similar to: Puzzled in utilising summary.lm() to obtain Var(x)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Puzzled in utilising summary.lm() to obtain Var(x)"

2004 Aug 15
Stacking Vectors/Dataframes
Hello, Is there a simple way of stacking/merging two dataframes in R? I want to stack them piece-wise, not simply add one whole dataframe to the bottom of the other. I want to create as follows: x.frame: aX1 bX1 cX1 ... zX1 aX2 bX2 cX2 ... zX2 ... ... ... ... ... aX99 bX99 cX99 ... zX99 y.frame: aY1 bY1 cY1 ... zY1 aY2 bY2 cY2 ... zY2 ... ... ... ... ... aY99 bY99 cY99 ...
2005 Jul 12
Puzzled at ifelse()
I have a situation where this is fine: > if (length(x)>15) { clever <- rr.ATM(x, maxtrim=7) } else { clever <- rr.ATM(x) } > clever $ATM [1] 1848.929 $sigma [1] 1.613415 $trim [1] 0 $lo [1] 1845.714 $hi [1] 1852.143 But this variant, using ifelse(), breaks: > clever <- ifelse(length(x)>15, rr.ATM(x, maxtrim=7), rr.ATM(x))
2005 Aug 04
Puzzled at rpart prediction
I'm in a situation where I say: > predict(m.rpart, newdata=D[N1+t,]) 0 1 173 0.8 0.2 which I interpret as meaning: an 80% chance of "0" and a 20% chance of "1". Okay. This is consistent with: > predict(m.rpart, newdata=D[N1+t,], type="class") [1] 0 Levels: 0 1 But I'm puzzled at the following. If I say: > predict(m.rpart,
2006 Mar 06
Interleaving elements of two vectors?
Suppose one has x <- c(1, 2, 7, 9, 14) y <- c(71, 72, 77) How would one write an R function which alternates between elements of one vector and the next? In other words, one wants z <- c(x[1], y[1], x[2], y[2], x[3], y[3], x[4], y[4], x[5], y[5]) I couldn't think of a clever and general way to write this. I am aware of gdata::interleave() but it deals
2000 Mar 18
Corstr in the Gee (Generalized Estimation Equation) arguments?
Dear all: Y=a+bX1+cX2 In the Gee (Generalized Estimation Equation) arguments: The arument Corstr has sveral choices: "independence" "fixed" "stat_M_dep" "non_stat_M_dep" "exchangeable" "AR-M" "unstructured" What does each term mean? How do I choose among them? How do I know the correlation structure of
2006 Jan 26
Prediction when using orthogonal polynomials in regression
Folks, I'm doing fine with using orthogonal polynomials in a regression context: # We will deal with noisy data from the d.g.p. y = sin(x) + e x <- seq(0, 3.141592654, length.out=20) y <- sin(x) + 0.1*rnorm(10) d <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 4)) plot(x, y, type="l"); lines(x, d$fitted.values, col="blue") # Fits great! all.equal(as.numeric(d$coefficients[1] + m
2007 Nov 29
relative importance of predictors
Hei Group, I want to compare the relative importance of predictors in a multiple linear regression y~a+bx1+cx2... However, bptest indicates heteroskedasticity of my model. I therefore perform a robust regression (rlm), in combination with bootstrapping (as outlined in J. Fox, Bootstrapping Regression Models). Now I want to compare the relative importance of my predictors. Can I rely on the
2005 Jun 07
R and MLE
I learned R & MLE in the last few days. It is great! I wrote up my explorations as I will be most happy if R gurus will look at this and comment on how it can be improved. I have a few specific questions: * Should one use optim() or should one use stats4::mle()? I felt that mle() wasn't adding much value compared with optim, and
2005 May 08
Need a factor level even though there are no observations
I'm in this situation: factorlabels <- c("School", "College", "Beyond") with data for 8 families: <- c(1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) # Note : no "3" values education.wife <- c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) # 1,2,3 are all present. My goal is to create this table: School College Beyond
2005 May 27
R commandline editor question
I am using R 2.1 on Apple OS X. When I get the ">" prompt, I find it works well with emacs commandline editing. Keys like M-f C-k etc. work fine. The one thing that I really yearn for, which is missing, is bracket matching When I am doing something which ends in )))) it is really useful to have emacs or vi-style bracket matching, so as to be able to visually keep track of whether I
