Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "FW: color palette"
2006 Jan 09
need palette of topographic colors similar to topo.colors ()
I will second Roger's suggestion, colorRampPalette is a great function for
creating your own palettes. For example, Matlab's jet palette (also
available in fields package under peculiar name 'tim.colors') can be defined
jet.colors = colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan",
"#7FFF7F", "yellow",
2005 Aug 04
color palette
Hi, I have a matrix with both positive and negative
numbers, I would like to use image() to draw a
heatmap. How can I can design a palette (or is there a
function already available) that treat negative
numbers in a blue gradient and positive numbers in a
red gradient and treat 0 as white?
2005 May 26
Reading text files and readLine
I am trying to write a function to read in a whole text file as a single
string ( so I can calculate its "sha1" hash function using package
"digest"). I need a single string containing the whole file, and so far I
was using paste(readLines(fileName), collapse = ""). Unfortunately this
function gives me warnings :
incomplete final line found by readLines on
2005 Mar 24
Unexpected error "subset assignment" (bug?)
I run into following problem. It seems to me that operation in the 3rd line
should be valid.
> b = matrix(as.raw(0), 8,8)
> q = as.raw(1:8)
> b[1,] = q
Error: incompatible types in subset assignment
> length(b[1,])
[1] 8
> typeof(b[1,])
[1] "raw"
> length(q)
[1] 8
> typeof(q)
[1] "raw"
Is this a bug or a "feature"?
2005 Apr 27
Error list and debugging R code
I am trying to debug my code and looking for any tool to help me out with
it. My main problem is with the error messages I can not figure out where
they come from (what function produced them) and what do they mean. Is there
such a think as list of error messages produced by R and standard R
packages, and what do they mean? Or any tool to extract information which
function produced the
2005 May 31
FYI: Problems while loading package "class (VR)"
Today, I performed automatic updates of packages and somehow lost "class"
package. I loaded a library that depended on it and got:
Error: package 'class' could not be loaded
In addition: Warning message: there is no package called 'class' in:
library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc)
I tried to load it by instal-package: class (VR) and
2005 Mar 25
Casting in R
I am looking for functions that would allow me to access raw binary data of
R vectors. One way would be to use:
x = (1:10)*pi
writeBin(x, "temp.bin")
r = readBin("temp.bin", "raw", n=length(x)*8)
Other to write my own C code. Is there any other simpler way?
I this message is a rewording of my yesterday message "Looking for function
for Double to
2005 May 27
xmlAttrs and problems with reading node attributes of XML file (b ug?)
Consider the following code:
xmlFile = paste( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"
"<mzXML xmlns=\"a\" xmlns:xsi=\"b\"
"<parentFile a=\"a\" b=\"b\" />\n",
2005 Jun 29
"all connections are in use" error during lazyload stage of packa ge installation
I suddenly started getting strange errors while working on my caTools
>RCMD install C:/programs/R/rw2011/src/library/caTools
preparing package caTools for lazy loading
Error in file(file, "r", encoding = encoding) :
all connections are in use
Execution halted
make: *** [lazyload] Error 1
*** Installation of caTools failed ***
I searched
2005 Jun 30
Is.integer and testing for integers
I was trying to figure out if there is a function in R that tests if R
object contains only integers. I though "is.integer" would be it, but this
function only checks "whether its argument is of integer type or not". As a
x = (1:5)^2
Returns false. Of course I can write my own function like
"!any(x!=as.integer(x))" but I am just trying to
2005 Sep 15
Splitting the string at the last sub-string
I need to split a string into 2 strings, with the split point defined by the
last occurrence of some substring. I come up with some convoluted code to do
str = "Chance favors the prepared mind"
sub = "e"
y = unlist(strsplit(str,sub))
z = cbind(paste(y[-length(y)], sub, sep="", collapse = ""), y[length(y)]);
Is there a simpler way
2005 May 06
Latex can not find Rd.sty
Lately my Latex engine used for checking packages stop working, and I can
not figure out how to fix it.
When creating my package (caMassClass) I get the
* checking caMassClass-manual.tex ... ERROR
LaTeX errors when creating DVI version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
message. I look in caMassClass-manual.log file and find
! LaTeX Error: File `Rd.sty' not found.
2004 Nov 03
Unexpected results from sort function when partial and index are used
Consider the following example:
sort(10:1, partial=3)
## 1 2 3 7 6 5 4 8 9 10
sort(10:1, index=T)
## $x: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## $ix: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
sort(10:1, partial=3, index=T)
## 1 2 3 7 6 5 4 8 9 10
The first 2 calls gave expected returns; however, the third one did not
returned an index as requested. I could not find anything about it in
2005 Oct 31
Sum of logical vector
Recently I was told by users of some of the function I wrote that they
experience crashes in places where logical vector was passed to sum
function. However on my computer those functions work just fine. After
closer look at documentation of function 'sum', I realized that it is
defined only for complex and numeric vectors, so I guess I was using
"undocumented feature".
2005 Oct 12
Questions about readBin function (Was: dec2bin?)
The latest version of R had some changes to functions "readbin() and
writeBin() [which] now support raw vectors as well as filenames and
connections.". As a result I am working on retiring "raw2bin" and "bin2raw"
functions from "caTools" package which do exactly the same. Thanks to Prof.
Ripley for bringing this change to my attention.
Which brings me
2005 Jul 15
Passing character strings from C code to R
I have a C code which produces array of integers and potentially a string,
and I have problems passing the string out. Here is the relevant part of the
1 PROTECT(Ret = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
2 ret = (int*) INTEGER(Ret); /* get pointer to R's Ret */
3 for(i=0; i<n; i++) ret[i] = data[i];
4 Free(data);
5 i=1;
6 if (comment) { // comment was found
7 n
2005 Jul 15
Passing character strings from C code to R
I have a C code which produces array of integers and potentially a string,
and I have problems passing the string out. Here is the relevant part of the
1 PROTECT(Ret = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
2 ret = (int*) INTEGER(Ret); /* get pointer to R's Ret */
3 for(i=0; i<n; i++) ret[i] = data[i];
4 Free(data);
5 i=1;
6 if (comment) { // comment was found
7 n
2005 Mar 23
Looking for function for Double to raw to double conversions
I am trying to implement function for reading/writing some XML file format.
One feature of that XML format is that a lot of binary data is stored in
Base64 format, and since R's XML package does not seem to support it, I just
wrote my own converter from "raw" format to Base64, and back. However one
place I have problems with is conversion from vector of doubles to vector of
2005 Jun 17
Release of new version of caMassClass package and new package caT ools
A new version of "caMassClass" package was released today. The package
contain pipeline for processing and classification of protein mass spectra
The main change is off-spinning from the library collection of generic
functions into a new package "caTools". This package, which might be useful
to broader group, is much smaller than "caMassClass" and has fewer
2005 Jun 17
Release of new version of caMassClass package and new package caT ools
A new version of "caMassClass" package was released today. The package
contain pipeline for processing and classification of protein mass spectra
The main change is off-spinning from the library collection of generic
functions into a new package "caTools". This package, which might be useful
to broader group, is much smaller than "caMassClass" and has fewer