similar to: O/T -2 Log Lambda and Chi Square

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "O/T -2 Log Lambda and Chi Square"

2005 Jul 10
Off topic -2 Ln Lambda and Chi square
Dear R : Sorry for the off topic question, but does anyone know the reference for the -2 Ln Lambda following a Chi Square distribution, please? Possibly one of Bartlett's? Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Laura Holt mailto: lauraholt_983 at
2006 Jul 04
Problems when computing the 1rst derivative of mixtures of densities
Hi everybody, I am currently working on mixtures of two densities ( f(xi,teta)= (1-teta)*f1(xi) + teta*f2(xi) ), particularly on the behavior of the variance for teta=0 (so sample only comes from the first distribution). To determine the maximum likelihood estimator I use the Newton-Rapdon Iteration. But when computing the first derivative I get a none linear function (with several asymptotes)
2007 Jul 21
Gamma MLE
Hello, I was asked to try the following code on R, gamma.mles function (xx,shape0,rate0) { n<- length(xx) xbar<- mean(xx) logxbar<- mean(log(xx)) theta<-c(shape0,rate0) repeat { theta0<- theta shape<- theta0[1] rate<- theta0[2] S<- n*matrix(c(log(rate)-digamma(shape)+logxbar,shape/rate-xbar),ncol=1) I<- n*matrix(c(trigamma(shape),-1/rate,-1/rate,shape/rate^2),ncol=2)
2010 Oct 25
Hello list, I compiled the CTDB version from with the parameter: " --prefix= " This I did on CentOS 5.5 Then I copy and edit ctdb.sysconfig from /usr/src/ctdb/config to /etc/sysconfig/ctdb I set CTDB_RECOVERY_LOCK="/share/ctdb_lock/lock_file" on all three nodes. Every node can read and write on /share. When I try to start ctdb it start successful
2005 May 27
Testing Nonlinear Restrictions
Dear all, I'm interested in testing 2 nonlinear restrictions on coefficients of a nls object. Is there a package for doing this? Something in the lines of `test(nls object, res=c("res 1","res 2"),...)' I only found the function delta.method in the alr3 library that calculates the se of a singleton nonlinear restriction of a nls object using the delta method. Thanks in
2008 Feb 16
Evaluate function on a grid
I have a function in R^2, say f <- function(x,y) { ...skipped } I want to plot this function using contour, persp. wireframe, etc. I know that the function has a global minimum at (x0, y0) The naive approach is to evaluate the function on the outer product of two arrays, like this: sx <- c(seq(-3, x0, len = 100), seq(x0, 3, len = 100)[-1]) sy <- c(seq(-3, y0, len = 100), seq(y0, 3,
2009 Dec 10
MLE for a t distribution
Given X1,...,Xn ~ t_k(mu,sigma) student t distribution with k degrees of freedom, mean mu and standard deviation sigma, I want to obtain the MLEs of the three parameters (mu, sigma and k). When I try traditional optimization techniques I don't find the MLEs. Usually I just get k->infty. Does anybody know of any algorithms/functions in R that can help me obtain the MLEs? I am especially
2003 Jun 02
Help - Curvature measures of nonlinearity
Dear colleagues, Von Bertalanffy model is commonly adjust to data on fish length (TL) and age (AGE) TL= Linf*(1-exp(-K*(AGE-t0)). Linf, K and t0 are parameters of the model. One main goal of the growth study is the comparison of growth parameter estimates between sexes of the same species, or estimates from different populations. The realibility statistical tests normally applied are highly
2012 Aug 02
finding the MLEs of IG parameters by EM-Alorithm
Dear all I'm trying to caculate the MLEs for parameters of Inverse Gaussian distribution (in a k-sample problem with common mean) by using EM-Algorithm. I found some package for EM-Algorithm that are useful for missing or incomplete data and are not helpful for solving my problem. (Exactly, the problem is: Let Xij, i=1,..,k , j=1,...,ni, be a random sample from IG(?,?i). So the
2005 Mar 30
French Curve
Dear R experts, Did someone implemented French Curve yet? Or can anyone point me some papers that I can follow to implement it? thanks in advance for your help. Paul
2011 Jun 07
gam() (in mgcv) with multiple interactions
Hi! I'm learning mgcv, and reading Simon Wood's book on GAMs, as recommended to me earlier by some folks on this list. I've run into a question to which I can't find the answer in his book, so I'm hoping somebody here knows. My outcome variable is binary, so I'm doing a binomial fit with gam(). I have five independent variables, all continuous, all uniformly
2006 May 15
Fitting usual distributions.
