similar to: How to add decision trees into a list?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How to add decision trees into a list?"

2008 Feb 14
contingency table
Hello! May you help me? I'm trying to do a contingency table using this > data(iris) > library(rpart) > modelo <- rpart(Species ~., iris) > prev <- predict(modelo, iris) Finally the contingency table > table(iris$Species, prev) But an error occurs: Error in table(iris$Species, prev) : all arguments must have the same length And I do not understand why, may you
2001 Aug 12
rpart 3.1.0 bug?
I just updated rpart to the latest version (3.1.0). There are a number of changes between this and previous versions, and some of the code I've been using with earlier versions (e.g. 3.0.2) no longer work. Here is a simple illustration of a problem I'm having with xpred.rpart. iris.test.rpart<-rpart(iris$Species~., data=iris[,1:4], parms=list(prior=c(0.5,0.25, 0.25))) + ) >
2005 Sep 26
How to get the rowindices without using which?
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to get the rowindices without using the function "which" because I don't have a restriction criteria. Here's an example of what I mean: # take 10 randomly selected instances iris[sample(1:nrow(iris), 10),] # output Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species 76 6.6 3.0 4.4 1.4
2009 Mar 11
Couple of Questions about Classification trees
So I have 2 sets of data - a training data set and a test data set. I've been doing the analysis on the training data set and then using predict and feeding the test data through that. There are 114 rows in the training data and 117 in the test data and 1024 columns in both. It's actually the same set of data split into two. The rows are made of 5 different numbers. They do represent
2005 Sep 08
Re-evaluating the tree in the random forest
Dear mailinglist members, I was wondering if there was a way to re-evaluate the instances of a tree (in the forest) again after I have manually changed a splitpoint (or split variable) of a decision node. Here's an illustration: library("randomForest") forest.rf <- randomForest(formula = Species ~ ., data = iris, do.trace = TRUE, ntree = 3, mtry = 2, norm.votes = FALSE) # I am
2004 Aug 21
sweave and post "rpart"
Hi, have anybody positive experience how it is possible get the post output from a rpart-object in a large sweave file or is only the less nicely plot function instead of post possible??? \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} <<fig=true,eps=T>>= post(dtreeEB, title="Tree",digits=getOption("digits") - 0,use.n=TRUE) @ \caption{Tree1} \end{center}
2008 Oct 09
Dump decision trees of randomForest object
Hi, I'm using the package randomForest to generate a classifier for the exemplary iris data set: data(iris) iris.rf<-randomForest(Species~.,iris) Is it possible to print all decision trees in the generated forest? If so, can the trees be also written to disk? What I actually need is to translate the decision trees in a random forest into equivalent C++ if-then-else constructs to
2009 Apr 01
Request: Optimum value of cost complexity parameter "k" in "tree" package
Dear R community I have a question regarding the value of cost complexity parameter "k" used in "tree" package for pruning purpose. Any help in finding the optimum value of "k" is requested. Please give some suggestion in this regard. In the example below i used k=0 but i don't know why? But if i use k=NULL, then it will not plot the resultant tree.
2020 Jan 03
A modern object-oriented machine learning framework in R
Estimados amigos: Esta tarde he estado probando la librería mlr3, que me resulta muy interesante para trabajos de clasificación. En concreto, para entender su funcionamiento he probado un ejemplo simple (viene en CRAN). Sin embargo, cuando cambio el parámetro de clasifiación en la función de aprendizaje, me aparece el error siguiente: *Error: Element with key
2005 Mar 21
Convert numeric to class
Dear all, I have a script about iteration classification, like this below data(iris) N <- 5 <- vector('list',N) <- vector('list',N) for (j in 1:N) {[[j]] <- rpart(Species ~., data=iris)[j] <-[[j]]$frame result <- list(, }
2005 Oct 14
Predicting classification error from rpart
Hi, I think I'm missing something very obvious, but I am missing it, so I would be very grateful for help. I'm using rpart to analyse data on skull base morphology, essentially predicting sex from one or several skull base measurements. The sex of the people whose skulls are being studied is known, and lives as a factor (M,F) in the data. I want to get back predictions of gender, and
2011 Sep 07
Fwd: FSelector and RWeka problem
Hi all, Although I sent the mail to Piotr, the author of FSelector, it should be better to ask here to let others know. Yanwei Begin forwarded message: From: Yanwei Song <> Date: September 7, 2011 4:41:58 PM EDT To: Subject: FSelector and RWeka problem Dear Piotr, Thanks for developing the FSelector package for us. I'm a new
2005 Sep 16
How do I get the row indices?
Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to get the row numbers from a filtering. Here's an example: # give me the rows with sepal.length == 6.2 iris[(iris[,1]==6.2),] # output Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species 69 6.2 2.2 4.5 1.5 versicolor 98 6.2 2.9 4.3 1.3 versicolor 127 6.2
2020 Jan 04
A modern object-oriented machine learning framework in R
Estimadísimo Carlos: Muchísimas gracias por responderme y hacerlo tan rápido. Contemplé esa posibilidad, es decir, que el hiperparámetro estuviera suponiendo un problema, y probé de esta forma: > learner <- lrn("classif.ranger", num.trees = 5, mtry = NULL) Error: Element with key 'classif.ranger' not found in DictionaryLearner!
2012 Oct 16
matriz de confusión de un arbol de clasificacion rpart
Hola a todos, Me gustaría obtener la matriz de confusión generada a partir de la validación k-fold que aplica rpart por defecto. Alquien podría decirme como poder recuperar esa matriz. He echado un vistazo a la documentación de rpart, pero no consigo averiguarlo. Gracias de antemano Saludos Víctor [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 26
Question about rpart decision trees (being used to predict customer churn)
Hi, I am using rpart decision trees to analyze customer churn. I am finding that the decision trees created are not effective because they are not able to recognize factors that influence churn. I have created an example situation below. What do I need to do to for rpart to build a tree with the variable experience? My guess is that this would happen if rpart used the loss matrix while creating
2012 Mar 05
decision/classification trees with fewer than 20 objects
Hi! I'm trying to construct and plot a decision tree to class a set of only 8 objects and tried to use the rpart and tree function, but get a error message both times: rpart: fit is not a tree, just a root tree: cannot plot singlenode tree I read in the post 'question regression trees' that rpart doesn't split a set of fewer than 20 I guess the same holds true for
2003 Jul 17
Rpart question - labeling nodes with something not in x$frame
I have a tree created with tr.hh.logcas <- rpart(log(YCASSX + 1)~AGE+DRUGUSEY+SEX+OBSXNUM +WINDLE, xval = 10) I would like to label the nodes with YCASSX rather than log(YCASSX + 1). But the help file for text in library rpart says that you can only use labels that are part of x$frame, which YCASSX is not. Is there a way to do what I want? Thanks in advance Peter Peter L. Flom, PhD
2005 Aug 26
learning decision trees with one's own scoring functins
Hi netters, I want to learn a decision tree from a series of instances (learning data). The packages tree or rpart can do this quite well, but the scoring functions (splitting criteria) are fixed in these packages, like gini or something. However, I'm going to use another scoring function. At first I wanna modify the R code of tree or rpart and put my own scoring function in. But it
2005 Aug 26
problem with certain data sets when using randomForest
Hi, Since I've had no replies on my previous post about my problem I am posting it again in the hope someone notice it. The problem is that the randomForest function doesn't take datasets which has instances only containing a subset of all the classes. So the dataset with instances that either belong to class "a" or "b" from the levels "a", "b" and