similar to: read.spss trouble

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "read.spss trouble"

2008 Dec 14
re ad.spss (foreign) conflict with SPSS 17 files.
SPSS seems to have changed its default datafile format, resulting in issues for read.spss(). In Windows this results in a warning, in Debian the import completely fails: Debian (R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) i486-pc-linux-gnu, foreign_0.8-29) > read.spss("/home/jeroen/samples/Tomato.sav") Error in iconv(names(rval), cp, "") : unsupported conversion from 'CP65001'
2003 Aug 10
read.spss doesn't work anymore
A couple of months ago, probably using an older version of R, R used to run the following code just fine: library("foreign") data.exp1 <-"dataDef.sav")) Issuing the same commands now (after starting R using --vanilla), gives me the following behavior: > library("foreign") > x <- read.spss("dataDef.sav") Error
2009 Mar 03
SPSS data import: problems & work arounds for GSS surveys
I'm using R 2.8.1 on Ubuntu 8.10. I'm writing partly to ask what's wrong, partly to tell other users who search that there is a work around. The General Social Survey is a long standing series of surveys provided by NORC (National Opinion Research Center). I have downloaded some years of the survey data in SPSS format (here's the site:
2009 Feb 07
reading SPSS .sav files (PR#13509)
Full_Name: Roger Newton Version: 2.8.1 OS: windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( I have an elderly version of SPSS (version 11) which I still use. R Version 2.6.1 would, and still will, read SPSS *.sav files produced by SPSS version 11. R version 2.8.1 which I installed two days ago (05/02/09) reports an error and shuts down when trying to read SPSS version 11 *.sav files using
2007 Apr 05
read.spss (package foreign) and SPSS 15.0 files
Hello, does anyone have experience with reading SPSS Version 15.0 files into R (version 2.4.1, WinXP)? I have long been sucessfully reading SPSS files with read.spss from the wonderful foreign package, but somehow after upgrading from SPSS14 to SPSS15 I seem to have problems. Trying a simple example, where test.sav is a SPSS 15.0 data file consisting of x1=c(1,2,3) and
2010 Sep 28
Problema con read.spss
Hola, Tengo problemas a la hora de cargar un archivo que originalmente está en SPSS. Trabajo con Fedora y uso R mediante el plugin Rgedit en gedit. Además en Fedora no tengo SPSS, sino PSPP Para cargar el archivo he probado estas dos cosas (escribo también el mensaje de error que me genera R): >library_(foreign) >read.spss("guille.sav", = T) Error en
2012 Dec 03
How to read SPSS file in R
Dear R-users, I have som troubles with .sav file. How is it possible for us R-users to read SPSS files. I know that is possible, I tried the following: > library(foreign) > Corp<-read.spss("/Users/kama/Analysis/Corporation.sav", header=TRUE, > sep=",") Error in read.spss("/Users/kama/Analysis/Corporation.sav", header = TRUE, : unused
2009 Jan 07
Importing data from SPSS with Arabic encoding
Dear R-users, I'm facing a problem with the import of data in R. I have a sav file that, I presume, uses some Arabic encoding (but I don't know which one) and I would like to read it with R. When I use the function read.spss (I also tried spss.get(Hmisc)), I get the following message: > read.spss("Hhld.sav") Erreur dans read.spss("Hhld.sav") : erreur ? la lecture
2010 Jun 18
Read SPSS v 18 .sav file
Hi, I repeatedly get an error when trying to read an SPSS v. 18 .sav file into R. > require(foreign) Loading required package: foreign > femaleSPSS.dat <- read.spss("female-04-02-2010.sav") Warning message: In read.spss("female-04-02-2010.sav") : female-04-02-2010.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 18 encountered in system file > However, read.spss works
2010 Jul 16
re ading SPSS .sav files (PR#13509)
Sir/Madam, Installed in my computer is the Version 2.9.1(2009-06-26) of R. I have a SPSS.sav file produced by SPSS Version 17. >install.('foreign') >library(foreign) <- read.spss("f:/sme.sav",use.value.labels=FALSE) Warning message: In read.spss("f:/sme.sav", use.value.labels = FALSE) : f:/sme.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 18
