similar to: locator() via tcltk

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "locator() via tcltk"

2009 Sep 28
re trieve user input from an tcl/tk interface
Hello everyone, this is my first post here and I hope I signed up correctly and someone will take me by the hand and help me out. I am new to R and cannot figure out what to do here... ... I want to have an User Interface that requests input. I want to save this input to a variable to use it later on. I was able to do this with a modalDiaglog (
2008 Mar 19
Radio Buttons or similars
Hello companions!!! I have a function that creates a Radio Buttons, and I need that this function return the selected value in the Radio Buttons. I would like that, if somebody know as I could return the value, you say me as do it. Next, I show the function function1<-function(){ require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() rb1 <- tkradiobutton(tt) rb2 <- tkradiobutton(tt) rbValue <-
2003 Apr 24
R TclTk Examples
Hi, I've been learning how to use R TclTk in Windows over the last few months. I have recently put together a collection of examples of some common widgets and their corresponding R code, at I would be interested in any feedback - Is it useful? Does it contain any significant errors or bad coding style? Does anyone else want to
2008 Aug 11
tkentry that exits after RETURN?
I can set up an entry widget (thanks to an old post by Barry Rowlingson) that gets a password and exits when the user clicks on the "OK" button. Anyone have any clever ideas for returning/ destroying the window when the user types a carriage return/ENTER in the text window? I've messed around a little with validate, validatecommand, but don't see any obvious way to do it ...
2001 Feb 03
callback environment for Tk buttons
Hi. I'm running into problems with using R functions as callback commands for buttons in Tk. The following Tcl/Tk script creates three buttons. If you press hello it prints hello world. If you press HALLO it prints HALLO WORLD. Not exciting, but I need an example... set tt [toplevel .tt] foreach i {"hello" "HALLO"} { pack [button $tt.b$i -text $i
2002 Sep 26
tcltk - command=function()
hi, just having the idea create a simple tcl/tk gui-dialog for different data-file formats i get starting problems and it would be nice get some tips/tricks from experienced tcl/tk user in R ! tt <- tktoplevel() label.widget <- tklabel(tt,text="Decision Tree GUI") button.widget <- tkbutton(tt,text="Select SPSSFile", command=function()
2009 Jun 12
Masked user input
Hi - I'm creating a package of database tools. A function in the package requires the username and password as input to the function in order to initially connect to the target database(s). Of course, this poses a significant security issue given the possible retention of the function statement in cleartext. I did not readily encounter a package meant to mask input from the user nor do I
2007 May 13
Dropdown boxes in tcltk and R
Hello, I'm very much a newbie in R and more so in tcltk so apologies if this question is stupid. Basically I am trying to use the combobox example found here: . What I want to do is in that example get fruitChoice as a variable in R in general. When I run that code, however, and the ask for fruitChoice it says
2000 Sep 29
Two tcltk questions and Re: tcltk package functionality
Sorry, for my mail from last night contains no subject. Therefore, I send it again and two tcltk questions are appended. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prasad wrote: > I wrote a function in R which uses tcltk package .... essentially I wanted > to give within that function, a widget with 2 radiobuttons to choose > between plotting Precip
2009 Jul 09
Changing text in a tkentry widget
I searched the web and the list archives for a solution to this, but didn't see anything, so here goes. I'm new to tcltk. I'm trying to change the contents of a tkentry widget when a button is pressed. Once I get that working, the widget will be read only to the user. Here is some toy code: ############### require(tcltk) thisEnv=environment() tt<-tktoplevel() Name <-
2008 Oct 27
Hi, all, (sessionInfo at the end) I've been struggling with the tcltk package and can't seem to get the ttkcombobox to work. Here's an example: library(tcltk) p <- tktoplevel() l <- tclVar() ## I don't know if I'm even calling it correctly cb <- ttkcombobox(p, values = letters[1:4], textvariable = l) tkpack(cb) 1. How do I know when the value of the combobox has
2001 Sep 19
tcltk: Difficulties creating menus
I am struggling with adding menus to a tcltk application. The following example (from the O'Reilly book on Perl/Tk) works fine: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $menub = $mw->Menubutton(-text => "Color")->pack(); foreach (qw/red yellow green blue grey/) { $menub->radiobutton(-label => $_, -command => \&set_bg,
2004 Mar 19
loop through files in a dir
Hello I have data in many files in a directory, how can I loop through the files in a given dir in-order-to build a data.frame? thanks
2004 Apr 23
Tcl Tk table
Hi I've a problem with the following example: library(tcltk) .Tcl("array unset tclArray") myRarray <- matrix(1:1000, ncol=20) for (i in (0:49)) for (j in (0:19)) .Tcl(paste("set tclArray(",i,",",j,") ",myRarray[i+1,j+1],sep="")) tt<-tktoplevel() table1 <- tkwidget(tt,"table",variable="tclArray",
2006 Jun 26
Some tcltk-related packages not loading (OS X)
Dear r helpers, In my exploration of the tcltk facilities of R I've had some success but some failures, and wonder if someone could point me to a solution. To begin: ****************************************************** > sessionInfo() Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0 attached base packages: [1] "tcltk" "methods" "stats"
2011 Nov 07
tcltk window freezes when using locator( )
Hello useRs Using the following code: library(tcltk) win<-tktoplevel() ff<-function(){ plot(1:10,1:10) pol<-locator(1) print(pol) } button<-tkbutton(win,text="test",command=ff) tkpack(button) makes the win panel stop responding when the plot is closed before choosing a location. Usually, the windows task manager has to be used to
2003 Sep 08
add checkbutton and the variable(wrong length of vector "b")
Hello it wanted to add a boton of checkup in a menu, ?How I do to create so many variables as checkbutton? I try with the code that continues, use a vector that is charged dynamicamente while I open files but the component of vector "b" is associates with a Tcl variable and load 3 components (environment, value and pointer) I wanted alone to charge the value (0 done not select
2008 May 07
Aling elmentos into Windows with TK
Hello!! I would like create a window that has diferent element as: I know as make it, but I don?t know as I could (align the diferent elemnts to left, right, top, bottom) or (put in a coordinates into windows). If anybody know as I could make it, I would
2009 Oct 19
Problem with geometry manager in TclTK
Hello, everyone. I have the following problem with TclTk: I create some windows and want to change their position with geometry manage (sometimes they will be centered, sometimes not). If the toplevel is created and its dimensions are gathered via 'tkwinfo', I get (usually) correct values. However, if this window is created by a function (in the following example, by 'ask.format')
2011 Sep 16
demo creating
R experts: I want to prepare a demo (that will play sequentially in clicks) for a presentation tutorial...Can somebody help me how can I write a demo, suppose the following are steps in the demo.. #start set.seed(1345) x1 <- sample(letters[1:10], 5) x1 sort(x1) x <- sample(1:10, 5) y <- sample(c(11:20), 5) require(lattice) plot(x,y) z <- rnorm(5, 1, 0.5) dataframe <-