Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "A statistical modeling problem"
2006 Aug 10
How to fit bivaraite longitudinal mixed model ?
Is there any way to fit a bivaraite longitudinal mixed model using R. I have
a data set with col names
resp1 (Y_ij1), resp2 (Y_ij2), timepts (t_ij), unit(i)
j=1,2,..,m and i=1,2,..n.
I want to fit the following two models
Model 1
Y_ij1, Y_ij2 | U_i = u_i ~ N(alpha + u_i + beta1*t_ij, Sigma)
U_i ~ iid N(0, sigu^2)
Sigma = bivariate AR structure
alpha and beta are vectors of order 2.
2002 Apr 04
Just now I again had occasion to want nested describe lists in a
documentation file. I found that the bug which I reported on 18
October, 2001 still persists. I checked on the bug report at the R
web page, and found that the notes say ``Not a problem in R 1.4.0
Well, it's still a problem for me --- using R 1.4.1.
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.7
2008 May 07
Help with Mixed effect modeling in R
Hi everyone,
I want to fit the following mixed effect model
Y_ij = b_0i + b_1i * (t_ij*grp_ij == 1) + b_2i * (t_ij*grp_ij == 2) +
v_0i + v_1i*t_ij + e_ij
with a different covariance matrix of random effects for each group.
(Y is the response
t is time
grp is the group indicator
b 's are fixed effects
v 's are random effects)
I know that this is possible in SAS
2010 Jul 16
Cinema automation cues
Hey there everyone,
I'm connection my desktop to my digital video projector to run features and
shorts programs. Is there any way to tag or embed a theora video file with
any sort of cues at certain points in the program or individual file
(feature start, end credits, feature end, etc.) that can then be turned into
pulses for theater automation systems to cue lights up, lights down, sound
2011 Apr 12
using Kate for WebVTT encapsulation
(sending this publicly so the discussion about this is in the open)
Hi OggK, all,
OggK, you've probably seen that the bug in Firefox for adding Kate
support has been closed as WONTFIX:
I've just posted a reply there mentioning how I envisage in-band
WebVTT support to be provided through Kate. I want to ask your
In case you
2009 Jun 13
'Errors' with Ubuntu
Good Day To You All,
I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a Laptop running Vista Business.
When I try to start my little machine,
GRUB keeps telling me there is an error:
Either: Error 25, Error 21, or Error 5.
Once in a while, it is 'Error 22'.
And then there is no way to go any further:
End of the line. The 'Error' crashes me into being nothing.
Why do I get these 'Error
2010 Jul 29
Flac-dev Digest, Vol 70, Issue 5
Well - having in mind this is "flac-dev", I thought you are a developer and
writing an application for that purpose is quite trivial.
Anyway, CUE sheets are so simple, they can even be written by hand - the
minimal CUE sheet is very simple.
About the actual embedding - I haven't worked with metaflac or editing
applications so I can't give you any specific advice for that.
2016 Nov 21
Seek failure with very short files
I was wondering when it would be useful to compress very short audio
files. The answer may be when there are lots of files, for instance in
the case of sound fonts, or a large collection of transients. Probably
it would be better to compress the whole collection as a single large
file obtained by juxtaposing the short clips, with cues or marks to
separate the original files. May be this
2006 Feb 10
glmmPQL and random effects
Hello R users,
I am trying to run a model with a binary response variable (nesting
success: 0 failure, 1 success) and 8 fixed terms. Nesting success was
examined in 72 cases in 34 territories (TER) during a 6 study years.
Territories are nested within 14 patches (PATCH). I want to run a model
taking into account these nested factors and repeated observation. To do
this, I assume that the best
2007 May 03
how to prioritize by client ip instead of protocol
i have been googling and reading the docs on how to set up a fair que that
gives each user or client ip equal bandwidth. most, if not all, i find
are examples how to prioritize by the type of traffic such as ssh, http,
ftp, smtp, and various p2p. is it possible to set up cues for each ip on
the subnet where each user gets a fair turn. i would probably have to
set the max bandwidth and total
2010 Dec 21
wishlist: [PATCH] sshd_config - reformat for easier reading
The following patch reformats sshd_config in sections.
- Add section breaks to help finding visual cues.
- Indent standard text to column 8 (position of tab) and leave
configuration examples to the left.
- Add new example: how to restrict root login only inside local LAN.
Hope you find the changes helpful. The patch is against:
CVS anoncvs at anoncvs.mindrot.org:/cvs 2010-12-21 12:59 UTC
2009 Mar 11
Multilevel Modeling using glmmPQL
I'm trying to perform a power simulation for a simple multilevel
model, using the function glmmPQL in R version 2.8.1. I want to extract
the p-value for the fixed-effects portion of the regression, but I'm
having trouble doing that. I can extract the coefficients
(summary(fit)$coeff), and the covariance matrix (summary(fit)$varFix),
but I can't grab the p-value (or the
2011 Nov 16
[LLVMdev] Dev Meeting: Volunteer Moderators Needed!
We are in desperate need of volunteers to moderate the sessions during the LLVM Developers Meeting. If you are attending and can act as moderator for a group of talks, please let us know.
We need 5 more volunteers to moderate the following sessions. Please note your first choice session to moderate and your second choice:
Session #1 (11:05-12:35):
Integrating LLVM into FreeBSD: Brooks Davis –
2013 Jul 11
Differences between glmmPQL and lmer and AIC calculation
Dear R Community,
I?m relatively new in the field of R and I hope someone of you can
help me to solve my nerv-racking problem.
For my Master thesis I collected some behavioral data of fish using
acoustic telemetry. The aim of the study is to compare two different
groups of fish (coded as 0 and 1 which should be the dependent
variable) based on their swimming activity, habitat choice, etc.
2008 May 09
lme() with two random effects
Hi all,
I have collected response time data from 178 participants ('sub') for
each combination of 4 within-Ss factors ('con','int','tone','cue').
Additionally, I have recorded the gender of each participant, so this
forms a between-Ss factor ('gender'). Normally this would be analyzed
using aov:
2006 Mar 18
Time-Series, multiple measurements, ANOVA model over time points, analysis advice
I have some general questions about statistical analysis for a research
dataset and a request for advice on using R and associated packages for a
valid analysis of this data. I can only pose the problem as how to run
multiple ANOVA tests on time series data, with reasonable controls of the
family-wise error rate. If we run analysis at many small sections of a long
time-series, the Type-I
2003 Sep 29
multilevel (hierarchical) statistical analysis
Is there any package developed in R for multilevel (hierarchical) analysis
of continuous and categorical dependent variables?
2005 Nov 25
My name is Jos?? Mar??a G??mez, and I am pretty new in R. Thus, I apologize
deeply if my questions are extremmely na??ve.I have checked several
available books and URL's, without finding any answer.
I'm trying to fit Generalized Linear Mixed Models via PQL. Below I provide
the structure of my data set. Year and Plot are random variables. Fate is
the binomial dependent. I have severe
2005 Jan 24
lme and varFunc()
Dear R users,
I am currently analyzing a dataset using lme(). The model I use has the
following structure:
When I plot the residuals against the fitted values, I see a clear
positive trend (meaning that the variance increases with the mean).
I tried to solve this issue using weights=varPower(),
2005 Dec 27
glmmPQL and variance structure
Dear listers,
glmmPQL (package MASS) is given to work by repeated call to lme. In the
classical outputs glmmPQL the Variance Structure is given as " fixed
weights, Formula: ~invwt". The script shows that the function
varFixed() is used, though the place where 'invwt' is defined remains
unclear to me. I wonder if there is an easy way to specify another