similar to: class in apply

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "class in apply"

2005 May 25
Ternary Plots with continuous data
Hello I have a data base consisting of soil parameters, and tree species densities. The vcd (visualizing categorical data) package includes the ternaryplot function which plots the gravitation center of 3 prameters. I'd like to find a similar function for use with continuous data rather than categorical. Does anyone know of a function suitable for this objective? Thanks Steve
2005 Oct 11
Hi, i'm having trouble using Statis in ADE4 package. I want to study a matrix with 18x414...could any body help me?!?!' Urgent Thanks Miguel Ribeiro Portugal [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 May 03
mca id numbers
Is it possible to make disappear the id numbers from scatter.dudi (mc analysis) ? a <- as.factor(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1)) b <- as.factor(c(3, 2, 3, 1, 1)) x <- as.factor(c(1, 2, 2, 1, 3)) y <- as.factor(c(2, 2, 3, 1, 1)) dat <- data.frame(a=a, b=b,x=x,y=y) summary(dat) dat require(ade4) dat.acm <- dudi.acm(dat, scann = FALSE, nf = 2) scatter.dudi(dat.acm) Thank you very much !
2005 Oct 24
Pb with function taxo2phylog (package ade4)
Hello I'm using the package ade4 to obtain classification from a .txt file. I use the following commands: cronquist <- read.table("cronquist.txt", h = T, row.names = 8) cronquist <- as.taxo(cronquist[7:1]) cro.phy <- taxo2phylog(cronquist) in which cronquist.txt is a file with a classification of 218 genus of tree species from french Guiana. We I try to use the
2004 Mar 24
binding vectors or matrix using their names
Hello list, I have two vectors x and x2: x=runif(10) x2=runif(10) and one vectors with their names : my.names=c("x","x2") I would like to cbind these two vectors using their names contained in the vector my.names. I can create a string with comma ncomma=paste(my.names,collapse=",") and now, I just need a function to transform this string into a adequate
2006 Mar 06
Contingency table and zeros
Hello, Let's assume I have a vector of integers : > myvector <- c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 5) My purpose is to obtain the cumulative distribution of these numerical data, i.e. something like : value nb_occur. <=1 2 <=2 4 <=3 6 <=4 6 <=5 7 For this, I create a table with ; > mytable <- table(myvector) 1 2 3 5 2 2 2 1 However, table() returns an array
2004 Sep 20
Multiple operations on list
Hello, suppose I have a list with matrices: a=list(x1=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2),x2=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2),x3=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2)) I want to compute for all combination of xi and xj (x1,x2 x1,x3 and x2,x3) a value. This value is given for the pair x1,x2 by trace(x1%*%t(x1)%*%x2%*%t(x2)) / trace(x1%*%t(x1))*trace(x2%*%t(x2)) I know that product matrices t(xi)%*%xi can be obtained by:
2003 Nov 04
real eigenvectors
Hello list, Sorry, these questions are not directly linked to R. If I consider an indefinte real matrix, I would like to know if the symmetry of the matrix is sufficient to say that their eigenvectors are real ? And what is the conditions to ensure that eigenvectors are real in the case of an asymmetric matrix (if some conditions exist)? Thanks in Advance, St?phane DRAY
2003 Jun 03
lda: how to get the eigenvalues
Dear R-users How can I get the eigenvalues out of an lda analysis? thanks a lot christoph -- Christoph Lehmann <christoph.lehmann at>
2004 Jul 06
Generate a matrix Q satisfying t(Q)%*%Q=Z and XQ=W
Hello, I have a question that is not directly related to R ... but I try to do it in R ;-) : I would like to generate a matrix Q satisfying (for a given Z, X and W) the two following conditions: t(Q)%*%Q=Z (1) XQ=W (2) where: Q is m rows and r columns X is p rows and m columns D is p rows and r columns C is r rows and r columns with m>p,r e.g: m=6, p=2 r=3
2003 Jun 06
Moran's index
Hi, I am looking for some code for Moran's I. Has anyone previously done this? I have been unable to find it in the search engines. James
2004 Feb 25
writing polygons/segments to shapefiles (.shp) or other ArCGIS compatible file
I am not sure a previous e-mail reached the list (no mail aknowledgement from R-boundle etc.). The question was how to write polygon or segment coordinates into a shapefile set or any other ArcGIS supported format. The library shapefiles seems to do something but the documentation is a bit beyond of my mind.... and I cannot get the meaning of the functions write**** and its application to the case
2004 Mar 31
scan seems to modify the data
Hello list, I have used scan function to import data into R. I have done some analysis and find strange results. I have found my problem : when importing data with scan, this can slightly modify the data : > write(c(0.251,3.399,-0.481,0.266),"essai.txt") > scan("essai.txt") Read 4 items [1] 0.251 3.399 -0.481 0.266 > print(scan("essai.txt"),17) Read
2004 Nov 16
Difference between two correlation matrices
Hi Now a more theoretical question. I have two correlation matrices - one of a set of variables under a particular condition, the other of the same set of variables under a different condition. Is there a statistical test I can use to see if these correlation matrices are "different"? Thanks Mick
2003 Mar 07
Hello, I am trying to use 'R' for K-means simulatio, could you please advise me how I can read my data into a two dimesional array? Or is there any method which directly reads the excell file? Please let me know asap. Regards Skanda Kallur Cogito, Ergo Sum! Rene Descartes
2003 Apr 03
cdf function: inverse to quantile?
Is there a function in R for calculating empirical cumulative distribution functions, i.e. the inverse of the quantile function? Perhaps in some library? I''d hate to have to re-invent the wheel. David Edwards, Biostatistics, Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsværd, Denmark. <> Tlf: +45 44 42 62 35. Fax: +45 44 42 14 80 [[alternate HTML version
2004 Jun 29
binding rows from different matrices
Hello list, I have 3 matrices with same dimension : > veca=matrix(1:25,5,5) > vecb=matrix(letters[1:25],5,5) > vecc=matrix(LETTERS[1:25],5,5) I would like to obtain a new matrix composed by alternating rows of these different matrices (row 1 of mat 1, row 1 of mat 2, row 1 of mat 3, row 2 of mat 1.....) I have found a solution to do it but it is not very pretty and I wonder if I
2003 Mar 27
Plot of Canonical Correlation Analysis
Dear all, I didn't find any graphical solution in the package "mva" to plot the canonical scores from a CCA (canonical correlation analysis). Does anybody knows how to plot or has anybody already programmed : - the map of the canonical scores, - the graph of the canonical weights, - the correlation circle i.e. the canonical loadings ? Thank you for help ...
2008 Apr 01
superimpose histogram on biplot
Hi all, I've been trying to figure out how to superimpose a histogram on a biplot that shows the relative contribution of each axis. I have been using the NIPALS function ( files/softwares/nipals.R) to run principal component analyses. Here is a toy example. source("")
2004 Jan 01
Dear All, I am using the scatter.dudi finction in the 'ade4' package to produce correspondence analysis (nice) plots. I do not seem to figure out how to plot the raw coordinates only -- or column coordinates only. I would appreciate any help in doing that. Here is the example I am following -- from the package. data(banque) > banque.acm <- dudi.acm(banque, scann = FALSE, nf =