similar to: noise poser spectral density

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "noise poser spectral density"

2008 Dec 03
Spectral Analysis of Time Series in R
Dear R Community, I am currently student at the Vienna University of Technology writing my Diploma thesis on causality in time series and doing some analyses of time series in R. I have the following questions: (1) Is there a function in R to estimate the PARTIAL spectral coherence of a multivariate time series? If yes, how does this work? Is there an test in R if the partial spectral
2012 Oct 23
find similarity between two spectral profile
Hi, I'm Pina and I'm a student in geology. I'm working with spectral profile of sand and I have to find the similarity between one spectral profile selected by hyperspectral image anche one that I created to mix different percentage of 4 mineral component. I have to find the best mix of percentage of this 4 mineral in order to have the best likeness with the spectral profile chose by
2002 Oct 22
Spectral phase information in residue vectors
I found this sentence in the Ogg format specs: "A residue vector may represent spectral lines, spectral magnitude, spectral phase or hybrids as mixed by channel coupling." But where does the spectral phase information come from ? AFAIK MDCT doesn't provide any phase information. And in OGG-encoding, MDCT is taking place a few
2011 May 28
how to train ksvm with spectral kernel (kernlab) in caret?
Hello all, I would like to use the train function from the caret package to train a svm with a spectral kernel from the kernlab package. Sadly a svm with spectral kernel is not among the many methods in caret... using caret to train svmRadial: ------------------ library(caret) library(kernlab) data(iris) TrainData<- iris[,1:4] TrainClasses<- iris[,5] set.seed(2)
2007 Jun 11
autoregressive spectral density estimate by andrews' plug-in method?
Hello! I would like to ask if there is in R a function that estimates the spectral density function of a stochastic series at frequency zero by the "plug-in method", advocated by Andrews in his paper "Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation", Econometrica, 59,817-858. I saw R has functions that employ Andrews' plug-in method using an
2013 Feb 18
Computing Spectral Slope
Greetings, I'm working on image classification and for that I want to use the spectral slope as a feature for my classifier. For this I would prefer to calculate this feature using R, so far I've read my image and converted it's RGB representation into HSL. The spectral slope is computed over the Luminance component, so at the moment what I have is a NxN matrix of Luminance values.
2011 Jul 11
Spectral Coherence
Greetings, I would like to estimate a spectral coherence between two timeseries. The stats : spectrum() returns a coh matrix which estimates coherence (squared). A basic test which from which i expect near-zero coherence: x = rnorm(500) y = rnorm(500) xts = ts(x, frequency = 10) yts = ts(y, frequency = 10) gxy = spectrum( cbind( xts, yts ) ) plot( gxy $ freq, gxy $
2006 Jan 31
How do I "normalise" a power spectral density
I have done a fair bit of spectral analysis, and hadn't finished collecting my thoughts for a reply, so hadn't replied yet. What exactly do you mean by normalize? I have not used the functons periodogram or spectrum, however from the description for periodogram it appears that it returns the spectral density, which is already normalized by frequency, so you don't have to worry about
2007 Nov 28
Power Spectral Sensity
I am working with a dissolved oxygen dataset. continuous readings are taken at 15 minute intervals and we have been recording these data at 12 stations along the savannah river for two years now. The longest set of readings that are continuous without interuption is 53 days. I would like to look at the power spectral density at each of these sites (most likely one day will be the overridding
2012 Jan 22
Problem with sapa package and spectral density function (SDF)
Hi everybody, I'm a beginner R user and I'm trying to use the package "sapa" to estimate the spectral density function of several time series using the SDF function. For each time series, I want to calculate the density function at two temporal resolutions (daily and monthly). The monthly values calculated as a mean of the daily values. I first create a ts object for both series
2009 Jan 26
Spectral analysis with mtm-svd Multi-Taper Method Combined with Singular Value Decomposition
Hi list, Does anyone know if there is a library in R that does MTM-SVD method for spectral analysis? Thanks ----- Yasir H. Kaheil Columbia University -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2007 Jun 06
Spectral analysis
Hi all, I am dealing with paleoceanographic data and I have a C14 time serie and one other variable. I would like to perform a spectral analysis (fft or wavelet) and plot it. Unfortunately I don't know the exact script to do this. Does anybody could send me an example to perform my spectral analysis ? I Thank you David Changez de tĂȘte et de tenue tous les jours si vous le voulez !
2007 Jun 29
Spectral Decomposition
All of my resources for numerical analysis show that the spectral decomposition is A = CBC' Where C are the eigenvectors and B is a diagonal matrix of eigen values. Now, using the eigen function in R # Original matrix aa <- matrix(c(1,-1,-1,1), ncol=2) ss <- eigen(aa) # This results yields back the original matrix according to the formula above ss$vectors %*% diag(ss$values) %*%
2018 Apr 10
Spectral analisys for for R version 3.4.3
Dear all, Is there any spectral analisys functionality available for R version 3.4.3? Series() functionality doesn't work in this version. Regards Danniel [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Mar 23
how to estimate multidimensional spectral measure of coherence
Please, does anyone know of an R packge to estimate multidimensional spectral measure of coherence within a moving time window ? Some time ago I expeimented with a similar package that performs Cross Spectrum Analysis on the whole signal though. Unluckily I deal with non-stationary signals whose properties change along with time. Therefore estimates can only be made over time periods roughly
2009 Oct 11
spectral analysis
Dear all, I am searching the period of a time series usering R. Is there some lag window functions in R? Could you give me some books about spectral analysis usering R? best wishes, Wang [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 May 17
Spectral Analysis
Dear R users Is there a function in R to make a peridogram for a spectral analysis of unevenlly sampled data?? something like spec.lomb() for S-Plus?? How to plot a vector with unequally spaced time series?? e.g day/month/year V1 03/08/82 0.34 28/08/82 1.42 12/09/82 0.28 20/09/82 0.56 03/10/82 0.85 21/10/82 1.45 thanks -- Marcelo Alexandre Bruno - Pos-graduacao Oceanografia Biologica
2001 May 11
[ spectral band replication]
Jan, I'm forwarding this message to the rest of the developers. Hopefully one of them will have a good answer to your question. --------- Does someone want to take this one? Just make sure you copy him on the answer, as he's not on the list. jack. ----- Forwarded message from ----- From: To: Subject: spectral band replication
2012 Mar 08
Cross-Power Spectral Density and Welch's Method
Hello to R uers, I am wondering if there is an easy way to perform a cross-power spectral density estimation of ?two timeseries (x and y) using the Welch's method. Both packages "bspec" and "oce" provide a function to calculate the PSD with the Welch's method, but only for a timeserie. Thank you in advance. Regards, Pascal
2011 Jul 19
Using line spectral pairs for LPC quantization
Dear Stefan, In the paper "Improved Forward-Adaptive Prediction for MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding", a non-linear compander is applied to the parcor coefficients prior to quantization. This compander is designed in order to minimize quantization error, especially for magnitudes close to unity. If you determine the typical distribution of magnitudes of the LPC coefficients, you could