Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Thanks! (was panel.axis() & grid/lattice settings)"
2009 Sep 19
matrix operations on grobs and grid units
Dear list,
As a minimal test of a more complex grid layout, I'm trying to find a
clean and efficient way to arrange text grobs in a rectangular layout.
The labels may be expressions, or text with a fontsize different of
the default, which means that the cell sizes should probably be
calculated using grobWidth() and grobHeight() as opposed to simpler
stringWidth() and stringHeight().
2005 Jun 01
panel.axis() & grid/lattice settings
I wish to customize the tick marks and labels of axes in panels produced by
high-level lattice functions, namely xyplot. I know I can use the scales
argument to specify values for rot, cex, etc. in the top-level call.
However, I am interested in determining values for cex and rot based on the
current panel / viewport and device. More specifically, I would like to make
adjustments when
2007 Feb 12
Width of a plotting point (in inches) in grid package
I'm trying to determine the width of a plotting point (in inches) in the
grid package. I naively thought I could create a pointsGrob with only one
point and get the width (as tried below), but this results in an object with
a size of 0inches (changing cex has no effect). Does anyone have a better
approach? Of course, it would be dependent upon the graphics parameters and
2009 Mar 21
Forestplot () box size question
Hi All,
I have been able to modify the x-axis to start at zero by adding xlow
and xhigh parameters; that was pretty simple. I have been unable to
find the location of the code that would turn off the information
weighting of the box size (I have smaller randomized trials getting
less weight than a much larger non-randomized trial). The function
is forestplot() from rmeta.
Thanks for any
2009 Jun 26
gradient fill of a grid.polygon
Dear list,
Following a recent enquiry, I've been playing with the idea of creating a
colour gradient for a polygon, using the Grid package. The idea is to draw a
number of stripes of different colours, using the grid.clip function. Below
is my current attempt at this,
rotate.polygon <- function(g, angle=0){ # utility function, works fine
matR <- matrix(c(cos(angle),
2011 Apr 26
grid stringHeight
Dear all,
I'm puzzled by the behavior of stringHeight in the grid package.
Consider the following test,
test <- function(lab="dog", ...){
g1 <- textGrob(lab)
g2 <- rectGrob(height=grobHeight(g1), width=grobWidth(g1))
gg <- gTree(children=gList(g1,g2), ...)
print(c("height:", convertUnit(stringHeight(lab), "mm",
2011 Aug 12
Grid unit width and font face
Dear R-users,
When one defines a grid unit object using the 'strwidth' dimension, it
seems that the default plain font is assumed as the following example
illustrates. Is there a way to either make use of a font option when
creating a unit object or to know the factor that exists between the
width of the same text printed in plain and in bold? This might be
dependent on the font,
2009 Jun 04
type = 'b' with Grid
Dear all,
I feel like I've been reinventing the wheel with this code (implementing
type = 'b' for Grid graphics),
Has anyone here attempted this with success before? I found suggestions
of overlapping large white points to mask the lines but it's not ideal.
I welcome any comments on the code.
2005 Oct 03
Grid: constructing a gTree with grobs that use named viewports from a vpTree
I'm trying to create a layout with named viewports that I can use for
other functions. I create the viewport tree that I want, and a list
of grobs with the viewports describing where they should go.
vp <- vpTree(
viewport(layout=grid.layout(2,2), name="layout"),
viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row=1, name="tl"),
2009 Oct 27
boxplot using grid
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2011 Feb 15
gList and gTree methods of grid::grobX
Dear all,
In an attempt to draw fill patterns in grid graphics, I have
encountered a behavior of grobX that I cannot understand from the
documentation. Consider this,
## gTree
g1 <- gTree(children=gList(
rectGrob(0.5,0.5, width=unit(0.8,"npc"),
circleGrob(r=0.3)), vp=viewport(0.5,0.5))
2001 Sep 21
new versions of grid and lattice
There are new versions of the grid and lattice packages on CRAN:
grid 0.2 and lattice 0.3-0
These packages are still _under development_ (they are in
There have been some bug fixes and, especially in lattice, there are lots of
new features.
Descriptions of the changes are included below.
If you have any grid code, it may break under the new version because of a
2001 Sep 21
new versions of grid and lattice
There are new versions of the grid and lattice packages on CRAN:
grid 0.2 and lattice 0.3-0
These packages are still _under development_ (they are in
There have been some bug fixes and, especially in lattice, there are lots of
new features.
Descriptions of the changes are included below.
If you have any grid code, it may break under the new version because of a
2004 Nov 20
Error with strwidth after lattice graphic drawn
platform i386-pc-linux-gnu
arch i386
os linux-gnu
system i386, linux-gnu
major 2
minor 0.1
year 2004
month 11
day 15
language R
I'm getting an error when using strwidth after a lattice graphic is drawn:
xyplot(runif(20) ~ runif(20))
Error in strwidth("xxx") : invalid graphics state
Any help
2007 Aug 14
{grid} plain units with non NULL data arguments
In help(unit) I read:
The 'data' argument must be a list when the 'unit.length()'
is greater than 1. For example, 'unit(rep(1, 3), c("npc",
"strwidth", "inches"), data=list(NULL, "my string", NULL))'.
In the newest R-versions it is not anymore allowed to let strings
in the data-argument for plain units, otherwise one
How to calculate the number of times a given string can be displayed in the width of a grid viewport
2011 Aug 03
How to calculate the number of times a given string can be displayed in the width of a grid viewport
There was too many spelling mistakes in my original post so I have
decided to re-submit it. So here is it
Dear R users,
I am trying to determine how many characters can be displayed within
the width of an open grid viewport. Unfortunately, the arithmetic
operation that seems obvious in this case is not permitted with unit
objects (see example below). Although there is a brute force way to
2002 Jun 06
Thanks and Summary (was par(new=T) with xyplot)
Thanks very much to Paul Murrell and Frank Harrell for addressing my
original query (repeated at end of this note). Paul's helpful suggestion
with print.trellis and its more= argument, followed by trellis settings,
works precisely as I needed.
> # snipped from Paul's reply:
> p1 <- xyplot(y ~ x, ylim=c(-5, 5))
> p2 <- xyplot(y2 ~ x, pch=16, ylim=c(-5, 5), ylab="
2008 Jun 30
Plotting question: Problem with strwidth in 2.7.1
R users,
I have a problem with function strwidth in 2.7.1. I'm trying to set
the plot margins in a way that horizontal
column labels will fit to the graph. tmp.t is a list of data.frame
objects. This code works well in 2.6.0.
for (i in names(tmp.t)) {
bmp(filename=paste(i, "_", Sys.Date(), ".bmp", sep=""),
2004 Apr 12
R 1.9.0 is release
I've rolled up R-1.9.0.tgz a short while ago. This is a new version
with a number of new features, most notably a substantial
reorganization of the standard packages, a major update of the grid
package, and the fact that underscore can now be used as a regular
character in variable names. See below for further changes.
Because of the disturbances at the machine that hosted the CVS
2004 Apr 12
R 1.9.0 is release
I've rolled up R-1.9.0.tgz a short while ago. This is a new version
with a number of new features, most notably a substantial
reorganization of the standard packages, a major update of the grid
package, and the fact that underscore can now be used as a regular
character in variable names. See below for further changes.
Because of the disturbances at the machine that hosted the CVS