Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "converting a t statistic to r2"
2008 Mar 16
stats/debugging question hotelling t-sq
I spent hours looking over my formula. Somehow I cant find the reason
why it gives me different answer.
help appreciated.
x = as.matrix(read.table("http://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/atniehs/core/microarrays/docs/heinloth.txt",1))
x = t(x) #now rows are subjects, cols are genes
x = x[order(rownames(x)),] #order by treatment group oxygen,
ultra-violet, gamma radiation
y =
2007 Jul 06
algebra/moving average question - NOTHING TO DO WITH R
This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with R but I was hoping that someone
might know because there are obviously a lot of very bright people on
this list.
Suppose I had a time series of data and at each point in time t, I was
calculating x bar + plus minus sigma where x bar was based on a
moving window of size n and so was sigma.
So, if I was at time t , then x bar t plus minus sigma_t would be
2008 Jun 20
Unexpected Behavior (potentially) in t.test
I have stumbled across some unexpected behavior (potential a bug) in, what I
suspect to be R's (2.6.2 on Ubuntu Linux) t.test function; then again the
problem may exist in my code. I have shutdown R and started it back up,
re-run the code and re-experienced the error. I have searched on Google for
the abnormal termination error message "(stderr < 10 * .Machine$double.eps *
2016 Apr 08
Generating Hotelling's T squared statistic with hclust
I am doing a cluster analysis with hclust. I want to get hclust to output the Hotelling's T squared statistic for each cluster so I can evaluate is data points should be in a cluster or not. My research to answer this question has been unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to get hclust to output the Hotelling's T squared statistic for each cluster?
[[alternative HTML version
2008 Jun 24
after setting auto.key=TRUE, legend become inconsistent with the graph
When I use xyplot (from package lattice) to produce a multi-series graph:
xyplot(linear+quadratic+sqrt~x, data=df, main="complexity of different
functions", ylab="y", col=c("red", "black", "orange"), type="b",
lty=c(1,2,3), pch=c(1,2,3), auto.key=TRUE)
where I changed the default colour, line type and data point type so
that each series
2003 Jul 30
reverse array indexing
Suppose I have a multidimensional array:
tmp <- array(1:8, c(2,2,2))
is there a function out there that, given a one-dimensional array index,
return the separate indices for each array dimension?
for instance, tmp[8] is equivalent to tmp[2,2,2]. I'd like to derive the
vector (2,2,2)
from the index 8.
Brad Buchsbaum
2004 Dec 29
Discrepancy between intervals.lme and coef.lme
I'm using R on Windows v2.0.1 with the nlme package (v3.1-53) and am finding some unexpected discrepancies in the output of intervals.lme and coef.lme. I've included a toy dataset at the end, but briefly, the data are longitudinal data from couples in marital therapy. Each spouse's relationship satisfaction is measured 4 times; I've fit both linear and quadratic models to the
2003 Sep 23
what does the sum of square of Gaussian RVs with differen t variance obey?
This is a relatively recent article that is somewhat accessible.
Jensen, D. R., and Solomon, Herbert (1994), "Approximations to joint
distributions of definite quadratic forms", Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 89 , 480-486
It has references to previous work.
I also have an old paper that is so old I can't tell what journal it came
out of:(
Grad, Arthur and Solomon,
2005 Aug 16
Overall Legend
Hello. I am using R version 2.1.1 on Windows 2000.
I am using a par(mfrow=c(2,2)) statement to produce 4 plots on one screen. I want a single horizontal legend to appear at the top of the four plots. My code is something like this:
2008 Mar 12
[follow-up] "Longitudinal" with binary covariates and outcome
Hi again!
Following up my previous posting below (to which no response
as yet), I have located a report which situates this type
of question in a longitudinal modelling context.
Generalized Linear Models with Longitudinal Covariates
Daowen Zhang & Xihong Lin
(This work seems to originally date from around 1999).
They consider an outcome Y,
2012 Jul 26
Testing significance of interaction between group and longitudinal change for part of the age range in a mixed linear model
Hi all,
I've fit a mixed linear model to some longitudinal data. I'm interested in the differences in patterns of decrease in the dependent variable according to group status, and my hypothesis particularly predicts a difference between the groups in trajectory of change at between specific ages. The data shows a significant interaction between group and the linear and quadratic effects
2006 Mar 28
Skewed t distribution
Dear All,
I am working with skewed-t copula in my research recently, so I needed to
write an mle
procedure instead of using a standard fit one; I stick to the sn package. On
subsamples of the entire population that I deal with, everything is fine.
However, on the total sample (difference in cross-sectional
dimension: 30 vs 240) things go wrong - the objective function diverges to
infinity. I
2011 Apr 20
Help needed!
Hi everyone,
I have a question. Now I am reading the resource code of the package
"ssfcov". The resource code is as following. I cannot find the resource
code of the function "myss2d" anywhere in the package. Can anyone give
me a hint how to find it in the package. Thanks a lot!!bv
> ssfcov
function (time, x, subject, nbasis = 5, centered = FALSE, noDiag = TRUE)
2012 Nov 05
Potencia de la prueba T
Buen día para todos los que ven este correo.
En estos días estoy estudiando la potencia de una prueba en inferencia,
pero no entiendo bien como
correr un codigo que lo haga pertinentemente, el codigo que corro es el
siguiente, la idea es que a medida que crece
el tamaña muestral pues la potencia de la prueba aumente, pero no se como
hacer para que, repita la prueba variando el tamaño de la
2012 Oct 10
own function: computing time
Hi all,
I wrote a function that actually does what I want it to do, but it tends to be very slow for large amount of data. On my computer it takes 5.37 seconds for 16000 data points and 21.95 seconds for 32000 data points. As my real data consists of 18000000 data points it would take ages to use the function as it is now.
Could someone help me to speed up the calculation?
Thank you, Tonja
2006 Mar 13
R2 in mixed model
I have some basic question for you!.
Has calculating R2 sense in mixed model? I think no! But i don't why!
Thank in advance for your help
2012 Mar 21
Best way to compute the difference between two levels of a factor ?
Dear R-help Members,
I am wondering if anyone think of the optimal way of computing for
several numeric variable the difference between 2 levels of a factor.
To be clear let's generate a simple data frame with 2 numeric variables
collected for different subjects (ID) and 2 levels of a TIME factor
(time of evaluation)
2008 Jun 05
How to combine to PCAs
Dear all:
Subjects were measured two times (t1 and t2) on different variables (v1 ... vn).
Between t1 and t2 there was an experimental manipulation. I computed two PCAs for time-points t1 and t2.
Is it possible to combine both PCAs in order to get only one set of eigenvectors? Due to the experimental manipulation measurement values on time points t1 and t2 changed for each subject.
2004 Mar 18
two lme questions
1) I have the following data situation:
96 plots
12 varieties
2 time points
2 technical treatments
the experiment is arranged as follows:
a single plot has two varieties tested on it. if variety A on plot #1 has
treatment T1 applied to it, then variety B on plot #1 has treatment T2
applied to it. across the whole experiment variety A is exposed to
treatment T1 the same number of times as
2012 Mar 29
Adding duration (hh:mm:ss)\Converting factor column into duration class
Hi All,
I have a data frame:
Time1 Time2
1 176:46:10 41:48:06
2 171:28:57 61:19:10
3 178:25:15 34:05:35
4 74:04:20 25:01:55
5 136:11:20 37:59:32
6 138:17:17 30:22:27
7 183:04:48 29:25:02
8 179:35:01 19:29:44
> str(df)
'data.frame': 8 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Time1: Factor w/ 583 levels