similar to: axTicks and window resizing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "axTicks and window resizing"

2004 Feb 19
Possible error in ?axTicks
Hi all, Before posting to r-bugs, I thought that I would just verify this one first. It looks like the help for axTicks() needs to be corrected. It presently says: 'axTicks()' can be regarded as an R implementation of the C function 'CreateAtVector()' in '..../src/main/graphics.c' which is called by 'axis(side,*)' when no argument 'at' is specified.
2011 Feb 04
axTicks.Rd documentation bug
?axTicks says: usr: numeric vector of length four, defaulting to ?par("usr")? giving horizontal (?x?) and vertical (?y?) user coordinate limits. but this is not how the function is implemented -- in fact 'usr' should be a vector of length two corresponding to the appropriate elements of par("usr") [1:2 if side is 1 or 3, 3:4 if side is 2 or
2005 Jun 28
axTicks on a reverse ylog plot (PR#7973)
There is still issues with the reversed y-log scale plot: # Test case A: works as expected plot(10:100,log="y",ylim=c(100,11)) grid() par("yaxp") # Test case B: grid does not have horizontal lines; par("yaxp") is different plot(1:100,log="y",ylim=c(100,10)) grid() par("yaxp") In the second test case, axTicks for the horizontal lines (in
2023 Jan 31
How to calculate the derivatives at each data point?
Hi everyone, I have a vector with atmospheric measurements (x-axis) that is obtained/calculated at different altitudes (y-axis). The altitude is uniformly distributed every 7 meters. For example my dataframe is: df <- dataframe( *altitude* = c(1005, 1012, 1019, 1026, 1033, 1040, 1047, 1054, 1061, 1068), *atm_values* = c(1.41, 1.40, 1.39, 1.38, 1.37, 1.37, 1.38, 1.36, 1.33, 1.31)
2012 Aug 22
Plot label axis with expression
Hi all, I need help with axis in plot. I want to edit y axis label of my plot. My data is like: x <- c(100,50,10,1,0.1,0.05,0.001) plot(log(x)) axTicks(2) # Label of y axis [1] -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 I'd like that y axis label was like: e^-6, e^-4, etc. (with text "e" superscript -6, -4, etc.) I try to use expression(), but don't work. plot(log(x), yaxt="n")
2023 Jan 31
[EXT] How to calculate the derivatives at each data point?
Try something like with(df, predict(smooth.spline(x = altitude, y = atm_values), deriv = 1)) Cheers, Andrew -- Andrew Robinson Chief Executive Officer, CEBRA and Professor of Biosecurity, School/s of BioSciences and Mathematics & Statistics University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia Tel: (+61) 0403 138 955 Email: apro at Website:
2004 Mar 25
How to add a top X-axis with a different logarithmic scale?
Hi, I am trying to put on one plot two different logarithmic scales, using the bottom and top X-axes. Below there is an example of what I am trying to achieve, using axTicks() -- and fails. I already spent few hours on that, and cannot figure out from ?par and ?axTicks what I am doing wrong. Example follows: ############################################################ #### Data x <-
2010 Nov 20
plotting a timeline
I was trying to recreate this kind of timeline plot: As you can see in their excel example, the events are nicely placed out on both sides of the timeline axis. AFAIK there is no function to do this nicely in R-project. Furthermore, graphics and lattice packages are unable to draw the x-axis in the middle of the plot. (datapoints
2023 Jan 31
How to calculate the derivatives at each data point?
