Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Superscript text in axis labels"
2012 May 29
Boxplot superscript y-axis
Dear list,
I need to include in a superscript number (-1) in a y-axis label of a
boxplot graphic. I tried the following line:
>boxplot(five$gr13~five$Code, xlab="Species code",
ylab=substitute(paste("DGL growth (cm.yr"^{-1},")")))
It returns the following error message:
Error in "DGL growth (cm.yr"^{ : non-numeric argument to binary operator
I used
2004 Nov 04
sub- and superscript in plot labels
Dear List,
I need to add a subscript and a superscript to some of the ions in the
labels on some plots.
I have got to here but now I'm stuck:
plot(1:10, xlab = expression(paste("nm SO"[4], " ", mu, "eq cm"^{-2}, "
Which gives almost what I require. No matter what I tried, however, I
could not get bot a sub script *and* a superscript
2008 Sep 23
superscript text style in axis label in graph
Hi all,
I'd like to use superscript or subscript in the axis label of a graph. Is
that possible in R?
For instance in xlab="Ce (mmol/m3)", I'd need the "3" of cubic meter in
Benoit Boulinguiez
Ecole de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) Bureau 1.20
Equipe CIP UMR CNRS 6226 "Sciences Chimiques de Rennes"
2006 Aug 04
expression() - Superscript in y-axis, keeping line break in string
I've tried several different ways to accomplish this, but as yet to no
avail. My y-axis for a plot has a rather long label, and thus I have
been using "/n" to break it into two lines. However, to make it
technically correct for publication, I also need to use superscript in
the label. For example:
2012 Aug 20
Inserting superscripts in free-format text line
I would like to insert a superscript in a body of text (e.g., a title or
axis label), where the superscript is not necessarily at the end of the
text. For example, suppose a title read, "This is a Test^1 of the
Emergency Broadcast System" where there is a superscript 1 after the word
As a starting point for what I'm trying to do, the following shows a
2010 Oct 22
superscript characters in title with '+'
How can I get the '2+' into superscript in the following title:
'[Ca2+]i onsets'
I tried the command below, but it doesn't work. What am I missing?
hist(X, main=expression(([Ca*]i^2+) 'onsets'), xlab = 'sec')
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/superscript-characters-in-title-with-tp3006981p3006981.html
Sent from the R
2009 Jun 16
Superscript in y-axis of plot
Dear all,
I've been trying to superscript the '2' in the following command (I don't want the '^' displayed), but as yet haven't had much luck. I've tried both the paste and expression commands, but neither have brought me any joy!
mtext(side=2, line=5.5, "Monthly Precipitation (mm x 10^2/month)", font=2, cex=1.1)
Any advice would be much appreciated,
2008 Aug 01
Properly Parsing Pre-Superscripts & Displaying Them With grid.text
Hi all... I?m making a chart dealing with frequencies of isotopes of various
elements. For instance, I'd like the following text to appear on a chart
with the "35" and "37" as superscripts:
Based upon:
35Cl: 75%
37Cl: 25%
I am having problems properly parsing the superscript that preceeds the
"Cl", since there is no character ahead of the superscript (I saw
2007 Sep 20
Plotmath issue superscript "-"
Dear List,
I'm trying to typeset some chemical ions in axis labels. These have both
super and subscript components, and for some, I need a superscript "-".
In LaTeX I might use $NO_3^-$ to do the typesetting, but I'm having a
problem getting the correct invocation for expression:
> expression(NO^{-}[3])
Error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in
2008 May 11
superscript text on graph legend
Is that possible to create superscript text on the graph legend, for example
to put "cm2" (centimeter square) on the legend. Please show me how to do it.
Agus Susanto
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2009 Aug 12
Superscripts in axis label
Hi All,
I am trying to lable the y-axis on my scatterplot with the following:
"Soil moisture content (m3m-3)"
I am using the following coding for plotting the graph:
plot(soilmoisture~gradientlevel, xlab="Levels of droughting gradient", ylab="Soil moisture content (m3m-3)", bty="l", font.main="2", pch=16, las=1, cex.lab="1.13")
I have
2001 Apr 01
ylab/ expression/ superscript to a bracket
System info:
R version rw1022 on NT
ESS v. 5.1.18 using emacs ver. 20.4
I have some rather unusual units for acoustic volume backscattering
integrated over several metres depth and 10 transmits (which happens to
= 160 m along transect). I need to express these units in a graph label.
My problem
2012 Dec 04
control point size of superscript when labeling axes with title()
A journal has asked me to make all of my text annotations on a figure at 10-point size. For the most part this is easy, e.g. by creating figures with:
pdf(..., family='Times', pointsize=10)
But where I have superscripts (or subscripts) in axis labels, the default seems to be to shrink the superscripted text slightly. For example this code:
2011 Feb 01
Hi there,
How can I superscript the "2" of "r2 =..." in the legend below?
legend(210, 110, paste("r2 = ",
format(summary(regression)$adj.r.squared,digits=3), sep=""))
I usually use "expression(paste(...", but it won't work this time because
"format(summary(..." needs to be evaluated.
Thanks in advance!
View this message in
2013 Apr 03
How do I write a superscript within gsub?
I have the following: gsub("_mgkg",expression(paste("mg kg"^{-1})),names[1])
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2013 Mar 18
Superscript followed by number then superscript in text
Hi all,
I'm having problems finding the correct format for a command.
I would like to write some text on a plot.
I'm using the following command:
text(x,y,"text here", srt=90)
I would like the text to read:
capacity 10^3 m^3
(with ^ denoting superscript (i.e. each '3' as superscript).
I've tried fiddling around with expression(paste(etc.... to no avail. I
2012 Feb 09
complex subscript/superscript on axis labels
Hi All,
I am having trouble getting a complex subscript to work. I'm sure it's
possible. Here is what I have:
ylab=expression(paste("log ",L[peak]," [erg ",s^{-1},"]")),
I would like to have the subscript read "peak,gamma" where the gamma
would be the greek symbol. I do want the comma to show as well.
2005 Jun 14
superscript in figures - basic question
Although I see similar, but more complex, questions addressed in the help
archive, I'm having trouble adding superscripted text to the y-axis labels of
some figures, and I can't find anything in the R documentation on this.
I have:
ylab="BA (m2/ha)"
but I want the "2" to be superscripted.
Thanks in advence for the help, or for pointing out the appropriate help file.
2012 Sep 16
Sub- or superscript in factorial variable - possible?
Hello R-users,
I would like to use subscript in chemical formulas for the different
treatments in a boxplot.
Fot title, xlab and ylab sub- and superscript is no problem, but for the
different treatments of the following example I cannot get subscript.
weight <- c(6,5,7,2,7,3,9,4,2,7,8,9,2,3,4,5)
treatments <- as.factor(rep(c('Control',
2010 Mar 14
special symbols into a text string
I am trying to put a few special symbols into a string to place on a graph (e.g., >= and superscript 2).
This clearly works, but does not look good: text<-c("x2", "A>=B")
I tried pasting in the >= symbol, but just comes out as an =.
I have tried expression() with no luck: text<-c("x2", expression(x^2))
Any help appreciated.