similar to: lattice, panel.grid, and scales=list(tick.number=XXX)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "lattice, panel.grid, and scales=list(tick.number=XXX)"

2004 Sep 24
bwplot panels like stripplot
I would like to plot horizontal box-and-whisker plots in lattice where each factor has its own panel and scales are "free." Below is a stripplot version of what I have in mind. Substituting "bwplot" doesn't work. I know it's gotta be simple but I can't find the way . . . x <- c(runif(100, 0, 1), runif(100, 1, 2), runif(100, 2, 3)) y <-
2004 Sep 17
lattice: bwplot and panel.lmline()
On Friday 17 September 2004 13:52, RenE J.V. Bertin wrote: > Hello again, > > I am doing regressions (using panel.lmline() (and panel.abline( > rlm(...))) ) inside a panel method which I pass to bwplot(). > > What I would like to do is create a boxplot of categorised data > (binned on the independent variable), and superpose a regression line > which is calculated using the
2005 Jun 30
FW: plot legend outside the grid
-----Original Message----- From: Ghosh, Sandeep Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:43 PM To: 'Berton Gunter' Subject: plot legend outside the grid Thanks for the pointers... I managed to get everything to look and feel the way I want except for the legend to plot outside the grid... Thanks for the note on the par, but I'm not able to it to plot outside the plot grid.. dataFrame <-
2011 Apr 23
Vertical bwplot and stripplot
Hi, I'd like to change the default orientation of bwplot() and stripplot() so the plots are displayed vertically. Passing horizontal=FALSE into stripplot in the simple code below doesn't seem to be the answer. library(lattice); x <- rnorm(100); y <- as.factor(sapply(1:100, function(k) sample(c("A","B","C"), 1, prob=c(1/2, 1/3, 1/6)))); my.df <-
2004 Sep 09
Skipping panels in Lattice
Dear all, I wish to generate a lattice boxplot which skips an empty cell in a design. I have trawled r-help, scruitinized xyplot(lattice) help page, and merrily reproduced examples of using skip from a couple of previous r-help queries and the example given in Pinheiro & Bates. But I must be missing something... Here's an example (running R 1.9.1 on Win2k): # generate some data df1
2010 Apr 28
bwplot - scattered
Hi, I'm using the bwplot from the agsemisc package which has a scattered attribute which can be set so that the single dots can bee seen better. my problem is, that I am having so many dots that they still overlap. I could increase the output of the diagram but thats not really my intention. has someone an idea on how to have a stronger jitter? -- View this message in context:
2008 May 06
Lattice problems / cannot load lattice
Hi, My problem is simple: since having updated the lattice package, I cannot load lattice anymore. If I type in the command 'library(lattice)' the loading fails with the following message: --- cut here --- Error in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib) : shared library 'lattice' not found In addition: Warning messages: 1: In loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc,
2009 Apr 24
How to custom the tick and type in bwplot
Dear R users I use bwplot to plot some figures. There are two troubles: 1. How to change the dot of the mean to a line, like the style in boxplot 2. How to hide some tick marks. For example, I have seven tick: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, but I want show four marks: A, C, E, G on the x-axis. Thanks! -- Kind Regards, Guanghong [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Sep 15
control of font size & colour for title, subtitles, axis, and tick marks in LATTICE graph
Hi, I very much appreciate any help on this "fine tuning" problem in a lattice graph (I am new to LATTICE and could not find an example in the help files that worked for me. My apologies if I missed it there). I am running the following box plots to compare conditional distributions of x at different levels of y under two treatment conditions ID=1 (upper panel ) & ID=0 (lower panel
2005 Feb 17
Lattice tick labels not all appearing
Recently I've encountered a phenomenon that can be illustrated thus: > bwplot(runif(45)*100) Depending on the random seed, one or other or both of the outer tick labels are not labelled, even though there'd be heaps of space to do so. The same happens with the postscript device. I can get them both to appear if I add an excessive xlim parameter like so: > bwplot(runif(25)*100,
