Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "unable to call R t-test from Java"
2005 Jul 27
unable to source a .R file using RJava
I am unable to source a ".R" file using RJava. I tried a couple of different tests:
1) using java and the evaluation method core dumps
2) using ./RJava --example --gui-none to invoke source core dumps.
3) The line of R works if I go directly thru R and not RJava.
Version info and code are below. Any help would be appreciated.
--Laura O'Brien
2004 Jun 08
SJAVA error
I'm trying to use SJava and I have troubles.
I try to run examples from "Calling R from Java"
but,I have an error that
"fatal error: enable to open the base package"
I heard SJAVA bug,
so,could you send me your compiled SJava package with the modified
REmbed.c because
in Windows i'm not able to recompile!!!
package org.omegahat.R.Java;
2006 May 06
R et Java
Je developpe une application java et je veux integrer du code R dans mon programme . Le programme de test que j’ai fait est :
import org.omegahat.R.Java.*;
public class REvalSample {
public static void main(String [] args) {
String [] rargs = {"--slave", "--vanilla"};
System.out.println("Sample program to call R engine from
2002 Sep 03
Problem with SJava sample "JavaRCall"
I am trying to run the example "JavaRCall" with SJava 0.65 and R1.5.1
Windows NT4.0. Although loadLibrary("RInterpreter") worked successfull,
following error occurs:
"Exception breakpoint occurred at line 65 of ROmegahatInterpreter.java.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: boolean
2003 Oct 23
Problem w/ SJava package
Seems like it is almost working properly. I was able to run examples calling
R from Java successfully for the java code below. However, some commands,
such as "objects" when not commented out, give me the following error? If
you could point me to the correct place to find a solution, I would much
appreciate it. I am new to the R community and not sure where is the
2010 Feb 08
Error on start R in server
Hello all,
(Thank for your reply)
I have a web-application in Apache Tomcat, when i start R in this
I used packe RSJava
ROmegahatInterpreter interp;
String [] rargs = {"--no-save"};
REvaluator e;
interp = new ROmegahatInterpreter (
ROmegahatInterpreter.fixArgs(rargs),false );
e =new REvaluator ();
R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)
2004 May 17
Problem with package SJava
Hello all,
I'm trying to run SJava package (0.65 modified downloaded from :
http://stats.math.uni-augsburg.de/iPlots/alpha/) on windows NT 2000 and R
1.8.01. I have also downloaded the PDF Calling R from Java and when I want
to execute the following code:
import org.omegahat.R.Java.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Essai{
public static void main (String [] args) {
REvaluator e = new
2003 Mar 03
Q: Best-Practice for Swing-GUI calling R-code on Windows?
org.omegahat.R.Java.REvaluator e = new
Object val = e.eval("objects()");
if(val != null) {
String[] objects = (String[])val;
for(int i = 0 ; i < objects.length; i++)
System.err.println("("+i+") " + objects[i]);
thanks to Philippe Grosjean's work I finally got SJava working (on Windows
XP!!), so that I can
2020 Oct 01
Creating a global variable for a struct array
Thank you very much. The code to initialize h1 to non-zero values was what I was looking for.
It's almost working except for a type mismatch wrt dlist* llist field of h1.
dlist static_lst[10] = { {1, 5, NULL}, ... };
dhash h1[10] = {{"myfile.txt", static_lst}, ... };
Along the lines of the code you had sent, I created a GlobalVariable* llist of type [10 x %struct.dlist]* for the
2020 Sep 22
Creating a global variable for a struct array
I would like to create a global variable for the following struct array, h1
dhash* h1 = new dhash[10];
typedef struct dhash{
char* filenm;
dlist* llist;
typedef struct dlist{
int soffst;
int eoffst;
uint8_t* dptr;
I also need to allocate space for:
1) the field llist in struct dhash which is a pointer to another struct dlist and
2) the field
2010 Jul 16
Storing processed results back into original objects
Hi all,
There are matrices with same column names but arranged in different orders
and I desire columns of these matrices to have same order.
For example, below are 2 arbitrary data sets with columns arranged in
different order. I require columns of these to have same order as specified
in "columns" object and the results stored in the original object names.
I know this can be done
2020 Sep 30
Creating a global variable for a struct array
Let me clarify my question.
I have a struct array h1 as follows:
dhash h1[10];
I want to get a Constant* to variable h1. It looks like I can use ConstantStruct::get(StructType*, ArrayRef<Constant *>) to do this.
My question is how to get the second argument of type ArrayRef<Constant *> from the above variable h1.
From: Tim Northover
2001 Jun 19
RJava lib error
Hello all!
I recently install R-1.2.3 and Omegahat SJava pkg
(formely Java pkg) 0.62 and tried running the examples
by issuing "scripts/RJava --example --gui=none" and I
got the following:
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local),
as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
2011 Nov 28
window manager interface commands for linux
How can i replicate this in Linux:
I've tried source(tkgetOpenFile()) but with no luck
2009 Dec 17
Question about nv40_draw_array
My name is Krzysztof and currently I'm working on porting nouveau
(gallium3d driver + libdrm + drm) to AROS Research OS
(http://www.aros.org). I completed a quite successful port of "old" drm
(one from libdrm git - now removed) and currently I'm working on drm
port from the nouveau kernel tree git.
Right now I'm faced with rather peculiar memory allocation/access
2002 Sep 24
Threaded R-Java
Hello all,
We currently have a java web utility that allows
multi-threaded data analysis using S+.
We want to migrate it to R. However, the guy who
preceded me here left some documentation indicating
that he couldn't implement it because R didn't support
threading. Also, he noted that the R-Java
interface(org.omegahat.R.Java.REvaluator) wasn't
thread safe even if R was.
2005 Sep 07
max concurrent CIFS connections
I need some help please. I have been told from an administrator that Samba
does only support up to 3.000 concurrent CIFS connections and each
connections reserve 5MB of memory.
If this is true that I would need 15GB of memory to support 3.000 concurrent
CIFS sessions how many people have this amount of memory in any server?
The second argument which he used was and I quote him
2007 Oct 28
R-devel Digest, Vol 56, Issue 27
Dear R expert:
I have the problems with calling R from Java on Windows
Loading RInterpreter library
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no RInterpreter
in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1682)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:822)
2004 Mar 05
Problems with SJava instalation
I'm try to use the SJava package. The install is OK. In R I have this error
> library(SJava)
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
libRSNativeJava.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
Error in
2002 Feb 13
In Splus if I call the function crosstabs() the output is a contigency
table; in each cell of the table is printed: N, N/RowTotal,
N/ColTotal, N/Total. N is the number of observations in each cell.
The same call to xtabs() in R will produce the contigency table but the
only entry in each cell is N.
How can I get the same relative frequencies that crosstabs() gives?