similar to: Dirty Rotten Hack. (reversing tickmarks on axes?)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Dirty Rotten Hack. (reversing tickmarks on axes?)"

2001 Apr 11
OpenSSH 2.5.2p2 and askass (fwd)
My c skills are remarkably rusty, but... I've been from one end of the source to the other and it doesn't seem that OpenSSH 2.5.2p2 will *EVER* use ssh-askpass (or any variation thereof). Is there some flag to flip when trying to compile it? I've looked at the SRPM that RedHat distributes, and at the latest CVS source from Neither appears to have any mechanism for
2005 Sep 12
LiveVOIP - I win :)
A few months ago, the friendly folks from liveVOIP went under. We had some discussion on how to limit our losses, and my recommendation was a chargeback, since "FTTP Services" -- their CC merchant -- wasn't affected by the bankruptcy, as far as we could tell. Today, I received this from my CC company: Anyone else got lucky?
2008 Nov 08
scaffold not working like i hoped......
Hi: i''ve tried this on three macs (tiger, panther, etc).. and my ROR is up to date on each. My models and controllers aren''t displaying all my mysql db fields. When I run script/generate scaffold Planner ... it builds the controller, model, and all the rest. When I go to test the app and new controller, now called planners no content is listed... and all I ever get is the
2006 Mar 04
xyplot/levelplot: thickness of tickmarks
Hi, if I use the xyplot (or levelplot) function (lattice library) with the option axs="i", I have the problem that the tickmarks lie a bit outside the "plot-box". Consider for example: library(lattice) x<-seq(0,1,by=0.01) y<-seq(0,1,by=0.01) xyplot(y~x,type="l",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),scales=list
2010 Nov 29
surpressing tickmarks / labels x-as for two sets of boxplot (plotted as stacked boxplots)
Hello, I am trying to plot two sets of boxplots together. These are estimates of two experiments and?seven?factors. The results of the two experiments I want to plot as boxplots stacked to each other. Therefore I plot first the results of the first experiment; and next with the add option the second set of boxplots. The boxplots are plotted at 'at = 1:7 - 0.15 for the first experiment and
2010 Jan 11
Limiting number of tickmarks in lattice bwplot
Have a simple bwplot with 24 ordered factors across the x axis. I would like to only label every 4th tick mark so that the labels fit. I tried scales=list(x=list(tick.number=6)), but I still seem to get 24 tickmarks and 24 labels. Full code is below: bwplot(SumOfIn.Use ~ Hour | Period, scales=list(x=list(tick.number=6)),horizontal=FALSE,las=2,main="Rooms Running",sub="Timeframe:
2004 Aug 03
strange tickmarks placing in image
Hello, I've a problem aligning tickmarks to an image. I've created a correlation matrix for 84 datasets. I'm visualizing the matrix as an image with colour coding according to the correlation coefficient. The 84 datasets are distributed over three factors, but the desgin is unbalanced, so that the tickmarks and the lables for the axis must not evenly distributed. A regular grid via
2002 Apr 02
label tickmarks in persp()-plot
Dear R-users, is there a way to label the tickmarks other than persp does it? I didn't find anything on that in the archive. To plot the surface with equi-distant tickmarks, I assigned x<-c(1:6) y<-x persp(x,y,z,....) Instead of labels 1 to 6, I need something like 0.05, 0.1,10,15,100,1000. Any hint and help appreciated, Nina
2005 Sep 16
tickmarks on the inside on y axis and on the outside on the x axis
Hi I got both axis doing one or the other, but cannot make one do ticks on the inside while the other does it on the outside. Chris Chris Buddenhagen, Botany Department, Charles Darwin Research Station, Santa Cruz,Galapagos. Mail: Charles Darwin Foundation, Casilla 17-01-3891 Avenida 6 de Diciembre N36-109 y Pasaje California Quito, ECUADOR
2005 Nov 28
using minor tickmarks with xYplot