2010 Jun 17
Multiple plots in a single page and stripplot()
I want to make a 2x2 plot on a single page, using stripplot() and boxplot(). I tried the following two alternatives with mfrow() and layout(), but none of them worked. library(lattice) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) boxplot(X1 ~ Y, data=tst1, horizontal=T, las=1) boxplot(X2 ~ Y, data=tst1, horizontal=T, las=1) stripplot(Y ~ X1, data=tst1) stripplot(Y ~ X2, data=tst1) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) nf <-
2011 Jun 28
means and error bars on xyplot for binary data
Hi, I have binary (0,1) data for a trait as my response variable, and a dependent variable, genotype, with three classes (AA, AB, BB). I would like to plot this data so that across the three genoytpes, even though the points are all either 0 or 1, i want them to stack up or be seen using 'jitter'. So far I have been able to do this using xyplot {lattice} (code below) but could not get
2011 Apr 27
bwlpot problems: printing, and tick labels
Two problems with the code below. A. It produces empty JPEGs. When the 'bwplot' line alone is submitted, the plot duly shows up. B. When the 'bwplot' line alone is submitted, y labels are values 1 to 6, not actual distinct values of y$maxthreads. (C. I would, of course, prefer to produce plots for all distinct values of x$maxthreads in a single swoop, on a single figure). Can
2010 Nov 02
Colour filling in panel.bwplot from lattice
Inspired by colouring the dots of box-whisker plots I am trying to also fill the boxes (rectangles) with different colours. This seems not to work as I expected. Looking at the help page of panel.bwplot it says: 'fill - color to fill the boxplot'. Obviously it is only intended to fill all boxes with only one colour? Nevertheless the following example shows, that 'fill' from
2009 Sep 30
bwplot scales in alphabetical order
Dear List, I know this has been covered before, but I don't seem to be able to get it right. I am constructing a boxplot in lattice and can't get the scales in the correct alphebetical order. I have already read that this is due to the way factors are treated, and I have to redefine the levels of the factors. However, I have failed. As a simple example: library(lattice)
2004 Jan 02
bwplot and panel.bwplot
Hello, I am trying to use "bwplot" to display whisker boxes according to some conditioning factors ("age" has two values 1/2). I get the following messages: > library(trellis) > bwplot(dvk95~age|site*season,panel=function(x,y){panel.bwplot(x,y)}) Error in tapply(1:0, structure(list(INDICES = numeric(0)), .Names = "INDICES"), : arguments must have
2011 Jun 28
lattice multiple y-scale possible?
Hi I am attempting to use the lattice bwplot function to generate boxplots of numerous parameters (1-panel/parameter) by site (x-axis). The parameters have quite different ranges of values, so it would be best to have a separate y-axis range for each panel. Below is a basic example of what I am trying to do. As is seen, the y-axes need to be scaled individually to make this useful. Any
2006 Mar 16
lattice tick marks
Hi, why doesn't this work properly when 'positions' is a vector of strings? All the data sets get totally mixed... positions <- rep ( c("1","2","3","4","5","6","9","10","11","12","13","14", "error", "no trial"), 45 ) compound <- matrix(
2010 Sep 27
bwplot superpose panel.points from another dataframe
Hi everybody, using bwplot for producing panel boxplot with 3 dimensions i want to add a mark on each boxplot representing one individual (on all its dimensions) till now, i didn't succeed getting the desired solution I want as well to keep the median symbols as a line Many thanks for your help christophe here is the tested code: ######################## library(lattice) ex <-
2004 Nov 05
I: a coloured band within each panel of a lattice bwplot
Hi all, I would like to add to each panel of a bwplot a coloured central band, centered on the mean of the values, being its width +- 2% of the mean itself. I know how to add lines, i.e. something like bwplot(X ~ Y|FACTOR data=my.df, panel= function(x, y){ panel.bwplot(x, y) panel.abline(v = mean(x, na.rm = T) - mean(x, na.rm = T) * 0.02 panel.abline(v =