2005 Aug 19
Problem with get.hist.quote() in tseries
When using get.hist.quote(), I find the dates are broken. This is with R 2.1.1 on Mac OS X `panther'. > library(tseries) Loading required package: quadprog 'tseries' version: 0.9-27 'tseries' is a package for time series analysis and computational finance. See 'library(help="tseries")' for details. > x <-
2005 May 24
Catching an error with lm()
Folks, I'm in a situation where I do a few thousand regressions, and some of them are bad data. How do I get back an error value (return code such as NULL) from lm(), instead of an error _message_? Here's an example: > x <- c(NA, 3, 4) > y <- c(2, NA, NA) > d <- lm(y ~ x) Error in, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : 0 (non-NA) cases
2005 Aug 16
Extracting some rows from a data frame - lapses into a vector
I have a data frame with one column "x": > str(data) `data.frame': 20 obs. of 1 variable: $ x: num 0.0495 0.0986 0.9662 0.7501 0.8621 ... Normally, I know that the notation dataframe[indexes,] gives you a new data frame which is the specified set of rows. But I find: > str(data[1:10,]) num [1:10] 0.0495 0.0986 0.9662 0.7501 0.8621 ... Here, it looks like the operation
2005 Sep 25
Question on lm(): When does R-squared come out as NA?
I have a situation with a large dataset (3000+ observations), where I'm doing lags as regressors, where I get: Call: lm(formula = rj ~ rM + rM.1 + rM.2 + rM.3 + rM.4) Residuals: 1990-06-04 1994-11-14 1998-08-21 2002-03-13 2005-09-15 -5.64672 -0.59596 -0.04143 0.55412 8.18229 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -0.003297 0.017603
2006 Jan 22
Making a markov transition matrix
Folks, I am holding a dataset where firms are observed for a fixed (and small) set of years. The data is in "long" format - one record for one firm for one point in time. A state variable is observed (a factor). I wish to make a markov transition matrix about the time-series evolution of that state variable. The code below does this. But it's hardcoded to the specific years that I
2006 Aug 14
Presentation of multiple models in one table using xtable
Consider this situation: > x1 <- runif(100); x2 <- runif(100); y <- 2 + 3*x1 - 4*x2 + rnorm(100) > m1 <- summary(lm(y ~ x1)) > m2 <- summary(lm(y ~ x2)) > m3 <- summary(lm(y ~ x1 + x2)) Now you have estimated 3 different "competing" models, and suppose you want to present the set of models in one table. xtable(m1) is cool, but doing that thrice would give
2005 Oct 08
Rpart -- using predict() when missing data is present?
I am doing > library(rpart) > m <- rpart("y ~ x", D[insample,]) > D[outsample,] y x 8 0.78391922 0.579025591 9 0.06629211 NA 10 NA 0.001593063 > p <- predict(m, newdata=D[9,]) Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras, extranames, : invalid result from na.action How do I persuade him to give me NA
2007 Jan 18
The math underlying the `betareg' package?
Folks, The betareg package appears to be polished and works well. But I would like to look at the exact formulas for the underlying model being estimated, the likelihood function, etc. E.g. if one has to compute \frac{\partial E(y)}{\partial x_i}, this requires careful calculations through these formulas. I read "Regression analysis of variates observed on (0,1): percentages, proportions and
2005 Oct 01
Placing axes label strings closer to the graph?
Folks, I have placed an example of a self-contained R program later in this mail. It generates a file inflation.pdf. When I stare at the picture, I see the "X label string" and "Y label string" sitting lonely and far away from the axes. How can these distances be adjusted? I read ?par and didn't find this directly. I want to hang on to 2.8 x 2.8 inches as the overall size
2006 Jun 25
Puzzled with contour()
Folks, The contour() function wants x and y to be in increasing order. I have a situation where I have a grid in x and y, and associated z values, which looks like this: x y z [1,] 0.00 20 1.000 [2,] 0.00 30 1.000 [3,] 0.00 40 1.000 [4,] 0.00 50 1.000 [5,] 0.00 60 1.000 [6,] 0.00 70 1.000 [7,] 0.00 80 0.000 [8,] 0.00 90