similar to: Plotting an ellipse in 3D

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Plotting an ellipse in 3D"

2005 Mar 08
3D plot not working as desired!
Hello R-users! I am trying to plot 3 vectors (x,y,z) of observations generated by mvrnorm in library(MASS). I tried plot3d in library(djmrgl) and scatterplot3d. But these program gives x,y,z axis which do not intersect at the origin (0,0,0). I searched through all the graphics related packages for R like xgobi, ggobi, grid and more. Quite confusing which one to choose. Would anyone recommend
2013 Jan 26
confidence / prediction ellipse
Hi, I'm using the R library(car) to draw confidence/prediction ellipses in a scatterplot. >From what i understood the ellipse() function return an ellipse based parameters: shape, center, radius . If i read dataEllipse() function i can see how these parameters are calculated for a confidence ellipse. ibrary(car) a=c(12,12,4,5,63,63,23) b=c(13,15,7,10,73,83,43) v <-
2013 Sep 15
DataEllipse versus Ellipse Function in R
Hi: Does Ellipse and dataellipse function in R produce the same ellipse? I wanted to see how the radius for the Ellipse function in R calculated. Also what is the var-covariance matrix, if any, assumed for the dataellipse function? Heres an example of the code where I am generating Multivariate normal data and creating ellipse using the 2 functions: library(car) library(mvtnorm) mu =
2011 May 28
Observation in a confidence ellipse
Hello everyone I really need some help here. I made a confidence ellipse using the function ellipse from the package ellipse: ellipse(SD, centre=colMeans(pcsref),t=sqrt((p * (n-1)/(n-p))*qf(0.99, p,n-p)) Now, I want to write a function whom return TRUE or FALSE if a given observation is in the confidence ellipse. But I have no clue how to do it Can anyone help me? Best regards Jessica
2012 Feb 07
3D confidence ellipsoid with ellipse projections onto 2D plane
I have a 3xN matrix of parameters obtained from N regressions where the 3 parameters are jointly statistically significant. I would like to reproduce a 3D confidence ellipsoid projecting 2D ellipses onto the XY plane as in Figure 5.2 in this
2008 Apr 13
plotting muliple CI ellipses for EB estimates
I have empirical Bayes estimates for slopes and intercepts for a number of subjects and I would like to plot the slopes and intercepts with confidence ellipses. These ellipses would be based on the confidence intervals for the slope and intercepts (forming the major and minor axis of each ellipse), and the correlation in the slope and intercepts. The ellipse function in the car library
2011 Sep 27
Adding axis to an ellipse: "ellipse" package
Dear list members, This might be a silly question but I just can't figure it out. I am using the "ellipse" package on covariance matrices. I would simply like to plot my ellipses WITH its two axis ploted as well. These axis represents the 2 eigen vectors of my matrix and it is important that I can graphically show them. Is there an easy way to do so? Many thanks, Antoine -- View
2013 Jan 22
Ellipse in PCA with parameters "a" and "b"defined.
Hi, I have to construct an ellipse interval region on a PCAbiplot, I have my parameters "a" and "b" and I would apply the formula: draw.ellipse(x, y, a = , b = ) I have done a PCA on my data so I have my scores and loading for the first and second component, but my answer is what I have to choose as X and Y into the formula? if "a" and "b" are scalars or
2003 Oct 28
Confidence ellipse for correlation
Hello, SAS' point and click interface has the option of produce a scatterplot with a superimposed confidence ellipse for the correlation coefficient. Since I generally like R so much better, I would like to reproduce this in R. I've been playing with the ellipse package. In order to have the points and the ellipse on the same graph I've done the following. (Load ellipse
2004 Oct 27
ploting an ellipse keeps giving errors
library (ellipse) shape1 = c (1, 0, 0,1) dim(shape1) = c(2,2) ellipse (center = c(0,0), shape = shape1, radius = 1) ============================= Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, col = col, lty = lty, ...) : has not been called yet It is really frustrating. Also what do the shape matrix, radius correspond to an ellipse function (x-x0)^2/a + (y-y0)^2/b = 1 ?
