbie in R and could not find help on this problem. I am trying to
plot an histogram with probabilities in the y axis. This is the code I am
#TLC uniform
mi=1; mx=6
for (i in 1:nrep) {xbar[i]=mean(runif(n,min=mi,max=mx))}
hist(xbar,prob=TRUE,breaks="Sturges",xlim=c(1,6),main=paste("n =",n),
2010 Sep 21
Combined plot: Scatter + density plot
in order to save space for a publication, it would be nice to have a
combined scatter and density plot similar to what is shows on
I wonder if anybody perhaps has already developed code for this and is
willing to share. This is the reproducible code for the histogram
version obtained from the site:
def.par <-
2010 Nov 10
par mfrow in "function" problem
Hi all,
I defined the following
lines(xfit, yfit, col="blue", lwd=2)
individually, it worked fine
however, if I used
2005 Oct 14
lattice with predicted values
Dear lattice wizards,
I am trying to figure out how to plot predicted values in xyplot,
where the intercept, but not the slope, varies among conditioning
factor levels. I am sure it involves the groups, but I have been
unsuccessful in my search in Pinhiero and Bate, in the help files, or
in the archive, or in my attempts on my own.
My example follows:
FACT is a factor with levels a,b,c
2010 Feb 19
"Legend" question
I want to get a histogram with the legend for my data. I drew a normal density curve and kernel density curve in the histogram, and I also label mean and median in the X axis. From the code, I got two legend: One shows "Normal Density" and "Kernel Density" and their corresponding lines, the other shows "Mean = value" and "Median = value" and their
2005 Aug 12
evaluating string variables
I have a folder (C:/R/) with matrix files, named by number, i.e.
0.mat, 1.mat,...,1250.mat. In this case, they are 5x5 simetric
matrices. I would like to compute a property for each matrix and put
calculated values into a data frame for posterior ploting and
printing. Below there is an example for 7 matrices (0.mat..6.mat)
#define data frame
L <- data.frame(frame=numeric(7),
2006 Feb 17
showing the integrated number by point size
Is there any function to show the points like this example of SPSS?
The point size should represent the number of data at this point.
with regards
Knut Krueger
2005 Jul 12
High resolution plots
Is there any possibility to get high resolution plots in a windows xp
I tried it with the device function png(filename =
"c:/r/highresplot%d.png",pointsize=12, res=900)
but when I try to set: width = 480, height = 480 or pointsize = 12,
the text is not scaled in the same way as the plots.
with regards
Knut Krueger
2009 Dec 23
String question
Hi to all
I need a string like
temp <- paste("m1","m2","m3",sep=",")
But i must know how many items are in the string,afterwards
the other option would be to use a vector
temp <- c("m1","m2","m3")
No problem to get the count of items but I must get afterwards the
string "m1,m2,m3"
No problem to build the
2010 Feb 23
deleting column from data frame
Hi to all,
test <- data.frame("X"=c(1:4),"Y"=c(5:8),"Z"=c(8:11))
test <- test[,-2]
Is there a way to specify the col name "Y" to delete instead the number?
Kind regards Knut
2000 Nov 09
simple mixture
Dear All,
I am trying to do some simple mixture analyses. For instance, I have a
sample of n observations and I suspect they come from two different
exponential distributions with parameters rate1 and rate2, respectively.
So, I want to estimate rate1, rate2, and the proportions of both kinds of
individuals in the sample. I had a look at the packages mda and mclust, but
they do not seem to do this
2005 Jul 13
texture in barplots?
Dear R list,
For some reason I am unable to access neither search.r-project.org, nor
http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/ so I cannot search the archives for a possible
answer (I Googled for this but didn't find anything).
Is it possible to draw barplots using a texture instead of colors, for a black
and white printer?
Adrian Dusa
Arhiva Romana de Date Sociale
Bd. Schitu
2005 Aug 09
RGUI crash when opening script in XP Home enviroment
If there is a helpfile open (f.e ?glm) and it is the top window, then
an exception error occurs (closing RGUI)
when I hit the open file button.
If the helpfile is not the top window (of the RGUI) I am able to open a
new script without any error.
The RGUI is not closing complete there is a blank screen left which I
have to close with the X Button or Taskmanager
Windows XP Home - German Version
2010 May 18
looking for .. dec if vector if element > x
Hi to all,
I am just looking for more efficient ways ;-)
is there a better way instead a loop to decrease x if greater y
test <- c(1,3,5,7,9)
decrease if greater 1 to
test2 <- c(1,2,4,6,8)
Kind regards
2011 Mar 25
read.xls -> rotate data.frame
Hi to all,
how could I to rotate automatically a data sheet which was imported by
x1 x2 x3 .... xn
y1 1 4 7 ... xn/y1
y2 2 5 8 .... xn/y2
y3 3 6 9 ....xn/y2
yn ... ... ... Xn/Yn
y1 y2 y3 .... yn
x1 1 2 3 ..... Yn/x1
x2 4 5 6 .... Yn/x2
x3 7 8 9 .... Yn/x2
xn ... ... ... ..... Yn/xn
Kind regards Knut
2007 Jun 07
Nonlinear Regression
I followed the example in page 59, chapter 11 of the 'Introduction to R'
manual. I entered my own x,y data. I used the least squares. My function has
5 parameters: p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]. I plotted the x-y data. Then I
used lines(spline(xfit,yfit)) to overlay best curves on the data while
changing the parameters. My question is how do I calculate the residual sum
of squares.
2010 Jul 21
Chi-square distribution probability density function:
Hi to all I found
an formular of an **
***p-Value Calculator for the Chi-Square test*
*with the formula*
*what's the gamma function of this formula in r?*
*the following code does not give the result <0.001 for the values above *
2007 Aug 16
combining P values using Fisher's method
Hi All,
Can somebody tell me how to use R to combine p values using Fisher's method? thanks.
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