Hi Konstantinos Not exactly derivative but > diff(df[,2]) [1] -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.00 0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.02 May be enaough for you. Cheers Petr > > -----Original Message----- > From: R-help <r-help-bounces at> On Behalf Of konstantinos > christodoulou > Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 10:16 AM > To: r-help mailing list <r-help at
2009 Dec 03
Formatting of numbers on y axis
Hello all. I have the following: plot(salaries$yearID, salaries$salary, type='n', xaxt='n', xlab='', yaxt='n', ylab='') axis(1, at=unique(salaries$yearID), labels=unique(salaries$yearID), lwd=.25, tck=-0.05) axis(2, axTicks(2), format(axTicks(2), scientific = F)) Which nicely creates the Y axis with the raw numbers, which are in the range of .5 - 7
2012 Nov 14
vectorized plotmath expressions via substitute()
hi all - i've seen versions of this question before, but none seem to get directly at my solving my (probably very simple) issue: i simply want to annotate the tick marks on an axis with (superscripted) 10^x notation, and tried this: axis(1, at = axTicks(1), as.expression(substitute(10^foo, list(foo = axTicks(1)))) thinking the as.expression/substitute would create the appropriate
2005 Aug 14
Labels on axes with log scales with lattice
I using lattice to make some plots and I want to make the y-axis on some of these plots use a log scale. In the following plot: x <- 1:10 y <- 2^x xyplot(log10(y) ~ x) I get tick marks on the y-axis at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0. I would rather have just 3 tick marks at 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 but labeled 10, 100, and 1000. I know this can be done using the "at" and
2013 Jan 15
Month name in English, not R running language
When ploting a timeseries, the months are shown with abbreviation in the current language of the system. For example, x <- seq(from=as.Date("2000-04-01"), length.out=100, by=1) y <- rnorm(length(x), 5,2) plot(x, y) Show for me "avi mai jui jul" as I use R with French language localization. I see in the Windows FAQ how to completely change the language of R, but I
2008 Jun 13
adding custom axis to image.plot() and strange clipping behavior
Hi list, I wanted to plot an image with a colorbar to the right of the plot, but set my own axis labels (text rather than numbers) to the image. I have previously accomplished this with two calls to image(), but the package 'fields' has a wrapper function, image.plot(), which does this task conveniently. However, I could not add axes to the original image after a call to image.plot(); I
2008 Sep 05
how to draw the legend about color from 3d picture
I have drawed a picture with persp, it's 3d map with different color, indicate different altitude. In gnuplot, the corresponding command 'splot' will generate a picture beside to indicate the relationship between color and altitude. But in R, how to draw it? I have read the manual of legend, but they are all about how to draw a legend with colored text, not a continuous varing color
2012 Aug 01
add text to a plot, create character labels
Hi, I was trying to run the following, where the labels on the x axis are dates and need to be converted to characters. It did not work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. > text(axTicks(1),par("usr)[3]-2,srt=45,adj=1,labels=as.character(c("2008-01-08","2008-08-10","2008-08-22","2008-09-03", "2008-09-15")), xpd=T, cex=0.8) Error:
2010 Feb 08
Color intervals in image.plot function
Hi, The script below is my current coding in order to produce a contour plot of temperature across altitude and time. In my case,?time,altitude and temperature?are represented by x, y and z variables. ############################################## Brazilan.Pallete <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","yellow","red")) image.plot(x, y, z, col =
2006 Mar 14
Ordered logistic regression in R vs in SAS
I tried the following ordered logistic regression in R: mod1 <- polr(altitude~sp + wind_dir + wind_speed + hr, data=altioot) But when I asked The summary of my regression I got the folloing error message: > summary (mod1) Re-fitting to get Hessian Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...) : the initial value of 'vmin' is not
2005 Mar 30
Finding the "height of a line of text" for axis
I would like to draw only the ticks of an axis, but not the axis itself. I don't think this can be done using axis(), so I am trying to write a cut-down version in R, which only draws ticks. The point at which I am stuck is that the length of a tick is set by par("tcl") as a fraction of the "height of a line of text". So I would like to draw a line whose length is also
2017 Jun 09
Exercise in R
Hi i need some help with this exercise: FIles:!JxMFGIwC!qA85SBIBRVagCzYfmLwSvGuNK_qXqCXrakPxXryCpGg #PARZIAL 3: GEO #Data: # Shapefile "INCOME" contains dummy information about revenue # Common Abbreviations in the "INCOME" variable and the centroid altitude #dell common in the variable "ALT" #Richieste # 1 #map of the variable