Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Possible (ab)use of lexical scoping in R ?"
2008 Jul 23
Calling LISP programs in R
I have written some programs in Common Lisp and I have been using SAS to pipe
those programs to my lisp compiler in batch mode by using the %xlog and
%xlst SAS commands. I wonder if there is in R a similar way to pipe commands
to LISP so that all my work would be concentrated in R even when I have to
call a LISP program? I have looked at the foreign library but this seems to
adjust data types not
2020 May 12
S3 method dispatch for methods in local environments
Dear All,
In R 3.6.3 (and earlier), method dispatch used to work for methods stored in local environments that are attached to the search path. For example:
myfun <- function(y) {
out <- list(y=y)
class(out) <- "myclass"
print.myclass <- function(x, ...) print(formatC(x$y, format="f", digits=5))
# prints: [1]
2005 Feb 01
Error in load(dataFile, myEnv)
Dear all,
I just found that some of the packages are not able to load any more,
after I installed R2.0.1 in my Mac, it even affects my old R1.8
It gives me errors when I load packages that contains "myEnv" settings.
such as: RMySQL, DBI, Rggobi, etc. But others that does not require
"myENV" is all right, like tcltk that only calls the c functions.
The errors
2011 Jul 25
do.call in "with" construction
Dear all,
I'd appreciate any help to rectify what must be a misconception of mine how
environments work:
myEnv <- new.env()
myEnv$a.env <- 1
myEnv$symbols.env <- "a.env"
a.global <- 2
symbols.global <- "a.global"
myFun <- function(symbols){do.call("print", lapply(symbols, FUN=as.name))}
2010 Oct 20
new.env does not recognize parents from subclasses of "environment"
Dear Developers,
A lot has been changed in the R12.0 with respect to behavior of "environment"
subclasses. Many thanks for that.
One small irregularity, though; new.env does not allow the parent to be from S4
> setClass("myenv", contains="environment")
[1] "myenv"
> new.env(parent=new("myenv"))
Error in new.env(parent =
2008 Jan 28
package.skeleton from within function: objects not found
Hi all,
I ran into a strange error: I am trying to create a package skeleton for a
new source package from within a function. Objects that are created in this
function are to be included in my package, but for some reason, I get an
error message saying that these objects cannot be found.
Here is the code:
myfun <- function(pkgName,x){
myenv <- new.env()
apply(x, 1,
2006 May 02
Bug: invalid nesting of inline markup across link labels
Hi John,
there?s a bug in Markdown.pl:
[foo*bar](#) [baz*quux](#)
This expands to the following:
<p><a href="#">foo<em>bar</a> <a href="#">baz</em>quux</a></p>
Those `*` should either be disregarded or the tags should nest
1. <p><a href="#">foo*bar</a> <a
2010 Nov 03
Recoding -- test whether number begins with a certain number
Dear R community,
I have a question concerning recoding of a variable. I have a data set
in which there is a variable devoted to the ISCO code describing the
occupation of this certain individual
Every type of occupation begins with a number and every number added to
this number describes th occupation more detailed.
Now my
2009 Sep 03
abind, but on lists?
I'm trying to massage some data from Matlab into R. The matlab file
has a "struct array" which when imported into R using the R.matlab
package, becomes an R list with 3+ dimensions, the first of which
corresponds to the structure fields, with corresponding row names, and
the second and third+ dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the
original struct array (as matlab
2006 Sep 27
potential setClass bug (with user-defined environment)
the following returns an error in an 'exists' call on my machine
MyEnv <- new.env()
setClass("Numeric", "numeric", where=MyEnv)
franklin parlamis
> version
platform powerpc-apple-darwin8.7.0
arch powerpc
os darwin8.7.0
system powerpc, darwin8.7.0
status beta
major 2
minor 4.0
2018 Nov 29
Unexpected argument-matching when some are missing
When trying out some variations with `[.data.frame` I noticed some (to me) odd behaviour, which I found out has nothing to do with `[.data.frame`, but rather with the way arguments are matched, when mixing named/unnamed and missing/non-missing arguments. Consider the following example:
myfun <- function(x,y,z) {
? print(match.call())
? cat('x=',if(missing(x)) 'missing'
2008 Apr 18
Function redefinition - not urgent, but I am curious
This is just my curiousity working.
Suppose I write:
f1 <- function(x) x + 1
f2 <- function(x) 2 * f1(x)
# 22
f1 <- function(x) x - 1
# 18
This is quite obvious. But is there any way to define f2
in such a way that we "freeze" the definition of f1?
f1 <- function(x) x + 1
f2 <- function(x)
# put something here
2 * f1(x)
# probably put something else here
2013 Oct 15
[LLVMdev] MCJIT and DWARF debugging info and lldb
Hey folks, I've written a Common Lisp compiler using LLVM as the
back end. I switched to MCJIT a couple of days ago. I generate DWARF
debugging information for each Compile Unit, Function, LexicalBlock and
line numbers (using DIBuilder). (I'm on OS X 10.8.5;
XCode 5.0; ToT LLVM/Clang build rev 192521)
When I check my backtraces in lldb (stock lldb from Xcode 5.0) I don't see my
2005 Dec 05
how to save output all together
Dear R users:
I have a problem about catch the value from function.
I have following two functions (part):
sbolus1 <- function()
for( i in 1:Subject) {
2011 Feb 14
help with aggregate()
I am trying to aggregate some data and I am confused by the results.
I load a data frame "all" from a csv file, and then I do:
(FOO,BAR,X,Y come from the header line in the csv file,
BTW, how do I rename a column?)
byFOO <- aggregate(list(all$BAR,all$QUUX,all$X/all$Y),
by = list(FOO=all$FOO),
FUN = mean);
I expect a data frame with 4
2007 Jan 30
Emacs spec parsing?
Did anyone with better emacs lisp knowledge than me already come up
with a function like spec-at-point which finds the specify and context
declaration for the current cursor position and returns a string which
can be used to be passed to the --spec option of the spec runner?
Damn that would be useful ...
I am currently using a function that runs spec --line with the current
line number, the
2013 Oct 15
[LLVMdev] MCJIT and DWARF debugging info and lldb
MCJIT attempts to register DWARF debugging information with ELF objects, but I don't believe it does so with MachO. This is a historical artifact due to the fact that those of us who worked on the ELF part of this didn't know how to do the same thing with MachO. Notably, to get it to work correctly RuntimeDyldELF updates some headers to point to the live code before it is registered.
2012 Nov 26
Help on function please
Dear All,
I could use a bit of help here, this function is hard to figure out (for me at least) I have the following so far:
Tinf <-0.5
defun<- function(time, y, parms) {
dCpdt <- -parms["kel"] * y[1]
modfun <- function(time,kel, Vd) {
out <-
2008 Sep 08
list corner case
I'm curious how people think the following *should* be interpreted:
- one
2. two
As you can see, implementations split into three groups here:
(a) treat as an unordered list
Markdown.pl, Python markdown, MultiMarkdown, BlueCloth, MarkdownJ,
(b) treat as an unordered list with an ordered
2015 Apr 12
[LLVMdev] Looking for advice on how to debug a problem with C++ style exception handling code that my compiler generates.
Hi Christian,
Thanks for your explanation. I know your situation now. I would suggest
you to check the optimization pass used by the JIT compiler, especially
IPO/PruneEH.cpp. It will try to add nounwind attribute to functions which
will result in the problem you have mentioned earlier.
Alternatively, as a workaround, try to add uwtable (function attribute) to
the functions that are generated