Hello, I am currently writing a program whose goal is to fit usual distributions (estimating parameters and confidence intervals for a given distribution). After some research in R, R-help and google I have found most of what I was looking for (especially thanks to MASS - fitdistr() ), however there are still a few distributions I could not find R code for: Multinormal, Truncated normal,
2004 Jun 28
How to determine the number of dominant eigenvalues in PCA
Dear All, I want to know if there is some easy and reliable way to estimate the number of dominant eigenvalues when applying PCA on sample covariance matrix. Assume x-axis is the number of eigenvalues (1, 2, ....,n), and y-axis is the corresponding eigenvalues (a1,a2,..., an) arranged in desceding order. So this x-y plot will be a decreasing curve. Someone mentioned using the elbow (knee)
2008 Jun 24
Hessian in box-constraint problem - concern OPTIM function
Hello all useRs, I am using the OPTIM function with particular interest in the method L-BFGS-B, because it is a box-constraint method. I have interest in the errors estimates too. I make: s.e. <- sqrt( diag( solve( optim(...,method='L-BFGS-B', hessian=TRUE)$hessian ))) but in help say: "Note that this is the Hessian of the unconstrained problem even if the box constraints
2009 Jan 16
Lattice: how to have multiple wireframe nice intersection?
Hello, This code builds a simple example of 2 wireframes : require(lattice) x <- c(1:10) y <- c(1:10) g <- expand.grid(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, gr = 1:2) g$z <- c(as.vector(outer(x,y,"*")), rep(50,100)) wireframe(z ~ x * y, data = g, groups = gr, scales = list(arrows = FALSE)) However, the intersection between the wireframes is not properly drawn. Is there a way to fix this
2009 Feb 26
o2dlm mle hash patches - round 2
The changes from the last drop are: 1. Patch 11 removes struct dlm_lock_name. 2. Patch 12 is an unrelated bugfix. Actually is related to a bugfix that we are retracting in mainline currently. The patch may need more testing. While I did hit the condition in my testing, Marcos hasn't. I am sending it because it can be queued for 2.6.30. Give us more time to test. 3. Patch 13 will be useful
2005 Sep 14
Converting coordinates to actual distances
Hello, I've been searching for a method of converting Lat/Lon decimal coordinates into actual distances between points, and taking into account the curvature of the earth. Is there such a package in R? I've looked at the GeoR package, but this does not seem to contain what I am looking for. Ideally the output would be a triangular matrix of distances. Thanks in advance, Paul Brewin
2010 Feb 12
validate (rms package) using step instead of fastbw
Dear All, For logistic regression models: is it possible to use validate (rms package) to compute bias-corrected AUC, but have variable selection with AIC use step (or stepAIC, from MASS), instead of fastbw? More details: I've been using the validate function (in the rms package, by Frank Harrell) to obtain, among other things, bootstrap bias-corrected estimates of the AUC, when variable
2009 Feb 03
Convert mle list to a hash
These patches convert the mle list to a hash. The same patches apply on ocfs2 1.4 too. Currently, we use the same number of hash pages for mles and lockres'. This will be addressed in a future patch that will make both of them configurable. Sunil
2010 Jun 17
Pretty printing progress
I have a function that is an iterative process for estimating some MLEs. I want to print some progress to screen as the process iterates. I would like to try and line things up nicely in the R window, but am not sure the best way to do this. Below is a toy example. Suppose I want the value of 10 to be just below "iteration" and the value of -1234 to be just below 'Log