Hi all, I'm trying to make a plot with the function xYplot from package Hmisc in R. I would like to have minor tick-marks on the axis. This should be a common simple feature to have but I don't seem to find any discussion on the topic. Following is one of the things I tried and the error returned: xYplot(y~x,data.frame(x=seq(1,10),y=runif(10)),minor.ticks=c(3.5,5.5)) Error in
2010 Feb 22
tickmarks with time in dotplots
Hi, I'm drawing lattice dotplots with time along the x-axis as in: C <-data.frame(c("A", "B"),Sys.time()+ rnorm(50)*3600) names(C) <- c("Name", "Time") dotplot(Name ~ Time, data = C, horizontal = TRUE) On my display, the x-axis shows tick marks every two hours. I would like to show something more frequent; at least every hour, possibly more
2001 Nov 08
-Altering labels and tickmarks on persp() plots
All, This was posted earlier but may have got lost in another thread. Can someone tell me how to independently alter the fontsize and position of labels on a persp plot?? I've tried using titles() and axes() but they seem to only apply to the standard plot() and contour plots (contour() and filled.contour(). Commands like text() seem only to add to the margin of the plot rather than
2005 Nov 02
Orientation of tickmarks labels in boxplot/plot
Hi, I have been trying draw tickmark labels along the y - axis perpendicular to the y axis while labels along the x - axis parallel to x axis while making box plot. Here is my test dataset. TData ID Ratio 1 0 7.075 2 0 7.414 3 0 7.403 4 0 7.168 5 0 6.820 6 0 7.294 7 0 7.238 8 0 7.938 9 1 7.708 10 1 8.691 11 1 8.714 12 1 8.066 13 1 8.949 14 1 8.590 15 1 8.714 16 1
2005 Jan 05
Glophone/Voiceglo and Asterisk
<P>Has anyone managed to get Asterisk to work with Glophone/Voiceglo since this posting.</P> <P><A href=""></A></P> <P>I've tried copying the config in this listing with no success. </P>
2009 Apr 28
Producing customized tickmarks when producing a graph using "curve"
Hello! I am using function "curve" to create a line graph. I was wondering, if it's possible to "turn off" the default tick marks and introduce those tick marks in specific locations. For example, currently in my X axis tick marks are (automatically) at 10, 11, 12, 13 but I want them to be in 5 specific locations, like 9.89, 10.34, etc. Any hint would be greatly
2010 Oct 04
reducing distances between tickmarks
Hello, everybody! I have a code below that creates a data set and then a stacked bar chart based on that data set. No need to look at it - just notice please that my horizontal axis is a date varible ($date). I have a question about the last 2 lines of this code: grid(nx=NULL,ny=NULL,col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted",lwd = par("lwd")) axis(1, las = 2) Could
2017 Feb 24
Looking for Speech Recognition (ASR) suggestions
Hello Luca, Thank you for your response. I?m familiar with speech recognition and TTS, but new to MRCP. Yes, the 100k options is used for names in a directory listing. In the pre-MRCP support, Nuance ASR used API events/methods for the application to tell ASR when the prompt was playing and when it stopped. If ASR detected speech, it would signal an event so we would stop playing the prompt.
2009 Sep 10
Is there any program Asterisk users use to calculate ASR and ACD ?? Thanks for any comments. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2017 Feb 22
Looking for Speech Recognition (ASR) suggestions
Is it correct that the unimrcp is the best approach for Asterisk and ASR/TTS? Could anyone provide pros/cons for the various ASR options for Asterisk? We need the ability for very large grammars (over 100,000 options). Because of this, my initial thought is Nuance or Lumenvox. Does this sound correct? Have a great day! Dan -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2005 Mar 06
permission error in rake''s clone_structure_to_test
Hello, When I try to run "rake clone_structure_to_test" on my project, I get the following errors: $ rake clone_structure_to_test (in /home/www/cedscreening) psql:db/development_structure.sql:8: ERROR: permission denied to set session authorization psql:db/development_structure.sql:16: ERROR: permission denied for schema public psql:db/development_structure.sql:34: NOTICE: CREATE