similar to: Labels on axes with log scales with lattice

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Labels on axes with log scales with lattice"

2006 Jul 10
Setting the colors of lines in a trellis plot...
With some help from those with expertise on this list, I managed to produce a plot using trellis that looked like I wanted it to look. Now, I need to take the same plot and make the lines on it color, but I want to specify the color for the lines myself. I've managed to make the key use the colors I want. I've managed to make the symbols of the actual plot use the colors I want. But I
2008 Jun 18
Help with axis labels
Hi I have patched together (from various sources) the following code to get semi-logarithmic plot. Unfortunately, my labels come out also at intermediate places between 10^2, 10^3, 10^4 etc. Since I put the code together from various sources and do not understand fully how the code is working, I have not been able to get rid of the labels like 10^1.69897, 10^2.69897 etc. I would appreciate if
2005 Sep 01
Spacing and margins in plot
If I use the following command to plot points: plot(c(1,2,2,3,3,3), type="p", pch=20, ylab="Y Label", xlab="X Label", xaxt="n") there is a large amount of space between the label "X Label" and the actual x-axis. If I change the xaxt="n" to xaxt="s", the label "X Label" don't move at all. Is there a way to get
2004 Mar 25
How to add a top X-axis with a different logarithmic scale?
Hi, I am trying to put on one plot two different logarithmic scales, using the bottom and top X-axes. Below there is an example of what I am trying to achieve, using axTicks() -- and fails. I already spent few hours on that, and cannot figure out from ?par and ?axTicks what I am doing wrong. Example follows: ############################################################ #### Data x <-
2005 Jun 28
axTicks on a reverse ylog plot (PR#7973)
There is still issues with the reversed y-log scale plot: # Test case A: works as expected plot(10:100,log="y",ylim=c(100,11)) grid() par("yaxp") # Test case B: grid does not have horizontal lines; par("yaxp") is different plot(1:100,log="y",ylim=c(100,10)) grid() par("yaxp") In the second test case, axTicks for the horizontal lines (in
2011 Feb 04
axTicks.Rd documentation bug
?axTicks says: usr: numeric vector of length four, defaulting to ?par("usr")? giving horizontal (?x?) and vertical (?y?) user coordinate limits. but this is not how the function is implemented -- in fact 'usr' should be a vector of length two corresponding to the appropriate elements of par("usr") [1:2 if side is 1 or 3, 3:4 if side is 2 or
2005 Sep 15
Copying from graphics window in OS X
I'm running R from an Xterm window is OSX-Tiger. Graphical windows appear as they should, but I'm having trouble copying from them--using cmd+c or the Copy option in the Edit menu won't place the graph in the clipboard (when I paste into a running OS X app, I get whatever was the last copied thing from a non-x11 window). Any ideas on how to copy from a xterm-launched graphical
2004 Apr 15
pretty for a log-axis
Is there a function that does the same as pretty but on a log-scale? Suppose you have x <- exp( runif( 100, 0, 6 ) ) (which will between 1 and 403), then I would like to have a result like: log.pretty( x ) [1] 1 5 10 50 100 500 Bendix C. ---------------------- Bendix Carstensen Senior Statistician Steno Diabetes Center Niels Steensens Vej 2 DK-2820 Gentofte Denmark tel: +45 44 43 87 38
2012 Jun 22
Boxplot with Log10 and base-exponent axis
Dear all, I would like to (i) produce boxplot graphs with axis in logarithm in base 10 and (ii) showing the values on the axis in 10^exponent format rather than 10E+exponent. To illustrate with an example, I have some widely spread data that I chart plot using boxplot() [figure on the left]; the log="y" option of boxplot() I obtained the natural logarithm conversion of the data and
2005 Sep 01
Spacing and margins in lattice...
Similar to my last question, I want to tighten up the spacing and margins in a plot I am doing with lattice. Here are the commands I'm using: data <- data.frame(x=c(1:3, 1:3), y=c(1:3, 1:3*2), cat=c("foo","foo","foo","bar", "bar","bar")) xyplot(panel=panel.superpose, y~x, data=data, groups=cat, type="b",
2006 Mar 01
Width of bars in barplot2
I'm using barplot2 to plot some data. Is there any way to determine the width of the bars in the generated plot? I know that barplot2 returns a list of the coordinates of the center of each bar, but since there is some white space between each bar, I don't know how to get the width of each bar. Jamie
2006 Mar 03
R plots in PowerPoint
I have some plots that I generating using R (using trellis, plot, and barplot2) that I want to include in a PowerPoint presentation I am giving. My computer is running OS X. I find that presentations are easier to read when there is light text on a dark background and would like to generate plots that fit that style. The plots I am generating are all grayscale. Is there an easy way to get R to
2006 Mar 08
Adding polygons to a barplot
I have a barplot I have created using barplot2 and I have been able to add points and lines (using the points and lines methods, respectively). I now need to add some polygons (triangles in particular), that I want to be shaded to match bars in the plot. I can get the coordinates of the corners of the triangles, but don't know how to draw the triangles. I know there is the grid.polygon
2005 Aug 09
Saving trellis output to files in scripts...
With much help from Chuck Cleland, I was able to get xyplot to generate the plot I wanted. I'm trying to write a script (that can be read using source("file")) to create the plots I want and save them to files. If I type the following lines into the R (in interactive mode), the correct plot gets saved into the file with a size of 4,096 bytes: ----------------------------
2006 Feb 16
R-help - Problem in drawing braplot with a huge value of data
Hello R-experts, I am facing a strange problem while creating a barplot. I have serise of data of which the first on is around 162589 while the remaining data are around 0-150. so when I am ploting the barplot with all the data I am getting a single line -> test1.jpg. But If I remove the 1st value i.e 162589 then I am getting a normal barplot -> test2.jpg Can some one help me regarding
2012 Aug 01
add text to a plot, create character labels
Hi, I was trying to run the following, where the labels on the x axis are dates and need to be converted to characters. It did not work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. > text(axTicks(1),par("usr)[3]-2,srt=45,adj=1,labels=as.character(c("2008-01-08","2008-08-10","2008-08-22","2008-09-03", "2008-09-15")), xpd=T, cex=0.8) Error:
2004 Feb 19
Possible error in ?axTicks
Hi all, Before posting to r-bugs, I thought that I would just verify this one first. It looks like the help for axTicks() needs to be corrected. It presently says: 'axTicks()' can be regarded as an R implementation of the C function 'CreateAtVector()' in '..../src/main/graphics.c' which is called by 'axis(side,*)' when no argument 'at' is specified.
2005 Aug 08
Help with doing overlays plots...
I have a data frame with three columns, type (a factor with two values: "Monolithic" and "Compositional"), size (numeric), and states (numeric). I want to create a plot where size goes on the x-axis and states goes on the y-axis. In this plot, I want two lines, one where the type is "Monolithic" and one where the type is "Compositional". I think this can
2012 Aug 22
Plot label axis with expression
Hi all, I need help with axis in plot. I want to edit y axis label of my plot. My data is like: x <- c(100,50,10,1,0.1,0.05,0.001) plot(log(x)) axTicks(2) # Label of y axis [1] -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 I'd like that y axis label was like: e^-6, e^-4, etc. (with text "e" superscript -6, -4, etc.) I try to use expression(), but don't work. plot(log(x), yaxt="n")
2010 Nov 20
plotting a timeline
I was trying to recreate this kind of timeline plot: As you can see in their excel example, the events are nicely placed out on both sides of the timeline axis. AFAIK there is no function to do this nicely in R-project. Furthermore, graphics and lattice packages are unable to draw the x-axis in the middle of the plot. (datapoints