similar to: Extract data from edit chart

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Extract data from edit chart"

2005 Dec 03
How to catch value
Dear R users: I have a problem about catch the value from function. I have following two functions (part): fbolus1 <- function() {......... par<-data.frame(Parameter=c("kel","Vd"),Initial=c(0)) check(par) .....} check<-function(par) { if (par[ ,2] <= 0){ cat("\nEnter again (y/n) ?\n\n") ans<-readline() if (ans == "n" ){
2005 Jul 27
how to overlook the zero in the denominator
Dear R users: I have two set of data, as follow: x<-c(0,0,0.28,0.55,1.2,2,1.95,1.85, 1.6,0.86,0.78,0.6,0.21,0.18) y<-c(0,0,0,0.53,1.34,1.79,2.07,1.88, 1.52,0.92,0.71,0.55,0.32,0.19) i<-1:length(x) I want to sum each (x[i]-y[i])^2/x[i] together, like: >Sum <-sum((x[i]-y[i])^2/x[i]) >Sum [1] NaN Because the denominator shoud not be zero. So I want to overlook those
2005 Dec 05
how to save output all together
Dear R users: I have a problem about catch the value from function. I have following two functions (part): sbolus1 <- function() { ....... for( i in 1:Subject) { kel<-par1 Vd<-par2 PKindex<-sbolus1.out(PKtime,kel,Vd,defun,par1,par2,Dose,i) } savefile(PKindex) } sbolus1.out<-function(PKtime,kel,Vd,defun,par1,par2,Dose,i) { time<-PKtime$time
2005 Jul 19
Michaelis-menten equation
Dear R users: I encountered difficulties in michaelis-menten equation. I found that when I use right model definiens, I got wrong Km vlaue, and I got right Km value when i use wrong model definiens. The value of Vd and Vmax are correct in these two models. #-----right model definiens-------- PKindex<-data.frame(time=c(0,1,2,4,6,8,10,12,16,20,24),
2018 Apr 22
Gantt Chart Using Plotrix
Hi, The help file for gantt.chart states that dates must be in POSIXct format, and the example shows how to do that. There's no reason that I can see that you can't use a data frame as input to gantt.chart, but you need to be very careful that your data frame matches the correct format. I bet also that your character fields were imported as factors, because you didn't specify not to.
2018 Apr 23
Gantt Chart Using Plotrix
Hi, Your attempt didn't work because you didn't do what I suggested, which was make sure that your data frame matched the example given in the help for gantt.chart. Here's what you have: > str(cdfg) 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables: $ c1d1: Factor w/ 3 levels "task 1","task 3",..: 1 3 2 $ c2d1: POSIXct, format: "2018-04-01"
2018 Apr 22
Gantt Chart Using Plotrix
>From the help file for plotrix: " ... x - a list of task labels, start/end times and task priorities as returned by ..." So I try to create an object that will contain this information. abc <- read.csv("gntr1a.csv") # The above csv file was generated from MS .xlsx file containing the tasks and corresponding dates > abc code tasks.labels
2018 Apr 22
Gantt Chart Using Plotrix
Hi Sarah Thank you very much for your pointers. Is there a way to specify the date string as POSIXct when reading in? I have tried the following (very inelegant way) and still have no luck. --- Begin Code --- # 1st read in the spreadsheet with stringsAsFactors set to FALSE > abc <- read.csv("gntr1.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) > abc code tasks.labels
2018 Apr 22
Gantt Chart Using Plotrix
> On Apr 22, 2018, at 11:50 AM, bbb_aaa at wrote: > > Hi > > I am trying to generate a complex Gantt chart using the gantt.chart function in the plotrix package. > > Ideally I would like to use a spreadsheet to populate the activities (tasks) and start and end dates that this function expects and then export the spreadsheet file as a .CSV text file so I can read
2005 Sep 25
summary nls output
Dear R user: I bulid a package, and in the package I use the function "nls" to solve some questions. If I have two sets of data, and I want to summary these two data's nls output, I write the command in the package source code like: { .......... summary(fm1) summary(fm2) } then i compiler the package and use "Install package(s) from local zip files" to install my