2011 Aug 10
Plotting Ellipses and Points of Matching Colors in an Ordination
Hello, R-Help - I am trying to plot the results of an ordination from package vegan. The tricky part for me right now is getting the colors of the ellipses denoting the 95% confidence intervals of the group centroids to match the colors of the points for those same groups. >From and earlier post, I saw the code to make a plot of the ordination using different colors for my different groups.
2010 Sep 29
Fitting a half-ellipse curve
Dear mailing list, I have following array: X2 Y2 [1,] 422.7900 6.0 [2,] 469.8007 10.5 [3,] 483.9428 11.0 [4,] 532.4917 25.5 [5,] 596.1942 33.5 [6,] 630.8496 40.5 [7,] 733.2996 45.0 [8,] 946.4779 32.0 [9,] 996.8068 35.5 [10,] 1074.3310 23.0 I do afterwards the following: plot.window(xlim=c(min(X1)-50,max(X1)+50),
2010 Jul 05
plotting data with ellipse confidence intervals
Hi, I would like to plot a set of paired means (as X Y data) with unique confidence intervals for each (creating a set of ellipses, each with it's own centre point and shape). Would appreciate any advice out there! Cheers, Ged [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2000 Mar 22
density ellipses?
Hello, has anybody written a function to plot density ellipses (95%, 99% or anything) in a scatterplot? I found nothing in any package, nor in the list archives. There does seem to be a contributed package "ellipse" for S-Plus (on S-Archive), but it does a lot more than what I would need. Still, if anybody ported it to R, I'd be grateful for a link. I'm a bit afraid to try the
2007 Sep 24
calculating/plotting error ellipses
hello, sorry for posting what may be a simple question: i do have a matrix of coordinates (positional judgments, see below) and now want to calculate and plot the corresponding error ellipse. can anyone help me with the exact steps/syntax? > xyDat X Y 1 -0.49 -2.13 2 0.91 0.48 3 0.20 -2.80 4 -0.76 -3.23 5 -0.36 2.50 6 1.38 1.24 7
2002 Jun 19
drawing ellipses
Hello again, First I want to thank all the people who answered my question about line width in graphs. I promise I will learn the 'par' help page by heart for the end of the month ! I now want to trace some ellipses to emphasize groups of data. I found how to trace circles with 'symbols()', but no ellipse. I'm planning on writing my own function based on
2002 Oct 22
Draw ellipses in S-PLUS or R?
Dear S-PLUS/R users: Do you know any default function or a user contributed function that can draw an ellipse with given axes and origin? Thanks for any help. Paul. -- Romance, like alcohol, should be enjoyed, but should not be allowed to become necessary. -- Edgar Friedenberg -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list --
2008 Aug 26
plot3d origin
Hi all, I am trying to do a 3d plot where the x,y,z axes intersects with the origin (0,0,0) using the plot3d() funtion in the rgl package without success. I looked back at the past archives on this subject and someone suggested using djmrgl package. I searched and found it, installed it but when I try to load it I get the error ... Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
2007 Oct 01
Adding circles or ellipses to graphs
Hello, I'm developing an ordination using metaMDS (package vegan). The analysis identifies 3 distinct groups that I'd like to define by either adding circles or ellipses to help identify the groups. The data set is a spatial temporal data base depicting change in each of 4 areas over 3 time periods. I can add lines that would link each of the time - x - area trajectories, but
2009 Apr 08
Is a point into an ellipse
Hi, I drew an ellipse with the package ellipse. Now I would like to know if a point is inside the ellipse. Is any R functions to do it without computing the equation of the ellipse manually? Thanks. For example, if I do "plot(ellipse(0.8), type = 'l')", I would like to know if (0,1) belongs to the drawn ellipse. Regards, Alain -- Alain Guillet Statistician and Computer