2008 Aug 01
importing explicitly declared missing values in read.spss (foreign)
There is a problem when importing an spss-file containing explicitly declared missing values in R using the read.spss function from the foreign package. I'm not sure these problems are the same in every version of spss, I am using the latest version 16.0.2. I included missingdata.sav and
2010 Oct 18
read.spss warning message (Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 18 encountered in system file)
Hello Everyone,   Trying to help someone recover the contents of an SPSS.sav file using read.spss. This seemed to work well but produced a warning message. My code and the warning are displayed below.   Spent some time looking for previous questions about this warning. Found a lot of questions posted but wasn't able to figure out what the problem is.   Is there anyone out there who can explain
2007 Feb 16
SPSS and library(foreign)
Hi, I have a valid SPSS .sav file (which I can open happily in SPSS v11 on Windows XP). Opening it in R2.41 on Linux we get this message :- > HSE3023 <- read.spss("HSE.sav") Error in read.spss("HSE.sav") : error reading system-file header In addition: Warning message: HSE.sav: Variable X234 indicates variable label of invalid length 256 Now variable X234 has indeed a
2006 Jul 31
read.spss 'error reading system-file header'
When I try to import an spss sav file with read.spss() I am getting the following error 'Error in read.spss("X:\\xxxx.sav") : error reading system-file header' and the import process is aborted. I have tried in v. 2.3.0 and 2.3.1 The sav-file loads without problems in spss v14 I have tried saving in older spss v7 but are getting the same result. The read.spss() has other
2007 Apr 05
some SPSS 15 files wont open in R 2.4.0
Trying to open some SPSS .sav files (saved with SPSS 15) gives the following: read.spss('/data/big/unzipped_ukda/seh3767/3767SPSS_570D6A086C9A1B0636F13255F25A58C1/prgrp95.sav') Error in read.spss("/data/big/unzipped_ukda/seh3767/3767SPSS_570D6A086C9A1B0636F13255F25A58C1/prgrp95.sav"): error reading system-file header In addition: Warning message:
2010 Jan 12
read.spss: option "" and string variables
Dear R-users, I am using R version 2.10.1 and package foreign version 0.8-39 under windows. When reading .sav-Files (PASW Statistics 18.0.1) containing string variables, these are automatically converted to factors when using option " = TRUE" (see example below). It's clear to me why this happens (the default behaviour of a call to But this is not
2008 Oct 21
SPSS to R conversion "error in iconv..."
Dear R users, I am trying to get R to read an .sav data file generated in SPSS 17 for Mac. Here is the command and the error message: > data = read.spss('/Users/userdir/Desktop/filename.sav') Error in iconv(names(rval), cp, "") : unsupported conversion In addition: Warning message: In read.spss("/Users/userdir/Desktop/filename.sav") :
2007 Jan 26
spss.get. Warning with SPSS 14 dataset
I am using spss.get to import an SPSS database "Data.sav", created with SPSS 14 : df1 <- spss.get("C:/temp/Data.sav" , lowernames=TRUE, datevars = c("dateinte")) I am getting this warning. I get the same warning with read.spss. Warning message: C:/temp/Data.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 16 encountered in system file This is a stupid
2008 Dec 24
Using SPSS Labels
I am trying to import a SPSS.sav file into R. The attached file is not technically the file I am trying to import, but does replicate my problem. The actual file is much too large to attach. No matter what I do, I can not get R (base or Hmisc) to apply the value labels in the .sav file to the dataframe created in R. Here's the code that I am using. maine <- spss.get("test.sav") #
2003 Nov 04
read.spss Error reading system-file header
Is there any documentation on what kind of SPSS file can and cannot be read by read.spss? Alternatively, how can one modify or "clean" an SPSS file to make it readable by read.spss? What properties must a *.sav file before read.spss can read it? The file in this example is 270KB, with 5 rows and 173 columns. I have no trouble reading larger files with read.spss, so it's not