2018 Apr 22
Gantt Chart Using Plotrix
Hi I am trying to generate a complex Gantt chart using the gantt.chart function in the plotrix package. Ideally I would like to use a spreadsheet to populate the activities (tasks) and start and end dates that this function expects and then export the spreadsheet file as a .CSV text file so I can read in this file to generate the gantt chart. Reading through the help file I have not been able to
2006 Nov 07
Gregexpr - extract results with lapply
Gregexpr - extract results with lapply Hello, I need to extract sequences of three upper case letters in a string. In other words, in this string: str <-c("ABC", "this WOUld be gOOD") The result I'm looking for is ABC WOU OOD. With gregexpr, I can get the position and length of the sequences gregexpr('[A-Z]{3}',str,perl=TRUE) [[1]] [1] 1
2008 May 05
extract and assign xml values to variable
hi, how can we assign an xml element value to some variable in controller? e.g. if we have <order> <id>1</id> <name>abc</name> <location>xyz</location> </order> and if we want value of name i.e. ''abc'' to be assigned in a variable declared in a controller, say order_controller, like this- temp = "value of xml element
2012 Jan 20
extract fixed width fields from a string
Hi, I have a data frame with one column containing string of the form "ABC...|XYZ..." where ABC etc are fields of 6 alphanumeric characters each and XYZ etc are fields of 8 alphanumeric characters each; "|" is a mandatory separator; I do not know in advance how many fields of each kind will each row contain. I need to extract these fields from the string. === How do I do that?
2005 Apr 30
How to extract function arguments literally
Dear all, One of my friends asked me if it is possible to extract actual R function arguments literally (precisely, as strings). The reason is simple. He feels sometimes awkward to attach quotation marks :-). What he actually wants is to pass R command arguments to XLisp subroutines (He has been an enthusiastic XLisp user for a long time and still tends to use R as a wrapper to XLisp). Is it
2012 Jan 19
Not generating line chart
Hi All, Can you please help me, why this code in not generating line chart? library(ggplot2) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) #qplot(TIME1, BASCHGA, data=Orange1, geom= c("point", "line"), colour= ACTTRT) unique(Orange1$REFID) -> refid for (i in refid) { Orange2 <- Orange1[i == Orange1$REFID, ] pdf('PGA.pdf') qplot(TIME1, BASCHGA, data=Orange2, geom= c("line"),
2013 Apr 29
Adding elements in data.frame subsets and also subtracting an element from the rest elements in data.frame
Dear R forum I have a data.frame as cashflow_df = data.frame(instrument = c("ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC","ABC", "ABC", "PQR", "PQR",
2009 Sep 17
What is the best way to get a subset of a data.frame?
Hi, I want to construct a data.frame 'y' by using x$x and x$y. I think that there might be better ways to do it (because, for example, we can use a_matrix[3:5,] to extract certain rows, where 'a_matrix' is a matrix). Can somebody let know what the best way is? > a=data.frame(x=1:10,y=rep("abc",10),z=rep("xyz",10)) > a x y z 1 1 abc xyz 2 2
1999 May 11
model.matrix crashes (PR#189)
With 0.64.1 on Intel RH5.2, abc <- list() abc$abc$abc <- matrix(1:20) mt <- terms(~(abc$abc$abc[,1]==64)|(abc$abc$abc[,1]==65)|(abc$abc$abc[,1]==75) |(abc$abc$abc[,1]==84)|(abc$abc$abc[,1]==85)) model.matrix(mt,model.frame(mt)) crashes. With ab$ab$ab, it does not. Apparently, the bug I reported for 0.64.0 has just been pushed back one step. Jim
2012 Jul 18
How to have original (name) order after melt and cast command
Dear R helpers, I have a data.frame as given below - dat1 = data.frame(date = as.Date(c("3/30/12","3/29/12","3/28/12","3/27/12","3/26/12", "3/23/12","3/22/12","3/21/12","3/20/12", "3/30/12","3/29/12","3/28/12","3/27/12",