similar to: Wishart Density

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Wishart Density"

2012 Mar 01
Parameterization of Inverse Wishart distribution available in MCMCpack and bayesm libraries
Hello Everyone Both the MCMCpack and the bayesm libraries allow us to make draws from the Inverse Wishart distribution. But I wanted to find out how exactly is the Inverse Wishart distribution parameterized in these libraries. The reason I ask is the following: Now its generally standard to express Inverse Wishart as IW(0.5 * DOF,0.5* Scale). (DOF-> Degree of freedom, Scale -> Scale
2012 Feb 05
Simulating from a Normal Inverted Wishart distribution
Hello everyone I was wondering how would one simulate from a Normal Wishart Distribution in R. A normal inverted Wishart distribution is denoted by NIW (M,C,d,S), where X/(Sigma) ~ N( M,C,(Sigma) ) -> a matrix normal distribution, (Sigma) -> column dispersion matrix (Sigma) ~ IW (d,S) -> inverted Wishart distribution Thanks a lot ! Best Shantanu [[alternative HTML version
2003 Mar 31
Does R have an inverse wishart distribution?
If so, I''ve had trouble finding it. Can anyone help?
2010 Sep 06
sample a matrix with one element to be 1 from wishart distribution
Hi, I am not sure if this make sense at all. I'd like to sample a matrix, which follows a wishart / inverted wishart distribution. However, the (1,1) element of this matrix should always be equal to 1. How can I handle it in R? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot. Sonia [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Apr 28
riwish() problem
R users- In moving from R 2.0.0 to R 2.1.0 in Windows, I have encountered a problem with the "riwish" command in the package "MCMCpack". I've searched the documentation and can't seem to figure it out. For example: Define a matrix: > lam <- matrix(c(.00233,-.00057,-.00057,.00190),2,2) and then use the riwish command to generate a random inverse-Wishart
2009 Nov 21
Dear R users, I would like to make my R code for MCMC faster. It is possible to integrate C code into R but I think C is too complicated for me. I would need a C introduction only for MCMC and I do not know if such a thing exists. I was thinking of Python (and scipy). Where could I read about its integration into R ? How developed are the statistical packages in Python ? I could not find a
2003 Feb 16
multivariate sampling question again
Hi Thanks for replying my question! What really interested me is that the package providing some complex form sampling, such as wishart, multinomial, dirichlet. And others for example conditional beta distribution confining the random variable in the interval (a, b). Since these concept are widely used in the baysian, I wonder whether somebody has already written this package. Thanks! Best
2008 Sep 26
Generating a valid covariance matrix
I want to generate a valid variance-covariance matrix. One way could be to generate some random sample from multivariate normal distribution and then calculate cov. matrix. Another way could be to sample from wishart distribution itself. However both cases need a valid i.e. PD covariance matrix. As I need to generate that covariance matrix only, I am not interested those two methods. Can anyone
2007 Jun 06
Metropolis-Hastings Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Spatstat
I'm testing some different formulations of pairwise interaction point processes in Spatstat (version 1.11-6) using R 2.5.0 on a Windows platform and I wish to simulate them using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm implemented with Spatstat. Spatstat utilizes Fortran77 code with the preprocessor RatFor to do the Metropolis-Hastings MCMC, but the Makefile is more complicated than any I have
2007 Jul 24
function optimization: reducing the computing time
Dear useRs, I have written a function that implements a Bayesian method to compare a patient's score on two tasks with that of a small control group, as described in Crawford, J. and Garthwaite, P. (2007). Comparison of a single case to a control or normative sample in neuropsychology: Development of a bayesian approach. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24(4):343?372. The function (see
2012 Dec 19
Theoretical confidence regions for any non-symmetric bivariate statistical distributions
Respected R Users, I looking for help with generating theoretical confidence regions for any of non-symmetric bivariate statistical distributions (bivariate Chi-squared distribution<Wishart distribution>, bivariate F-distribution, or any of the others). I want to to used it as a benchmark to compare a few strategies constructing confidence regions for non-symmetric bivariate data. There is
2009 Aug 12
MCMC sampling question
Hello, Consider MCMC sampling with metropolis / metropolis hastings proposals and a density function with a given valid parameter space. How are MCMC proposals performed if the parameter could be located at the very extreme of the parameter space, or even 'beyond that' ? Example to express it and my very nontechnical 'beyond that': The von Mises distribution is a circular
2009 Jan 26
AdMit version 1-01.01
Dear all, The new version of AdMit (version 1.01-01) is now available from CRAN. SUMMARY The package provides functions to perform the fitting of an adaptive mixture of Student-t distributions to a target density through its kernel function. The mixture approximation can then be used as the importance density in importance sampling or as the candidate density in the Metropolis-Hastings
2009 Jan 26
AdMit version 1-01.01
Dear all, The new version of AdMit (version 1.01-01) is now available from CRAN. SUMMARY The package provides functions to perform the fitting of an adaptive mixture of Student-t distributions to a target density through its kernel function. The mixture approximation can then be used as the importance density in importance sampling or as the candidate density in the Metropolis-Hastings
2005 Jun 21
test for equality of two data sets with multidimensional variables
Hello there, I have two data sets with 14 variables each, and wish to do the test for equality of their covariance matrices and mean vectors. Normally these tests should be done by chi square test (box provided) and Hotelling's T square test respectively. Which R functions could do this kind of test? I just find some functions could do for one dimension, but no for multidimension. Some one
2012 Mar 14
Metropolis-Hastings in R
Hi all, I'm trying to write a MH algorithm in R for a standard normal distribution, I've been trying for a good week or so now with multiple attempts and have finally given up trying to do it on my own as I'm beginning to run out of time for this, would somebody please tell me what is wrong with my latest attempt: n=100 mu=0 sigma=1 lik<-function(theta) exp(((theta-mu)^2)/2*sigma)
2007 Jan 30
R packages
Hi, Do any body know which packages of R I need to go for the below topics? 1. Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) 2. Gibbs Sampling 3. Metropolis Hastings Thanks in advance... Shubha [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Mar 01
LDAP error
Hi, When i try to inser this on LDAP database, i get this error: "ldapadd: invalid format (line 14) entry: "uid=spessoa,ou=users,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt"" I can't see nothing wrong. The .ldif file follows my signature. Any help would be appreciated. Warm Regards, M?rio Gamito -- dn: dc=telbit,dc=pt objectClass: top objectClass: dcObject objectClass: organization o:
2007 Jun 01
Metropolis code help
Dears, I have the below code for metropolis of the GLM logit (logistic regression) using a flat prior. Can someone help me modify the prior so that the model becomes hierarchical by using a flat prior for mu and sigma, the derived density for beta ~ N(mu, sigma^2)? Actually I took my code from a teacher that posted on the internet and modified it to the GLM logit but I can't adapt it to the
2010 Oct 04
Metropolis: Implementation of Interlock Protocol using Linux Shell Programming, OpenSSH, and GPG
I have wrote a small Linux Shell command for implementing Interlock Protocol which is known as a cryptographic protocol that resistant to man-in-the-middle attack. Here is the steps of interlock protocol: *(1)* Alice send her public key to Bob *(2)* Bob send his public key to Alice. *(3)* Alice encrypts her message using Bob's public key. Then she sends half of that encrypted message to